Also could be something that excited you but were maybe too young to fap at the time
First faps thread
Oldfag here btw
me too
she was hotter than the lead actress
Tell me about your first fap. Did you come in your own eyes?
Porn parody of her is spot on.
Damn straight
In his audio commentary Brian Blessed talks about how everyone was in love with her
Goddam, thirty years later, this chick still gets me every time.
this, remember getting up late, putting one of the vhs in the vcr and fapping. was that scene on the 1st or 2nd vhs, can't remember
basically the art department from jods dune went to work on this
bri does the commentary on the blu-ray? that must be some good shit.
>bri does the commentary on the blu-ray? that must be some good shit.
He did one on the Silver Anniversary Edition
i don't remember the title, but the scene was the female actress pushed on a sack of hay with her tits hanging out. i remember taping it, and watching it when everyone was sleeping. good secret times
>thats robbie coltrane
I never noticed that shit b4
this silver anniversary edition looks fantastic, thanks user
If she had drooled a little bit i probably would have lost it
The redhead from the Beastmaster.
If you came the first time you fapped you arrived very late to the party.
I fapped the first time to some sexy voodoo bitch killing a chicken a late 80s movie. Ive never been able to find it again.
It wasn't the Serpent and the Rainbow, or perhaps Angel Heart?
I have two oldschool crushes myself; either Kelly Preston in Twins...
Sneaking downstairs at 2 AM since the only VCR was in the living room, turning the volume all the way down, fast forward to the tiddies and pause, then have a stealth fap. Those were simpler times. By no means my first, but it's the one that sticks out.
...or Barbara Carrera in Never Say Never Again
Same exact scenario with Beverly D'Angelo's scene in the Sentinel as well.
My actual first fap was when I was 10, and discovered at the shower that massaging my balls made me erect, then it was a very long shower of self-discovery followed by my parents yelling at me for using too much hot water.
My first tv fap, though, was accidentally catching a Porky's rerun.
My first fap was unironically to scat porn
This was like 2009
I work with her nephew. I've always wanted to ask him why she quit acting but I don't want to harass him about his aunt
It's 2017, i doubt anyone cares at this point
she was said to be incredibly hard to work with, like bordering on mental problems hard, it's why she wasn't in the MiB sequel
The way she gyrated with that sword, those thighs, that chainmail bikini.
Well, time for you and I to get reacquainted, Kate's bush.
Hope you watched this film then
Shouldn't you be in school?
i am
Have you seen schools nowadays? He probably is in school, shitposting.
Jessica alba
rip :'(
Don't lie, you've fapped to her. Or at least one of her lookalikes masturbating in that costume on pornhub.
Suicide Squad did wonders for the camwhore industry.
Her dipshit Jersey accent killed my boner everytime she spoke. She was pretty hot ring gagged though.
>when eddie tries to stand up and his head makes her tits bounce
ayyo where
>Serpent and the Rainbow
This might be it! Im rewatching it right now. Thanks for the suggestion
Wasting your time, it's Angel Heart.
>I was graduating college when he had his first fap
Starship troopers sex scene was the first movie fap i can remember, but I also remember pausing and fapping to the porno hung on the wall in Alien when i was pretty young too.
Jennifer Conelly in the Labyrinth.
Also Trini from the Power Rangers. RIP.
>mfw my first fap was before most of this board was born
90's fapping baby.
Probably Lisa Bonet in Angel Heart. Amazing sex scenes in that one too. Also add The Believers with Martin Sheen for the 80s voodookino trifecta.
Pretty good pit hair scenes too.
tit drawing was first vhs. car sex scene was 2nd vhs. the copy we had ended up getting all blurry right before the tits scene from me constantly fast forwarding/pausing there late at night.
Quality first fap, user. Very high quality.
Combining first fap with Foxkino. I like it.
Feels good eh?
>those thighs
Mah nigga. Also Linda Hamilton in the sequel.
Too young to fap (or even reach the joystick of an arcade machine) but damn if she didn't give me weird feelings down below.
She's not dead.
unironically this
This girl from Pushing Daisies
1992 here
I remember vividly the first time I came. I was rubbing my little wiener to Wild On E on my futon and some sticky clear liquid came out of my dick. Had no idea what happened.
Late 90's-early 00's E! network had prime fapping material.
I blew countless loads to this
She was delicious in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
Why didn't he bury his face in that ass?
>mfw discovering My Teacher's Wife and all the 10/10 scenes with her in it
muh nigga
>Charlie's angels was 17 years ago
i was 1 year old when that aired lmao
Charlie's Angels was 40 years ago
The woman from true lies
dont tell me you forgotten her
Now imagine....