So i would like to know how many of you faggots on here are actually in support of national socialism??.
How many Nazis browse Sup Forums
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Not the economic doctrine but there is nothing wrong with some good ol germanic tribalism
Data mining thread
i do, but just the econimc way, i dislike niggers but i don`t hate them, i want a NatSoc for mestizos like me
Would you my home address and place of work? I'd love some national socialism mailings.
I'm 100% libertarian you statist cucks
I basically feel the same way user.
Hell no, fuck these nazi pieces of trashes, they are the primary cause of all the shit happening today and the decline of Europe.
They just had nice tastes for decorum though.
>Hell no, fuck these nazi pieces of trashes, they are the primary cause of all the shit happening today and the decline of Europe.
Yeh, nah.
Get the fuck out newfaggot.
>"Da joos made me do it, I dindu nuffin, I swear"
Fuck you stormfag
and everything it entails, up to and including genocide
Yeah you can go back to dumblr frogfucker
Racial Socialism is the ultimate; but NS will have to do for now.
Stay mad, Yehudi.
I am
Too bad the ideology is filled with racist stormfags
Based. You know what's up.
frankistan still butthurt by addy the conqueror
Why not the economic doctrine?
Race is the central tenant of National Socialism.
I think he means people that despise other races. You can like your own race without hating other ones
Right. But the Nazis really did believe other races were inferior and worthy only of contempt, ie Jews, Gypsies and Slavs. They didn't care as much about negroes but thought they were inferior too. I don't think the Nazis were the satanic cartoon evil characters they were made out to be but lets not pretend they were all about love and peace.
I never did.
*snickers * he still believes in individualism and materialism!
Let's not believe the Allied faction, Brits, Americans, Soviets, are all about love and peace which is pitifully what many people actually fucking believe.
>Data mining thread
Correct. Die on a cross, OP.
>So i would like to know how many of you faggots on here are actually in support of national socialism??.
Very few. Most Sup Forumsacks are against socialism including national socialism.
Grandfathers living room
everyone thinks jews and gyppos are inferior, your own sjw government closed borders to us because you couldnt handle all the filthy gypsies you invited in to save them from "oppression"
the slav hate is a meme, there was a lot of dehumanization propaganda against the soviet union during the war as there was on all sides against all sides, thats generally what happens in a war. the policy was to restore german culture and fascism to eastern lands just like russia gave us russian culture and communism and usa gives us american culture and liberalism
Nice work, Grandad.
German Economic Miracle Of The 1930's
Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery - Gottfried Feder
who the fuck would be a nazi?
>its like a less self aware way of being an antifag
I don't mind nazis that aren't redneck cousin fuckers.
Your salty French asses did nothing but antagonize germany and pretty much cause world war. Fuck off, frog
Nazis were incompetent as fuck. They invaded Russia with a completely inadaquate logistical and strategic level plan. The generals told Hitler the war against SU would last 9-17 weeks. The completely ignored the logisticians and intelligence that correctly pointed out that Russia's industrial center had shifted eastward, meaning that the soviets could still run the war industry if the nazis ran over the western Soviet Union. There was a massive intelligence breakdown in that the Wehrmacht planned for the red army being deployed completely different than in reality.
Hitler was a terrible leader, he played the 3 branches of the OKW against each other in order to keep them weak and prevent anyone from becoming a threat to his leadership. Because there was no unified command structure operation sea lion was basically impossible, there is no way Germany could have ever won the war against the UK.
Despite their supposed economic/industrial prowess, they produced an order of magnitude less tanks than both the Soviet Union and the US despite having comparable GDP, manpower, and natural resources available.
the thing is russia had clear aggressive intentions towards europe and was only getting stronger by the day. the soviet union was inevitably going to become a superpower and dominate europe if left alone, the entire war and pre war situation was about this dynamic. communism, nazism, anschlusses, revolutions and all
no one really cared about britain and usa and they were involved only insofar as they wanted to prevent a european hegemony of either side and didnt really do anything except try to balance things to keep anyone from getting the upper hand
This is the stupidest fucking quote I've ever read.
>waaaah. everything I don't like is because of individualism!!!!!!!
And there's fuck all inherently cancerous with capitalism, materialism, and atheism.
Not to mention fascism grew out of Marxism.