Time to talk about gun control?
Time to talk about gun control?
The race war will literally start if Obongo mentions guns at any point tomorrow.
Time to talk about black control
time to talk about nigger and kebab control
If all his victims were armed, they could have stopped this tragedy.
Talk about nigger control, This fucking nigger control has gotten out of hand under the hands of obama the prime fucking niggest of the monkies
It's time to hunt down every leftist in the West and carve out their tongues and eyes, then hang them in the streets as a warning to any who may hold sympathy for their cause as what fate awaits them if they dare act on their thoughts.
Just enjoy your retirement Obama, go golf somewhere nice. You lost.
They were fucking cops, they WERE armed
Yeah no guns for niggers. Police can search them at any time. Off to prison if they get caught packing.
Whites now allowed to open carry whatever they please.
It's a start.
I feel like there's a stronger correlation between niggers and murder than guns and murder.
this tbqphwyf
If cops had armored personnel vehicles instead of patrol cars they'd be more safe!
I made a graph once. Zero correlation between gun ownership by state and murder rate.
1:1 correlation between %nogs by state and murder rate.
If if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if we took away all the guns, and abolish the 2nd amendment, those okie dokes would not have killed those white oppressors. Wait... um... nvm gib guns to brothas.
>Time to talk about gun control?
Yep. I am buying several guns that I will keep control over.
>"Don't take guns away from my niggas that need to deefen themselfves from the racists"
it's a meme ya dip
>go enjoy retiring as an ex president of the United States
He will never want for anything again. He's gotten a salary over the years, but no ones going to leave an ex president out to dry. They are taken care of.
He won, my man.
I'd like to see that graph. At this point and if Obama talks about gun control tomorrow it could circulate like your country's wildfire.
>All victims were cops
>All cops are armed
>All the victims WERE armed.
"It's unconstitutional."
There, we talked about it.
They also stay on a Presidential salary after they leave office.
Obama is the ultimate welfare queen.
You are right, even if blacks are roughly 15%-20% of the total population they commit almost half of the crimes, more than white people, the ethnic majority.
>white boy does mass shooting
>beta cuck targets like movies and schools, off themselves afterwards
>black MAN does mass shooting
>targets armed police offers and kills multiple of them, doesn't off themselves
We all know what needs to REALLY be done. White is the cuck race.
>cops shoot nignogs
>"we have a problem with police"
>nignogs shoot cops
>"we have a problem with guns"
Literally his mindset, gun control not going to happen.
they do ...
fun fact, that started because of Truman becoming a broke NEET
No it won't, and you know he'll use it to push gun control, if not tomorrow, within a few days. Conveniently for him, the whole if the good guys have guns it wouldn't have happened argument doesn't work here.
Im glad we had that talk. Now we can move on to mental health reform.
Ideological groups should be separated. The idea of a country being a legal construct has to go, it must be an ideological construct, and balkanization is the solution to the current situation.
desu it was better when it was kings and queens and shit
the plebs didn't get uppity and the knights would just kill the rabble
Children, random moviegoers, fags and now police. It still won't work. He can't keep getting away with it! The killing of random Americans to push a bullshit anti-gun agenda has to stop.
time to talk about nigger control
there is
>Muslim Brotherhood merges with BLM to make a subversive, violent, racist terrorist group
>Obama bans guns, knives and baseball bats
don't forget to ban bicycle tires
You dont need guns, the cops will stop the shooters