Could a Bloodborne movie ever work?
Could a Bloodborne movie ever work?
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No because all souls games are thinly coherent stories doled out mostly in item descriptions.
Its all just a set up for cool bosses, areas, weapons etc.
Trying to adapt it to film would just end up like the Resident Evil movies. Is that what you want? Cause that's what you're gonna get. It won't be anything like you imagine it. Hollywood is only capable of turning source material into generic trash.
FROM Software doesn't know how to story
>Leave Bloodborne to me.
There has literally never been a kino adaptation of a video game.
Except they are probably one of a few developers who do actually understand story and its purpose in video games.
Just have a silent protagonist running into people leading him to his goal whole killing monsters and Great Ones.
>2 hours of a guy in armour walking round castles and forests, picking up random shit and talking to himself about them.
not a 2 hour movie, that's for sure. maybe it can work as a television series.
Medieval noir?
Nobody irl gives a fuck about your BING BONG WOOOP 1UP shit. Keep your neckbeard fantasies off of Sup Forums
I think because the game are all about the setting, the ambiance and a little bit of horror, there are a lot of story that could be told.
You could go anywhere, do anything you want because there aren't a lot of established rules, there isn't any actual story in the games, only a bit of lore when you read the description of the items.
Could work as a labour of love indie maybe?
Lol this blue pilled person
Fuck off reddit
Abbey Lee as Plain Doll, y/n??
>they don't know about Brotherhood of the Wolf
they actually use the medium instead of just giving out a shitty cutscene at the end of each stage
Maybe as like a two or three hour long epic in a similar vein to Lord of the Rings which follows the protag going on a journey and interacting with various other NPC's.
Have a huge lore dump prologue in the beginning that explains the setting.
not enough Lovecraft shit
forgot pic
What's wrong? Get a bit of a scare out there? No problem. Have a seat and get comfortable. We'll both be hollow before you know it.
>action scene is literally protag poking the bosses at their butts for 20 minutes
Tarantino Demons Souls when?
>It's a black maid thing.
A story about Micolash going insane as he searches for information about Kos would work.
Ending with him waking up and dying would be kino
the best written games ever have writing comparable to your average hollywood blockbuster at best. the last of us would be considered a tired cliche zombie storyif it was made as a movie, and even planescape torment ended up just spelling everything out for the player at the end.
video games are a poor medium for a strong narrative given that most of the time is taken up with gameplay (also that video games seem to be a refuge for shit writers). games with really involving narratives (which are still generally bad) almost always end up barely even being games
FROM games focus on setting and worldbuilding, which is something the explorative nature of video games lends itself well to. the plot of all souls games is simple as fuck, its the who/what/when/where/why that make it interesting.
a bloodborne video game based on the events of the actual game wouldnt work very well. I suppose you could write an involving plot around some of the events that led up to the game, like around the time the church started to really explore pthumeru
None of the souls games would translate well to any other medium, sadly.
A story about a bunch of people trying to survive the night as it goes from werewolves out on the streets to Lovecraftian nightmares come to life could work.
that's pretty perfect casting
No because it has no story
Go back to
Maybe a van helsing type movie with a bunch of dudelovecraftlmao could work but fans of the game would hate it for not living up to expectations and normies wouldn't like it because they didn't play the game
No, stop asking this when you already know the answer. The only thing that's going for it movie-wise are the visuals.
Just make a brand new movie with an actual storyline that "loans" from it or is "inspired" by it. That's the only way it would come to be.
There's an amount of irony here.
No but if you want a passive Souls experience you should read Berserk.
Who would play Micolash
Why cant Sup Forumsedditors stay at Sup Forumseddit?
Nobody cares about your edgy toys
>generic bodyhorror imagery
>creator of Souls games cites Berserk as one of his main inspirations
Yeah it would be bad, they couldn't go for an artistic route because it's a big name franchise that the studio wouldn't allow to be made unless there was a huge return. And to be commercially viable it would be absolutely butchered and bastardized and you'd have a quipping MC and a love interest or some dumbed down storyline about an ancient prophecy
director is a Berserk fanboy you mong, the nightmare baby in Bloodborne is a direct reference
I don't think you cunts can distinguish references from inspirations. Cursed brand is arguably a reference, making a monster that looks similar isn't.
There is a difference, you're right, but a lot of the things shown in that video are nods to Berserk. Not just the same style, but both.
Also, this does classify as a reference
video games cant be art
Bloodborne is objectively art.
Video games that try to be art can't be art. But there are a few that could be considered art like SotC.
Would the movie be shown in 15 fps?
there's no difference between it and call of duty.
video games cannot be art.
the maps alone in DS and Bloodborne are art.
