Will she make a career comeback?

Will she make a career comeback?

I'd make her comeback if you know what I mean

Can we have a non shooped pic pls

yes she is gonna play the fridge in the new Indiana jones movie she wins an award

Her tits are really coming along. Ariel Wintrian. I did not expect them to look like that back when I was ogling her cunnyself on Kickass.


>The Miseducation of Cameron Post
>Suspiria remake

I got a comeback she can make right here in my pants if you know what I mean.

I am going to masturbate to this picture. I expect to enjoy it almost as much as if that were her real body.

that's a shoop of a 5 year old pic, user

No she has been bullied too much. Good job guys.

If you're asking if she will be big, then the answer is no. She's box office poison, and the studios have woken up to that fact. I'm actually surprised they hired her for Suspiria.


Because movies don't fail because of her. They do despite of her.


Wow. I'm genuinely surprised that someone gave the green light to "remake of a timeless 70s horror film starring Chloe Moretz" after the absolute, unmitigated bed shitting that was Carrie. There's no way that they're gonna pull Suspiria off, either.

Eh, you could still make the argument either way. Most of the time if a film fails to get any recognition or acclaim it's because of the lousy actors, especially the principle ones. because that's what most people care about. There's a reason why the adage "casting is 80% of a director's job" is commonly thrown around. Chloe is just not a good actress, and now that she no longer has her popularity to fall back on you bet the big studios will no longer cast her for anything important. I mean she was allegedly fired from The Little Mermaid.


wasn't even funny

yeah i know what you are watching is it pinkeet reviews? ;)

His expression always makes me burst out into laughter, no sarcasm.

I don't know what you mean. Can you explain?

Well i am actually autistic.

*blocks your ascension*

No amount of good acting could've saved The Fifth Wave. Or Carrie. Or If I Stay. She just picks terrible projects. She's an ok actress with an awful agent.

What would you say is good a film that showcases her acting talents?

500 days of summer and Kickass play to her strengths.

Puberty fucked her pretty bad.

no one likes her. it's like you don't remember her pissing off the people who see her flicks when she insulted that disgusting kardashian. then you had her actively campaigning for hillary. she was part of the millennial engagement team. now she alienates even more people


I don't like her either. I can weigh in on her career objectively though.

>weigh in

>ywn be as ripped and shredded as Chloe

she's ugly, a poor actor and has few fans. she's just going the way of almost every child star. she's not unique. she's probably going to end up going the watson route once she realizes her film career is dead

You're not wrong. But in addition to having an incompetent agent and/or consistently making terrible decisions, she's just an aggressively mediocre actress. She's gotten lucky once or twice with stuff like Kickass, but most of her projects are fundamentally broken.


>tfw was pretty good at telling if pics were shooped before
>now I don't have a fucking clue what is real and what is not

9 out of 10 people can't tell the difference!

shooped tits aside, she was really fuckable back then

what happened?

You got dubs


Her hands are fuckin' HUGE.

I bet she gives a right good fisting.

>File: laughing-squashed-frog-2.jpg
do you categorize your frogs?
how many do you have?

Is this at the past Arnold Classic?