>Romulan Warbirds were AT LEAST 3-4x the size of the Enterprise-D
""""""""""" class my ass.
>Romulan Warbirds were AT LEAST 3-4x the size of the Enterprise-D
""""""""""" class my ass.
Mostly empty space though.
>Computer, generate a 1:1 simulation of the galaxy
>Disengage safety protocols
See, Galaxy class.
They're just names though
Besides, best Federation ship coming through
>gets destroyed twice
pick one
>warship gets destroyed more than a ship of exploration
Wow no shit
Galaxy had class
Friendly reminder Star Wars tech >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Star Trek tech
One star destroyer would obliterate the federation
muh lasers
Just the original Death Star's escort fleet could wreck the main Federation fleet in Next Generation.
>USS Mary Sue
Away on yer bike lad.
muh lasers
reminder 3 ISD couldn't detect the falcon with it literally clamped on its one of its hull , but the enterprise could detect bacteria growth on a metal sheet
Couldn't the federation just beam torpedoes onto the star destroyers bridges?
>Other planets are hyper advanced and have mastered warp technology
>Bajorans are floating around space in a shitty little wooden ship thing
really makes you think about the Cardassian occupation
Wesley's school project could be how to defeat entire imperial fleet
Daily reminder that the Bajorans hadn't invented Warp drive and if the Cardassians didn't invade them and spoil the fact that aliens existed, The Federation wouldn't even be allowed to talk to them.
muh turbolasers
Do you know how many times the various Enterprises have been destroyed?
What happens when the crew gets blown out into space.
Do they recover the bodies?
>Doesn't even have adjustable Warp-Nacelles
>Doesn't even have Warp-Nacelles
>Doesn't even
Get out of here.
Top one looks like an Amarr ship.
Daily reminder that the Cardassians didn't spoil the fact that aliens exist, because it was actually the Bajorans who made first contact with them with one of those sailing ships. Even Dukat admitted it.
Reminder: your sexual organs did nothing wrong.
>>Doesn't even have Warp-Nacelles
Look again.
>>really makes you think about the Cardassian occupation
Muh 10 million. Fuck I hate Bajorans.
>Galaxy class can get cosy with a fucking sun because of its shields
>some starwautist thinks a fleet whose entire arsenal consists of thermal weapons has a chance
>entire imperial armada couldn't even take out a single PizzaCutter class ship.
That isn't a nacelle, it's directly a part of the main body.
It's only as much as a nacelle as the air intakes of pic related are.
Calling those things on the Defiant "Nacelles", would be like calling Galicia (The north western area of Spain specifically) a "peninsula".
>You see admiral Ivan if we are putting one nacelle only we can making double the ships
I don't even hate all Bajorans
Just Kira
There's no rule which says that nacelles can't touch the main body.
star wars was a long time ago and they already died
I want to hatefuck Kira as a Cardassian
Touch? In the most pedantic sense, no.
But those don't touch it. Those are part of the main body of the ship, and the dictionary definition of a nacelle, is that it is mounted (key word is mounted) on the main body, outside of it..
If its completely attached, it's not a nacelle. That's the reason the word even exists, to differentiate nacelles from things that are part of the main body.
>it's real
This wasn't best, but it was the cheapest way to produce ships with big guns. Its basically the whole torpedo boats vs. battleships dilemma of the 20th century, in which torpedo boats win simply by being easier and faster to build.
Well actually it is a battleship, most of their ships aren't because they have large crew quarters and civilian family members and lots of science labs and facilities and shit, their ships are just exploration vessels that happen to be capable of doing battle. The Defiant was made the singular purpose of doing battle with the Borg.
no it doesnt. looks like a gallente support cruiser/bs
>that one time the Klingons had huge Birds of Prey just to intimidate the Romulans for Picard
Best girl
Star Trek ships just look awful. Those nacelles are retarded.
Way too pulpy for my taste.
Warbird still outmasses the galaxy class by a little.
more of a rapid offense unit
those bigass dominion ships are battleships
>romulan warbird
>klingon bird of prey
why were they both birds
how did aliens know what birds are
Klingon ships were originally supposed to be Romulan, but they didn't give a shit.
klingons stole design plans from the romulans
They don't really. The UT probably just approximates the word for "warm blooded avian like creature."
>klingons stole design plans from the romulans
>muh klingon honor
thought it was the other way around
The fact that both of them paint or engrave eagles/hawks on their ships in one era or another, is probably complete coincidence.
As is the fact that the UT managed to deduce in the very first introduction of the Romulan species, that their entire shtick is modelled after Space Romans, so it decided to translate their name to Romulans, with the clear intention that if their planet name is ever mentioned, it will translate it to Romulus, after one of the legendary brothers who founded Rome.
And again, the UT came up with all of this the first time it translated the word "Romulans".
