I guess... I hadn't thought about it that way.
I guess... I hadn't thought about it that way
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Blacks murder a disproportionate number of white people. The media is silent. So are the giant tech companies who support #BlackLivesMatter
Because of this, we need #WhiteLivesMatter
But why do black lives only matter when the killer is white, which corresponds to less than 5% of black homicides
silly niggas
But they apparently don't matter to black people since they're responsible for 90% of deaths of black lives.
Stop breaking the fucking law.
>"really makes you think"-tier shitpost
If black lives mattered to them why aren't they protesting outside abortion clinics
it's not when the killer is white it's when the killer is a cop. black people never vowed to protect and serve other black people also cops get a way with it and no jail time. ol whitey goes to shoot a nigger he's going to get some time most likely.
Carelessness isn't a crime
>ol whitey
im really hating this trend of making signs and blowing up words that dont need to be blown up, because if i was about 25 feet away, you know what i would be reading?
you kinda lose your message by doing that
The mass media are hugely to blame for this.
Like the niggers would ever have been aware of anything unless it was pushed all over their TVs day and night.
Endless race-baiting by the mass media has created this.
>Black lives matter
We'll see how Dallas turns out.
i signed that shit hours ago
Good. I've been spamming it for an hour.
So far it's looking like race war now.
Doing gods work user