>mwf the Dallas shooter turns out to be white or ISIS
do you guys really think black people own snipers?
>mwf the Dallas shooter turns out to be white or ISIS
do you guys really think black people own snipers?
Other urls found in this thread:
kek fucking auto correct
yes, I may hate niggers but I'm no racist
>mfw the shooter is French
>who is the DC Sniper
i doubt it's ISIS, if it was, they'll be blasting everyone including the civilians.
It's obviously just people directly related to the extremist part of BLM
Niggers can get sniper rifles
dunno, the black panthers had some skills, maybe the negroes are finally getting their shit back together
dc sniper
>forgot the gas station sniper.
>mfw shooter is taoist
>own snipers
my /k/ just twitched a little.
what was his name again?
>own snipers
Fucking Summer kids.
Protesting civvies are all black and their magazine literally said not to shoot blacks because MUH HATE CRIMES would distract from the Islam angle.
"""Sniper""" in MSM means any rifle with a magnifying scope you clueless asshole.
>tfw wishing I was in the American national guard so I could relive my time in Kosovo
>implying half of Sup Forums was old enough to remember that
>Race War After Party
>shooter is white
would be hilarious after seeing these libtards defend the 2nd amendment
taoist terrorist confirmed
They don't need military-tier sniper rifles to snipe.
you don't need a sniper rifle to snipe
>Orlando shooter tells people in the bathroom he wants to spare black people cause they suffered enough
>pledges Allligiance to ISIS right after
could very well be ISIS
>own snipers
Sniper slaves confirmed.
You haven't seen Homeland, OP?
>black people not owning snipers
do they really think they could win a race war?
>isis killing cops
It's only been like 7 years
Soros funded subversives do have snipers and training. But they can be white left extremists too, but BLM anyway.
T H R E E - S I X T Y
N O - S C O P E
His name was shit.
These maggots need to have their names wiped out. We only need to remember they were fucking trash.
all you need is an AR-15 or other rifle with a scope on it
It was definitely a false flag to help Trump.
What better way to get a president into office who has repeatedly talked about how hard cops have it?
im still waiting for a PU mosin massacre
that was john allen muhammad, try again
If it's ISIS or blacks it's a win-win.
Let's just hope it's not a white guy so that the libtards can further their anti gun agenda
>white guy
would love to see Sup Forums do mental gymnastics to defends
5 shots, then bayonet charge
Once he starts yelling allah ackbar, then we will know the culprit is Swedish
86 killed
It was a false flag to help Hillary. People were furious that she wasn't indicted after all that evidence, now with two blacks killed and 11 police officers wounded or killed its just what she needed to get out of the spotlight.
Muslim dindus.
Is it Mr. Grassy Noel up to his old ticks?
OP was born after that happened.
I dunno if it's ISIS or a BLM protester
On one hand the shooter specifically targeted police, on the other hand he's threatening to detonate a bunch of bombs everywhere (which may or may not be bs) and it seems efficiently organized
see and
i wanna bet its the black panthers or nation of islam
Its Nation of Islam with vague beliefs of solidarity with ISIS
You already have lolbergs doing the typical
>muh statist shills
and dancing on cops graves.
Its like every time shit like this happens a segment of the "right" genuinely cheers them on. Like how there were faggots shilling for that gay snackbar in Miami.
Over 60 shots fired and only 10 people hit. Does that sound like a fucking sniper to you?
Sounds like some nigger that can't one shot one kill.
>mfw the shooter is a gun
What the fuck do you tHink a sniper is? That's not even a type of gun. Any 300$ hunting rifle is essentially what you'd think of as a sniper rifle.
At this point, given the information and videos I've seen, there is no doubt in my mind that it's ISIS. It would be VERY unusual for black people to pull this off. It's not their M.O. anyway. This smells very strongly of seasoned terrorists.
>targeting a time and a place to best sow discord in the most public fashion possible
They knew that there would be a million live TV cameras on this event, and that it would be impossible to hide their shootings in the local news. I was watching Megyn Kelly live when she cut off her interview with an "oh my god, is that a body on the ground?"
I don't think it mattered to them that the event was about black people or cops. We already saw the failed attack on a gay pride parade after the Orlando attack. They probably just targeted cops here because they thought it would better sow discord among the infidels. The key element of this event was the live TV coverage. The same kind of mind that hatched 9/11 was responsible for this attack.
>obviously professional training, ability to prolong the firefight, threaten bombs "all over the city"
This is what makes it impossible for the shooters to be just your average hood blacks, or even a highly disgruntled black with a bit of weapons knowledge. This appears to be a very professional operation, and the presence or, or threat of bombs should tip anyone off that these are Muslims we are dealing with who have no regard for human life.
That sound good.
more peepz gon' die folks
>i doubt it's ISIS, if it was, they'll be blasting everyone including the civilians.
Then you don't understand how terrorism works. Killing their enemies isn't the main goal. The way terrorism works is to use not only violence, but also fear to accomplish political ends.
I am a fucking Australia gun law cucked fag and I own a rifle capable of 'sniping' people, you can snipe people with any rifle, AK-47, AR-15 or even something like a P90 if fucking tried hard enough.
You don't need a 500 meter long barrel bolt action full auto rifle with a 6,000,000X scope to be a 'sniper'.
It's Hillary. She needed her FBI scandal (how they openly aren't applying laws to her) to fade into old news, so she had cops shoot a black person, then had cops shot and framed blacks.
Now she can get more black votes to stop the mean white men.
This, people are falling for the media firearm generalization meme. In reality it was probably just some nogs with some cheap Walmart scopes on their ar15s.
That makes no sense. If you can't realize by this point that the suspects will turn out to be ISIS terrorists, and that this will be a net negative for Hillary, who wants to kill terrorists with love, then you are a dumbass.
It makes no sense to informed people, the voters she receives are not informed.
Just wait it out, within a week your faith in humanity will plummet. It's all pre-ordained.