>Logan > ...
>Logan > ...
Other urls found in this thread:
DP>FC>DoFP>i dont even remember the rest. maybe X2>rest
X2>Logan>X>First Class> DoFP>>> the Wolverine> everything else
1. Logan (Mangold, 2017)
2. X2 (Singer, 2003)
3. Deadpool (Miller, 2016)
4. X-Men (Singer, 2000)
5. X-Men: First Class (Vaughn, 2011)
6. X-Men: Apocalypse (Singer, 2016)
7. X-Men: Days of Future Past (Singer, 2014)
8. The Wolverine (Mangold, 2013)
9. X-Men: The Last Stand (Ratner, 2006)
10. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Hood, 2009)
Apocalypse is shit. The only good part was the Magneto forest scene.
I loved the opening scene, too. And Quicksilver's Sweet Dreams scene. I actually liked most of it up until the last twenty/thirty minutes, hence the 7.
Also these opening credits were GOAT.
But yeah, I know I liked it more than most people.
X-Men directed by Wes Anderson would be awesome. It would just revolved around Xavier and Eric recruiting and doing funny things.
Anyone saying that Logan isn't the best should check themselves at a nearby hospital for an immediate euthanasia.
I'll admit the Quicksilver scene was pretty good too, forgot about it. But the rest was lame, not compelling at all.
Sup Forums doesn't really watch this trash do they?
Is Deadpool really an x-men movie?
Yeah I've seen it.
But is it really?
Eh. It's set within the same universe from the same studio and features crossover characters.
It's also technically a spinoff of Origins.
Dead Pool
First Class
The Wolverine
Last Stand
1. Logan
2. X2: X-Men United
3. X-Men
4. Days of Future Past
5. First Class
6. The Wolverine
7. Deadpool
8. X-Men: The Last Stand
9. X-Men Origins Wolverine
10. X-Men: Age Of Apocalypse
Logan is definitely the best, but all of them are fun to watch.
Deadpool is fun if you want foul language and raunchy humor with bloody violence.
I hardly remember the X-men movies anymore.
I remember everyone dying but since Logan changed time I guess a lot of it is irrelevant besides him remembering it.
Are you new here?
Only loosely connected but technically same 'universe'.
First Class=Logan>DoFP>X2>X-MEN>the Wolverine>Apoc=Last Stand
>everything else
haven't seen logan
Logan > Days of Future Past > The Wolverine > Apocalypse > First Class > X:Men > X2 > Origins: Wolverine > Last Stand > Deadpool
Logan is kino that will be remembered as an outstanding sci-fi or capeshit or modern fairy tale of this era.
Days of Future Past is a really solid movie. The rest will more or less be forgotten with time.
People actually liked Apocalypse?
It was so fucking boring and trite.
Characters were more interesting than in First Class and best scenes like the le sanic kid are better than anything in Days of Future Past. The problem is that main plot fucks itself in the last half hour. It's a failed good movie and I guess the split is regarding is the good worth the bad.
I don't even remember the last hour.
I remember Quicksilver saving everyone, someone dying, people getting captured, Wolverine showing up for a scene, and that's it.
Logan > Days of Future Past > First Class = Deadpool > The Wolverine = X2 > X3 > A hunk of festering shit > Apocalypse > Origins
>Apocalypse > First Class
This is the only wrong part there.
Days of Future past
First Class
The Wolverine
Xmen origins: Wolverine
I rewatched them all yesterday. First Class is just so boring and there's too much hamfisted "mutants are just like gay people" in it. Apocalypse had fun scenes like the Egypt begining and some really great visuals. But I understand if you disagree.
>First Class = Deadpool > The Wolverine = X2
These should be reversed
DoFP > FC > Deadpool > Apocalypse >>>>> Origins
I never watched the original trilogy.
Ya should
Logan > X2 > DoFP >The Wolverine > Deadpool > X1 > First Class > X3 > Apocalypse > Origins
X-Men 2
X-Men Apocalypse
X-Men First Class
X-Men Last Stand
X-Men Origins Wolverine
Haven't seen The Wolverine nor Logan