Why the fuck don't the Borg just assimilate the Federation's UT software? Clearly it has the capacity to deduce entire civilizations from a few words spoken and a couple of mannerisms.
Klingon "honor" is literally just acting like a total faggot while using language that plays up whatever they're doing.
Just look at their overuse of stealth.
The Romulans had the Bird of Prey in TOS.
In the Search for Spock, the Romulans were going to have an updated Bird of Prey. But then a new script revision gave it to the Klingons instead, but without changing the name.
Klingonfags will never admit this.
This is muddy, it has to do with production of the show and movies being ahead of shooting scripts. They just said fuck it and said klingons and romulans used to exchange ships/technology.
At some point romulans betrayed klingons, cause romulans are based as fuck.
>having tech or ships to exchange
Man, I know people were high as fuck in the 60s but that's a little much.
If beaming torpedoes into ships was something worthwhile, they'd be doing it all the time rather than launching them.
klingons in the original series:
klingons in the next generation and on:
>barbaric for the sake of it
>always fighting each other
>typically doing stupid shit
>always lose
>stealth on everything
>generally pussies acting tough
What happened to klingons?
muh shields
Augment virus made them more human-like and therefore superiour. Curing it was a mistake (for them).
klingons in the original series:
klingons in the next generation and on:
What did they mean by this?
Klingon Empire decayed and Worf is the only one who has any morals, the others are degenerate trash. It is a metaphor for China.
This was the only good thing continuity-wise to come out of ENT, but it was a good retroactive explanation for TOS Klingons.
>this isn't white
Sup Forums's standards are really messing with my head.
That's not Dax.
A big deal is made about how corrupt and decadent that Klingons have become in TNG
Klingons literally looted all their tech from an advanced alien occupation force hundreds of years ago.
This tiny ass ship is the testament that size is not that relevant it's Federation ship. Federation engineering is far superior to either Romulans or Klingons, as such they could produce a dedicated warship that's a fraction of the mass and cost compared to warships of other major species in alpha quadrant yet could go toe to toe with two more of and come out victorious.
oh shit Jason Isaacs is the new captain
You sure? We've seen the Enterprise J and it doesnt really look like a warship.
>He'll be a stereotypical asshole, and the protagonist first mate will mount a coup against him throughout the entire series, which will result in the Federation accepting it as neccessary, but demoting her to a 5th rate communications officer to save face, thus explaining how it totally makes sense that Uhura was in that position on TOS, but was also a First Mate before that.
Will Sup Forums lose its shit?
Do we even need a captain at this point.
People are going to complain aren't they
What are you two on about?
The Bajorans never knew about the Cardassians though, the ones that left all died there and they didn't have radios to send the news home, that's why nobody off Cardassia seriously believed it until that episode.
Somebody must have gone home though, since the Bajorans had the legend.
You could've just googled "Jason Isaacs Star Trek", but fine, here comes the choochoo train. deadline.com
Not saying you're wrong, but how would the Bajorans have known they got to Cardassia, if none of the ones who did got back?
He's white, and that appeases Sup Forums.
And he's from Harry Potter and that appeases normal people.
Everyone knows those aren't lasers
but he's a STRAIGHT WHITE MALE!!!!!!!!!
It was the Bajoran equivalent of
The Cardassians obviously knew it and covered it up, one of the people in-the-know could have spilled the beans during the occupation.
You can't appease Sup Forums.
>it's a strong black muslim transwoman
Sup Forums is upset.
>it's a straight white male
Sup Forums is upset that some [other website] boogeyman might be upset.
Sup Forums will always find a reason to be upset.
See .
There is actually. That was an actual rule that rodebeery had for producion artists.
>Everyone knows those aren't lasers
Do they?
I think the rule was just that nacelles need line-of-sight, and the Defiant's nacelles have that because they are lower than the rest of the body.
another testament to the fac that DS9 fans don't actually like Star Trek
>The fact that both of them paint or engrave eagles/hawks on their ships in one era or another, is probably complete coincidence.
What is convergent evolution?
Mr Worf, beam a proton torpedo inside their command center.
"Sir, their shields are up, we cannot beam a proton torpedo aboard"
>Star Wars """"""shields"""""
>can't even stop a small asteroid
>Star Trek shields
>withstood the Big Bang and being bombarded with galaxies being launched at the speed of light
how exactly do Star Trek shields work? Every time the ship is hit it looks like the entire inside of the ship is experiencing an earthquake. You'd think that would cause a good amount of damage
that is not how it happens.
We know this because of that time a ship opened laser fire on the Enterprise.
The ship's Yellow alert protocol automatically activated. Much to the frustration of the captain who asked what was going on. Data informed him of the reason the alarm was going off. To which the captain said that the protocols needed to be updated as it would take them hours to cut through the outer hull with such a weapon system if the shields had not aromatically activated. I think number one even told Data to disregard the attack till there was a more legitimate reason to respond.