Japanese developers make their videogames like toys. They don't want to use it as a narrative medium
Ask the video games board Not Sup Forums related
>reading item depscriptions
>using the medium
I can read a fucking book in a library, thank you
True. I grew out of japanese videogames at 14.
>tfw BloodBorne has lost it's title of game of the generation to Zelda
>the retarded step brother of a series of games that had a neat premise but not much storytelling
This is a bait thread. If OP wanted real discussion, he would have at least asked about the real Souls series.
To Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2 actually. Japanese videogames are for children.
>there's no difference between it and call of duty.
Spoken like a true idiot.
Bloodborne was never the game of the generation except for Souls autists. MGS5 and Uncharted 4 have higher metacritic score.
except most of the world population. Looks like you've been living under a rock
it's not Sup Forums related because there's no fetish projecting?
>muh mature storyline
You are a walking joke, I bet you're a Capeshitter, too
Bloodborne is the only one that isn't, pretty juicy lore tbqh
Most of the world's population is retards. Art exists for educated minorities, entertainment for unwashed grey masses
>higher review score
Fuck off you don't know shit.
This picture alone has more artistic merit than 99% of the pretentious movies you arthouse hipsters jerk off to. Fucking fake intellectual hollywood whore foot obsessed waifu fags.
Having artistic effort inside =/= being art
If I slap a picture of Mosa Lisa on my car it doesn't suddenly turn into a work of wonderful art, it's still just a fucking car. Just like Bloodshit is still just a shitty videogame for kids. Your picture is sad because talented people wanted their time and effort on a stupid videogame
yes but only if it was central yarnham with crazy villagers, possibly ending the film with vicar amelia or the cleric beast. With the twist that the church is behind the madness and beast transformations. So pretty much an action film with twists and spooky moments.
>Having artistic effort inside =/= being art
>a sticker is the same as an original creation
Is this what your art history class teaches?
Is your mongoloid brain really incapable of understanding such simple concepts?
Look, you can take the aboveposted picture and judge it's artistic merits. It stands on it's own and has nothing to do with a process of playing a videogame. In other words, it's like claiming that the book is artistic because it has a nice art on it's cover.
fucking love Bloodborne, best souls game by far.
I can tell you that if it follows the players character it would be a mess. maybe if it follows Ludwig, Gehrman and/or Laurence? could be great
>Jeremy Irons as Gehrman
>Tom Hiddleston as Laurence
>Tom Hardy as Ludwig
>Charlize Theron as Lady Maria
ah so you're an asshurt xboner
>It stands on it's own and has nothing to do with a process of playing a videogame.
It's not a picture. It's a single shot for an entire map that looks just as good.
>start playing Bloodborne
>As I'm playing, look up lore interpretations
>Nothing but people circlejerking over the most inane plot details
A Bloodborne movie would be shit for the same reason every video game movie is. The writers interpretation would undoubtedly be total shit, and would try to explain things in a way that make no sense in the scope of the game.
This, I feel like a movie about the church discovering the fishing hamlet could be a very nicely done. Lots of drama and emotion between Gherman and Maria, and ending with the schism that would lead to the destruction of the hunters.
>If I put a mona lisa decal on a car my car is still a car
Wow, that really made me think. It's almost like in this situation the mona lisa decal is strictly art and the car in your mind is a tool lacking any artistic merit despite the fact that many cars have artistic design purely for the sake of pleasing aesthetics. But what's really getting my noggin joggin is how you think comparing interactive moving images on a screen to passive moving images on a screen is at all analogous to 16th century art and automobiles.
The Jackman Van Helsing has basically the same art style.
>Tom Hardy as Ludwig
Mmhmm. Moonlight, hmm.
bloodborne is partially inspired by this yeah, but it added in the cosmic horror shit that made it a cut above its inspiration imo
You sound kinda dumb. There isn't anything in BB that flat out doesn't make sense.
I just see Ludwig as some world beating warrior type, thought Hardy would be decent.
That's the problem. If you play the game and piece everything together yourself with just the shit the game gives you, it makes sense. But then you get people who can't think critically involved and want to put their own spin on the story, want to tie it in to the souls games, or base their entire interpretation on names of bad guys translated from Japanese.
A cosmic horror movie would be awesome, especially if it were as uncompromisingly dark as Bloodborne, but BB itself would be weird as a film, in my opinion.
No, now fuck off.
Bloodborne is even less coherent than all the other games in the series, are you retarded? It's more ambiguous in everything it does.
>will never get a sequel because the soulsborne meme is too successful
Almost all actual plot details in bloodborne are head cannon/fanfic tier. You cannot deny this you retard.
Nothing really has an answer to it, which is the entire point because it takes inspiration from Lovecraft.