>Be vocal feminist and speak about womens rights
>Be a fucktoy for Jew producers to land a starring Disney role
What did Hermione mean by this?
>Be vocal feminist and speak about womens rights
>Be a fucktoy for Jew producers to land a starring Disney role
What did Hermione mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>4 out of the 5 trending articles are on trump
what did journalists do to deserve such a gold mine ?
>you just know
Isnt that just her body guard
Who would employ a bodyguard that looks like harvey weinstein?
>Be vocal feminist
>Be fucktoy for Jew
No, hes actually the producer
stupid fuck
Why is she making faces like he put a buttplug in her?
Imagine her being fucked by him, her legs spread wide as she has to open them up for his old wrinkled cock. With each pounding a tear comes from her eye as he holds her by her hips. Then he leans down and forces her to kiss him, forcing his slimed tongue into her mouth. Then, after her begging him not to, he cums inside her and walks off to clean himself up for another Hollywood party, leaving he left lying naked on the table, her face covered with his saliva and her waist and pussy In his sperm
>you will never be emma and have this happen to you
Why this asshole is so influential?
she probably literally has one in
> tfw you will never be this much of a cuck to even think of such nasty shit
>preaches constantly about equality
>hides millions in tax haven Panama
>Be a fucktoy for Jew producers to land a starring Disney role
Feminism is about choice.
Any porn like this?
Isn't that a good reason to *be* a feminist? Rampant corruption and sexism in these untouchable industries is a bad thing, as much as you guys might hate Emma.
spotted the roastie
I hope they thank God every day that he was elected. What a windfall.
Spotted the lonely virgin
>Trump is the new USSR!
>New link found between Trump and Russia - since the fall of the USSR journalists didn't have a gold mine like this, until Trump came up. Coincidence? You decide! But this editor thinks not...
>she doesn't shave
pretty mint i say
Have you ever heard of ntr? If you're into hentai you have to go out of your way to find porn that doesn't resemble that post.
>Knows how sexism works, and plays the game in order to ascend in fame.
>Uses her fame to spread the word about the sexist system.
>The next generation is even stronger.
>Sup Forums somehow spins this as a bad play.
Agreed. Well kempt, and trim is the way to go.
heres your (you)
There are so many Hollywood feminists, it's bizarre that Emma gets so much flak from Sup Forums.
Maybe it's because she's a successful actor and activist, has far reaching influence, and her style of feminism makes sense.
Thanks. All the benefit of validation, without having to hear your dumbass counterargument.
I don't know man. Sup Forums is really trying hard to find something to hate. To the point where they're constantly trying to misinform what she said about Beyonce. I don't know how so many anons have such a hate boner for her.
Hilariously blatant samefag.
Eat your words.
what are you doing
>Be a fucktoy for Jew producers to land a starring Disney role
> aleman bbva
> not aleman nigger
Spotted the newfag
>I'm on Sup Forums, therefore I'm going to say nigger at every given opportunity
Spotted the 13 year old.
> can't even into legacy captcha
> thinks he gets to call anyone 13
Also, nigger
>Spotted the newfag
Only newfags care about newfag status.
also with this captcha you don't have to fill shit for the second word.
Putting only one of them is enough
woman are hypocrites
Emma watson is like those girls who say they dont cheat on their boyfriends because blowjobs dont count.
Or my personal favorite "my boyfriend was mean to me so i fucked his best friend, but its okay, it isnt cheating"
Its just the same with cheating statistics, woman cant even be honest in anonymous polls because they twist the truth so much in their own mindt that they will believe it.
>Such a memelord, he memes his captcha.
>Don't punctuate his greentext.
>Claims he's not 13.
>Still thinks saying nigger randomly is funny.
>Gonna claim he's an oldfag not realizing that it makes it even sadder that he's still laughing at saying nigger after so many years.
Post her and abramovich. Shes addicted to jewish semen.
You don't need to be a feminist to be against that, but to be one and partake on it is kinda worse.
I hate to be the one to break it to you. But yes. You are.
feminism does nothing to liberate the talk about psychological violence on men from women
feminism does nothing to liberate the talk of raped men inside a household
feminism favorizes the abortion whithout even the requirement to inform the father
feminism does nothing against coerced paternity
feminism does nothing about the inequality favouring women on the dating game
feminists actually do not promote intellectual independence as a men is considered a sexist scumbag as soon as he disagrees with them or even try to nuance their positions
do you still believe that the feminists fight for equality ?
