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A fucking White male.




Two Muslims and one Saudi nationL. Screen cap it kid.

If white, never hear the end of it; if anything else, back to Trump being a racist and Gibs us da gunz

a nigger

He was Mongolian-born, but grew up in Malagascar.

His motivation was Sudoku-extremism

coulters law

At least one is confirmed black, a guy in a bane mask.

Remember the longer they go without saying the race of the shooter, it's pretty much guaranteed non white

Big guy?

Fuck me I hope he's not white. The SJW hivemind will go fucking insane if so.

That said, I'm leaning towards mixed race



Black of course
The Gypsy and refugee magic told me



Two 3 feet tall pygmies both named smithy

see this more clever thread

I hope he is white and he did what he did to start a race war. It would be more fun that way.

I'm with you user.

Am starting to think it is related to a certain peaceful religion taking advantage of internal strife.

how do you tell them apart tho

human race

They interviewed a guy who said the shooter hopped out of a truck, strapped on a vest and grabbed a gun and started shooting at a cop car driving by. Witness claimed he was a 5'5" black male with bald head and face. Short, stocky, and he could handle a gun well. Witness thinks he knew what he was doing.

Source: I live in Flower Mound Texas outside the Dallas Fort Worth area. Saw the interview on WFAA, the local ABC affiliate.

4 black Muslims

fucking screen cap this


i drove through Texas a few years ago listening to the radio and what stood out to me (besides the great Easy Listening station between Dallas and Austin) was the prevalence of Arabic stations around Dallas.

Just anecdotal evidence-- but to me that confirms it's fucking Isis.

guys can we discuss this


Religion of Peace probably

>Short, stocky, and he could handle a gun well.



Given how impressively the guy on the ground fought, I will be dissapointed if he's white

I wonder.

Clock boy came back. Maybe he had instructions?

probably dont wanna land

its flying towards mexico

Mohammed d'ashboard Jamal III

police or tla ops craft
or local watching the chaos

American - shooters, plural, isn't it?

Lol this based police chief calling out Obama

Obama is on a different landmass today, familia. :-{D

>Tfw Sup Forums freaks out over six dead cops while we are setting groundwork for WW3

Ehhh. . .

>he's black
Wow, that's surprising