Ginger hair

>ginger hair
>weird name
>Felicia Day as a parent
did this kid ever stand a chance?

Other urls found in this thread:

the new MST3k is going to be garbage

Isn't she like 40? She really shouldn't be having kids


>few days old
>giant bald spot already


who is the father? WHO?

failed author Patrick Sheane Duncan

does she expect us to believe that?

>tfw remember discovering her when the guild was first launched
Good old days.

She's so ugly but I'd really like to see her be used and bukkaked by a bunch of black guys

Looks like her baby alarm finally went off

you forgot

>raised by Wil Wheaton

Who the fuck committed beastiality and sprayed his seed into this Camelid?

>Don't talk to me or my camel's offspring ever again!

>ginger autist

This lass is gonna have a rough time of it

post the pic of her when she was yung and thicccque, laying back on a couch


I refuse to believe it's the same person


imagine if she kept that figure and got some dental work to fix her jaw and teeth.

She has a trashy sensuality to her here but every other picture I've seen I just want her dead.

I used to listen to Critical Role because my friends talked me into it but now since I don't talk to them anymore I deeply regret my cringeworthy dnd days even if I had fun.

I thought the baby would be black.

We need more autists to fill our ranks. My mother was only 28 when she had me and I am an autist, she was 31 when she had my brother and he is not an autist but she was counted as a "geriatric mother" even at 31.

A red head obviously, maybe a donor to keep the ginger race alive.


underage retard spotted

My mom was 31 I came out completely normy and I've never heard of 31 being geriatric.
My aunt had my cousin at 43 I think, and that kid is normal too.
Maybe y'all are just autistic

>worshiped by Wil Wheaton
there you go

do you stim. if you don't you aren't an autist.

We all know the real answer

Now that she's a parent, is she going to finally grow up and stop participating in infantilizing "hurr nerd culture remember the 80s? lololololol" trash

Wheaton is literally her orbiter, user.
The only thing he has to do with that kid is financial support.


What the fuck is even going on in this image? She looks pretty cute though.

Yeah, that works.


>Felicia Day as a parent

Honestly, this was the final nail in this kid's future.

You can survive being a weird red-head and having the worlds goofiest name.

You're not coming back from having that kinda' mom though.

What will she do for work then?

It's obviously a Lannister baby

Well, ginger genes are recessive...

She doesn't like nerd culture, she still has 'Nam flashbacks and has to cross the street if she sees two hwite males who wear pop-culture shirts walking down the street.

>obsessing over a celebrity's baby

Did you ever stand a chance?

>tfw three of my cousins had babies this year
>and one of them is younger than me

So what did she name it?


camels can give birth?


Why does Sup Forums hate Felicia Day?

They are secretly desperate for female attention by more openly being desperate for male attention because a girl being the center of male attention through male hobbies is more socially acceptable and seen as less catty than competing directly with other women. They also either hate or love their dads, but all have daddy issues they will deny forever. Not to mention they're all high mileage bitches who sleep with most of their guy friends at some point when they're in between boyfriends.

Because she's an autistic sperglord like us yet she manages to be rich with a successful career and social life.

she's a 40+ yr old woman who makes fart jokes and exploits "nerd culture" to get rich with her bff Will Wheaton
And probably something to do with GG

Maybe it's Alyson's!

No one except orbiters like "DUDE I'M TOTALLY ONE OF DA GUYS XD" women. Also, gamergate

how long till that baby has a fedora?

That baby is going to be HI WOWIE tier autistic, and this bitch is going to spend the rest of her life dealing with his autistic breakdowns

anyone figured out the mystery on who is the father? she has been notoriously single for a long time and all the sudden she's having a kid?


Probably bought cum from the sperm bank like most vanity stricken over the hill wannabe parents


It's like "where the fuck did I get a biological clock, I thought only human beings had those"

>that time Lucy Liu had a baby at age 50 in spite of never having dated a guy
>she still lives with her brother and his wife

she's married to this guy he's like 30 years older than her
but she was very careful to make all info about it near impossible to find

>current year+2
>still believes the gender assigned at birth by a doctor is real

Even better, the autistic screeching will be even more high-pitched, and thus more annoying

Jesus christ look at the hair on that baby, it hasn't even been that old yet but you know it's already JUSTing.


>Calliope Maeve
>D&D meme
>ugly ass baby feet

Fuck. I hate this cunt.

Alyson is not a natural ginger

>Lucy Liu had a baby at age 50


Someone already made that joke, delete your post

I just hit quick reply and couldn't be bothered to read the whole thread.

You shouldn't have a baby if your face is all wrinkled up already. Also, the baby has some Roger Ebert chin going on.

> that nose

Did she just get knocked up?

Well they don't lay eggs.

She's already bored of her baby and using it for quirky jokes

Counting down the days until it sticks a fork into a power outlet

>inb4 the kid is a gender gaseous, nerd gamer, fantasy geek monstrosity

I wonder what she would tweet if someone took her child and left a switch in the crib now.

probably something about sharting

My cousin's married to this kind of girl, she's the kind of cool smoking girl and I can tell just by looking that she regretted ever having a baby.

>the kind of cool smoking girl

user, your autism is showing.

>it's a 'salty NEET losers with fat white trash moms who hate them 'pity' a rich celebrity kid' thread

>Middle named based on the character from Westworld
>First name is gibberish based on a fruit and something else
>Father is fat and in his 70s by the time the child is old enough to play catch, tag, etc
>Mother will be in her mid 40s
>Godfather, Wil Wheaton, will be 50
Christ, I feel bad for this kid

>gibberish based on a fruit and something else
How 'bout starting to feel bad for yourself instead, for being such an ignorant pleb?

>It's a "noodle-armed beta-orbiter adhoms and whiteknights" post