He didn't claim that feminism fights for equality.
And why should it?
Are you aware of what a strawman is?
Weinstein doesn't work for Disney OP that makes no sense
You wrong maybe one day you should learn about feminism outside website like reddit or 4 chan.
This, you should visit tumblr to learn about the struggles of poor oppressed womyn. AND DON'T YOU DARE MANSPLAIN ME
OP didn't claim that, though.
What you fail to understand is that connections aren't restricted to a single company.
A bigwig at Pepsi could land you a job at Coca-Cola.
In all seriousness, if you were an attractive female would you funnel some fat Jews dick for most likely 5 mins at a time for a lifetime of fame and fortune?
>OP didn't claim that, though.
I don't think you understand what the word claim mean.
The thing is, it's not for 5 minutes. You'd likely be held hostage until you're not funny to play with anymore.
And if you would do something like that, you could always go the streamer/youtuber route and gather shekels from permavirgins and never need to touch any of them.
Nah. She got put into a bad system when she was a kid. Had she known things like Twitch would exist, she would probably have liked to start there instead.
As a popular twitch streamer, most of your fans are NEETs and geeks, who won't bother you in real life. But they'll send you real money, just for being attractive and playing video games.
Reading comprehension, my friend.
OP didn't claim that Weinstein worked at Disney.
True I forgot about twitch streamers. Some of the income those girls pull in is disgusting
>be hot female
>wear skimpy clothing
>be flirty on camera
>play video games
i wish i was a pretty female 2bh
You don't even need to be flirty. All you need is either a tight body in tight clothes, and/or spilling cleavage. Outside of that, you can be a total bitch, and people will watch you.
Of course, being a flirty helps. But that only helps you make more money on top of the big pile of money you would already be making.
Girls into art don't even need that.
They just need to say they're girls, and their art not to suck completely.
Oh, here we go with the Sakimi envy. At least you have the decency to say her art doesn't suck.
She's a great artist, and her output is amazing. Sure, she does have the female factor. But that's not all there is. She's constantly pumping out work that plays right into everyone's fan fantasies. She's a fanservice factory, who is high quality and consistent. That's why she's making a ton of cash.
Meanwhile, some *male* fuckfaces can claim they're producing a hentai choose your own adventure game, and get paid thousands with very little to show for it.
There's no hate or envy here. It's just an example that female factor actually helps a bunch.
Due to not being a brainwashed American I don't want anymore money than I need and would hate being famous so no.
I would harvest (You)s on Sup Forums though.
I know the point you're trying to make. But you chose a bad example, because she works so hard.
>I don't want anymore money than I need
Translation: I'm boring, and have no greater aspirations to invest in.
Projection-icus Cuck-icous
Imagine if Hilary won, all these would be going out of business by now
>Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich (Russian: Poмáн Apкáдьeвич Aбpaмóвич, pronounced [rɐˈman ɐrˈkadʲjJvʲJtɕ ɐbrɐˈmovʲJtɕ]; born 24 October 1966) is a Russian billionaire businessman, investor, and politician.
>Abramovich is the primary owner of the private investment company, Millhouse LLC. Abramovich is best known outside Russia as the owner of Chelsea Football Club, a Premier League football club.
>According to Forbes, Abramovich's net worth in 2016 was $8 billion,[1] making him the 13th richest person in Russia, and the 151st richest person in the world.[1]
how young was she here? is she a feminist because she got abused by rich white men?
15th march 2009
>the president of the usa is a weak man
oh boy i'd love to see the face of the woman or numale who wrote this but i'm not giving ariana a view
She will be by the time these fucked-up incels finish trawling for reassurance. This session of it anyway; it hardly needs pointing out they're here forever.
I unironically want her to pee on me
she's a feminist because she got too old for these men
>State that the UK should spend tax payer cash on shipping refugee's over to Britain and housing/feeding them
>Even though research shows refugees on average stay unemployed for 10 years
>Meanwhile Emma puts all her money offshore so she doesn't have to pay taxes in the UK
>research shows refugees on average stay unemployed for 10 years
half the time of Sup Forums neckbeards then. I'd be worried too.
Aww did this little beachball get rejected when he stalked emma that one time? top kek.