and give them to the blacks, then the rest of all states can be white/Asian?
Burgers, why don't you select 1-2 states
>giving the blacks even more free shit will surely solve the problem.
Give them Alabama and Mississippi.
Id rather see then shipped back to Africa. Then their asses will see how good the white man was.
>implying they aren't parasites and would stay away from us
>implying they would govern themselves and still wouldn't find a way to make themselves our problem
>not taking into consideration that some libcuck would eventually try to put a stop to muh oppression of POC
Kek. They need to be completely removed.
rather give them a bullet
or in lieu of that, a one way boat trip
We should've sent them back after the Civil War.
Hear, hear.
We tried something like that back when we freed the slaves. Apparently only some of them wanted to go home to mother Africa and if you wanna find out how it went check out Liberia.
>why not just give them things for free!, that surely will work
Yeah, because that totally worked with the rapefugees, dumbass.
but that would mean multiculturalism has failed
American government should just start a program where people get 50k to rescind their citizenship.
The dindus would be all over those sorts of gibsmedats
Mexicans rightfully take back California, Texas, and New Mexico then.
The rest of the Southwestern states too.
Because like Lesotho the all nignog district in South Africa none will actually want to live there and will flood into rich areas instead.
Blacks already tried to make their own country, it's called Liberia.
It's a great place, 10/10 would revolt again.
Yeah, because having Liberia at your immediate frontier will solve everything...
Just send them back to Africa and it is solved.
If BLM thinks backs really wuz kangs, then they'll surely thrive and surpass whitey, with their own space program and zero poverty.
If they fuck everything up though, they're not allowed to come back.
A whole state just like the city of New Orleans, yes please. Fun seeing how many nig nogs shot people while drinking my coffee.
This is actually what will happen OP.
If you're in the UK you can see how this shit with the niggers will end up like the Irish Troubles.
There will be a lot of guerilla warfare and bombs and random shootings. Nigs can easily make themselves impossible to rule or police.
The only thing for it will be segregation and black nationalism. In 20-30 years after the shooting's over they will start to get some peace back.
In short: Malcolm X was right, yanks have got a civil war on their hands, and they're too dumb to learn from anyone else.
Because moving minorities is racist (Trail of Tears), giving them the option to move is racist (Liberia), moving away from them is racist (white flight), and moving in with them is racist (gentrification).
Liberia was just a white initiative to get rid of niggers.
Blacks are as American as anyone else - really they have been there longer by ancestry - they are not going to leave their own land. They will need their own country.
we know how it will actually play out though:
>1-2 states isn't enough blacks are 13% of the population, we should get at least 6
>muh slavery, these states weren't good enough, you owe us extra states
>you still owe us federal spending for dem programs
and on and on
I've thought about this.
No reason why not, shut up em and put em somewhere else.No immigration, no more visits, and no more anchor babies.
BLM will be able to finally be free, but we should put them on an island like puerto rico or hawaii so they cant come back.
>cause y'know, they can't swim.
Give them Detroit and the immediate area surrounding it.
and all with those fake smiles that the politicians always have
'here we are today joyful for this great opportunity for the black community of michigan'
with like ruins and shit on the background
it would be hilarious
Why don't we just pack them all into Michigan and dig a moat around the state (niggers can't swim)
Then Michigan can become a state-sized Detroit, so the niggers will be happy in their natural environment, and we can move on to solving the Mexican problem.
We could even paradrop in weed, crack, malt liquor, and fried chicken every week and they'd never want to leave.
And give them all the guns drugs and watermelons they need
Let them all kill each other until only one is left
Then take that last nigger and hang him
>paradropping supplies
top kek
No mexican libing in Cali wants Mexico to make it even worse....
Africa is not so bad
Just to make sure they don't try to tunnel through. Eventually, without welfare/obamacare they will all die of overdose/heart-attack/gang violence anyway
Because they have low IQs.
It's the story of history. People refuse to secede off land to their enemies because they want to keep all the land, eventually their enemy grows in numbers and conquers them.
Also, fuck asians.
>- really they have been there longer by ancestry
Maybe for some, but I can trace my family line in America back to nearly 100 years before the revolution.
>But this figure is misleading because the population for whites and blacks are not the same
I hate this image so much, black people kill way more white people but this sentence is a pure ignorance of how statistics work. If there are 2 population groups of size N and M, with the same probability of committing a crime and all of their victims are randomly chosen, then there will be the same number of intergroup crimes on both sides. This "adjusting for population size" is pure statistical manipulation taking advantage of people who don't understand mathematics.
Didnt read thread not sure if its been said yet but thats litterly what liberia is.