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No retard we needed him alive for information
We got the other 2
I literally took African American literature class with the son of the guy in OP's picture. KEK
what information do you think you'd get from him? At least this way he doesn't have to fill up a prison cell
Of course he did
Man is so late and I should sleep but what if I miss another happening?
>2 niggers die
everyone shouts "black live matters, fuck the police"
>4 cops died
is it time to yell
"Police lives matter, fuck the black people" ???
5 cops actually
Nigotiations failed
5? waddidimiss?
Trained enough to carry out this attack. Devoted enough to the cause to shoot himself?
>is it time to yell
>"Police lives matter, fuck the black people" ???
the BLM niggers were saying KARMA and REAL PAIN REAL ACTION and FUCK THE POLICE
There is no confirmation about the suicide
Lots of blacks are muslim.
What's your phone number? Its still early here I can call you if something more goes down m8.
shooting yourself is not devotion. letting you get arrested and then study politicology in jail, that's devotion
guess one of the ones who was injured passed
I was about to warn the other user not to trust you, but then I moused over your flag.
I say trust him user
Yeah and the ones who got arrested are probably going to "kill themselves" soon too, or at the very least the cops will make a botch of everything by brutalizing them in custody.
how is deliberately revenge-killing police officers 'karma'?
Muslim terrorists never shoot themselves.
They use a bomb or suicide by cops.
suspicious black male circling an area on police scanner
>killed himself
what a bitch nigga
Fox News confirms that the remaining shooter has killed himself.
good riddance
Sleep's important mate. You'll be able to catch up in the morning no worries.
Muslims dont headshot themselves because thats haram even in wahabism.
If he blew himself up it would be different.
Muslims target civilians, not cops.
the police should go full 5-star GTA and use tanks to shoot at the protestors
No he didn't. They just had to find a white fall guy to pin this on. The real killers left Texas hours ago.
>2 niggers die
>5 cops die
cops are civilians
saved the tax payers tons of money in court proceedings.
So Sup Forums if the Dallas shooter is white, and they have them both in custody, how is it so easy to arrest two white men who have been shooting at police for hours, and so hard not to shoot a black man after talking to him for 1 minute?
>suiciding by gun
Man l would love to have an aussie call me even if he is just gonna call me a 'taco eating spic'
>Muslims dont headshot themselves because thats haram even in wahabism.
>If he blew himself up it would be different.
A recent convert might still do it when nervous.
Fucking coward
tenuous and spurious
Muslims have attacked members of the military, e.g., at Fort Hood and recruitment centers.
because the white shooter has a troubled past and deserves the help of a psychatric to overcome his past burden
Is the Ann Coulter rule in effect?
One of us.
One of us.
One of us.
>wake up
>see at least 30 threads about some race war
>make some tea and prepare myself to enjoy the happening
>it's only 4 deads and 1 shooter
>already dead too
>it's literally nothing
fuck you guys I thought I'd spend a good day
Can't be armed on base or in a RCTC unless you're an MP dipshit
Thread theme
A candidate for the golden iPod
It's not the amount of bloodshed that was spilled, it's who it came from and who caused it!
7 hours already? White males are completely exonerated at this point.
suicide is haram
You're a swiss cunt go ban a burqa
It's been 5-6 hours since this began and no race has been reported.
They're no one
Just trash
The guys who did it were operator as fuck. They planed this. We dont know who they are but my guess is ex-mil or contractor.
Context is important
BLM niggers were doing their usual shit when suddenly snipers and tacticool operatiers started picking off cops. Tomorrow's gonna be a laugh for sure
We can liquidate memories without consent, son
Source, puto
I posted this in the thread on /news/, and I've been watching the local news for the last 5 hours (in Fort Worth). About half an hour ago ABC (WFAA 8 locally) had a live interview with a guy who claimed to have walked by the shooter on the ground shortly before he began opening fire. He described him as a black male, 5'5", stocky with short/bald hair. They basically cut right back to the studio after he said it and they just carried on without any kind of acknowledgment. It was bizarre.
Right? In Orlando the news was showing what the shooter ate for fucking breakfast that morning, and any white shooters they are already exploring what music they listen to and digging through their facebook by now, how do we not have a race yet?
What is he talking about, exactly?
People like Jesse Jackson
>black male, 5'5"
He doesn't look like a manlet on the video
He's talking about leftists keeping negroes on the Democrat plantation for the next 100 years
I agree with you, but that's the exact height the guy gave. The guy being interviewed was obviously pretty adrenaline fueled, plus he was on live TV, so who knows. Take it with a grain of salt, I guess, but he definitely said black male.
He's not an Aussie you tacho eating spic
>african american literature
is it a half-semester class?
black manlet uprising? what is the world coming to
I wonder if they could ever learn
Well, he could just be really tanned.
He's a kiwi, Rick.
Downtown Dallas got shut down. Every future BLM protest will be surrounded by armored vehicles and roof snipers. Next time a bunch of black thugs start throwing signs at a group of nervous cops (and taunting them about the dead cops, probably) during a protest there's a good chance there's going to be a massive beatdown.
Thank you for killing 5 filthy amerishits.
R.I.P. brave warrior. you are an hero
Dudes were trained and working as a unit. My money is on it being FSB as they did similar attacks in Canada and across Europe in the 70s and 80s using extremeists that they funded/equipped.
No it's 3/5ths of a semester
negroes btfo
Have we started the fire?
btfo x2
was he black?
Huh? They are still protesting in South Oak Cliff. Cops are scared shitless. Remember, cops are nothing but fags who generate revenue for the city. They are not there to protect you.
muslims kill themselves in explosions, not with a bullet to the head
Sure. Shoot himself
Don't forget there were two shooters, so
I saw that too and thought it was weird they didn't mention it again.
In a bunch of the really early interviews a few minutes after the shooting some protestors were claiming that cops opened fire on the crowd. It's possible the news was just being careful to not air anymore unconfirmed witness reports.
that' not enough evidence to prove that every attacks on cops are carried out by mussiles
so, what the hell.
Usually by now there are accusations of motive, even if it's "alleged"
I'm not hearing absolutely shit except for Sup Forums memeing.
did BLM just kill that many fucking cops?
It's true ISIS would target any person not just police...
American Faggot needs to learn that the FSB is a domestic agency. They do not conduct operations outside of the former Soviet Union.
>the military can't be armed on a military base
top cuck
SVR and FSB are just two names for the same thing. Ivan.