No crying/screaming after boyfriend shot 4 times.
Lines delivered in monotone.
Sounds like bad crisis acting
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Du bist ein Vollidiot.
Its called being in shock retard
System won't let me post video
shes in shock you autistic jerry
I mean if we know they are gonna do false flags anyways they should hire professional actors to do the terorism. Like imagine if Samuel L Jackson had done the Dallas shootings with Denzel Washington?
because she's used to seeing shit like this
living in the ghetto does that
Can "crisis actor" be an auto ban? I think people who seriously post about this are the lowest IQ people on Sup Forums
if she was in shock she wouldn't be so articulate. I call crisis acting.
you do realize that they use them, don't you
that's the worst case of indifference to a boyfriend I've ever seen
>implying women can love
wew hans
I have to agree with you user. I usedbto find their mental retardation a little comical. Now I agree there needs to be a blanket ban on idiots like that.
We are trying to be a grown up board.
you ever seen a black bitch stay calm?
Can you tell me what event in the past decade was not a "false flag" or some type of crisis actor setup?
I've been shot before . Massive blood loss causes dizziness & fainting it's kinda like the flu where you know what's going on but you still can't move you are so weak from the blood letting you can't move
was NOT a false flag?
Most of them are. Maybe some people die for real, for there are definite actors used and they are usually really obvious.
Listen to family members of the people that Dylan Roof supposedly killed tell him that they forgive him the day after the shooting
The cop was totally unstable and has a fucking gun trained on the car, if she panics she's fucking dead. Get a grip, Fritz.
I'm talking about his GF's reaction not him
>People don't respond like I would respond
>Crisis actor
No, people don't respond like you respond because they have different experiences. Bitch has clearly been through some shit. Probably not the first person that has died in her arms more or less. Once you go through anything traumatic the first time it becomes profoundly less powerful.
The biggest irony with conspiracy theories are that they are generally devised by people that lack social nuance; they are the kings of red herrings.
Dylann failed to start the race war.
No, she is not, this is not how people act when they are in shock. Black people are simply less empathetic than whites.
That's called a shock, probably you never experienced something like this happen real quick
Fucker, I just shit in my diapers. Babby wants his baba!
Checkmate, atheist.
>No crying/screaming after boyfriend shot 4 times.
>Lines delivered in monotone.
>Immediately makes herself available to all mainstream media outlets
>is the frontline of attention
As soon as her "bf" got shot, she saw dollar signs. Hell, maybe even a meeting with Clinton.
what was the caliber, and where were you shot? I'm glad you survived, user! do you have any insider tips or advice for dealing with being hit by bullets?
>the illuminati couldnt hire decent actors
>the illuminati would need actors at all and wouldnt really just kill people
I wanted to reply to these two.
>Bitch has clearly been through some shit. Probably not the first person that has died in her arms more or less
and you know this how? sounds like pure speculation
you don't get that used to having loved ones shot beside you. emotions are uncontrollable.
It's true, it's acted and we are the perpetrators
We also did the happening today
Shut the fuck up you little shit
She probably wanted to dump that ghetto ass nigga with a retarded name anyways. The gook did her a favour.
with real vicitms there are real bodies to do autopsies on. Easier to not kill the people for real
>the illuminati couldnt hire decent actors
fuck you luckers
yes it does..... very bad writing too
Its called being black.
>stay wit me
>dey dun keel muh boyfren
>nigger's bleeding out
It still feels forced
What are you gonna do about it frog?
>biggest crime of some secret global organization that you're scared of: plays lame pranks on tv that nobody cares about
>has money but can't hire decent actors
Probably someone you went to school with yes
I was saying this looked fake yesterday because of the blood pattern on his shirt. is the blood flowing up and in a weird circular pattern? This entire fiasco is Hillary trying to distract from her emails. And its doing a great job. Now the shit that happened in Dallas wasn't a shill job, that was real. But that was instigated by Hillary's shill jobs like this one.
see listen to how bad the acting is
actually they got paid out 30 million by the DOJ iirc
>le shock maymay
When in shock you don't think about taking your phone and making a documentary for Facebook likes, retarded shills.
You are all pathetic.
Niggers are not capable of anything complex, like emotions. What do you expect?
In any trauma there is tendency to panic the first time, often because people have not prepared for it and there is "flailing" to one degree or another. Once you have experienced a situation you become relatively calm (hind brain controls this) because you have a contingency plan more or less. She is clearly upset but not in shock. Still a bad day in Bedrock but you learn to do what you gotta do.
and there are faggots on here who felt bad for him.
it was 30 trillion you dingus. 4 billion dollars per flash card and another 15 billion for the shoes.
what is a chimp-out?
It's called being in shock and disassociation.
She was screamed at not to move as her boyfriend was bleeding out.
why would autopsies be an issue if you killed the people for real? you'd only have to fake them if you DIDNT kill real people
She clearly cares for her boo more than her facebook acquaintances.
Honestly, I've watched someone get crushed to death in a 600 ton press. I've watched someone get shot next to me actually as well. You don't know how death will hit you till you see it.. and for some people.. we just don't react. It's just another meatbag dead :-/
They were probably arguing right before it happened. Probably thinking to herself "that's what you get bitch ass nigga."
A firing of the 3 brain cells they are capable of maintiaining that results in nothing else but limb/lip movement.
>t. subhuman nigger
I had the weirdest fucking dream last night that this chick I knew in highschool got like flinged from a trolley into a tree, all blood and gore and shit but quite clearly you could see half her head crushed in. Freaked me the fuck out when I woke up.
except that we have a long string of mass shooting false flags and hoaxes to interpret this in the context of, which changes things a lot.
you could rationalize about this video and say that they are just really understanding Christians
One group of niggers defeated another group of niggers, but they wore the French flag, so you get to be proud.
Why do people still care about sports in the current year?
> was forced to watch at gunpoint her boyfriend bleed out because the retard cop needed to keep pretending that it was justified
> nobody was giving first aid
You retards don't realize how fucked this killing is because you're autistic children with no life experience.
you get 50 prompt replies to your thread and it still doesn't bump
Sounds like too much Sup Forums to me.
>I've never been in a traumatic situation
We can tell. Now shut the fuck up leaf and stop being autistic
>boyfriend gets shot
>starts filming for her blog
Fucking scumbags, all of you who are defending the cops or calling this a false flag on the pretense that the woman is not behaving how you role play the situation in your head
Grow the fuck up you goddamn fucking wastes of life
>get y0ur niggerfriend shot
>film and not give a shit
Nice xplanation shariabro
Yeah, not as evidence or anything. Not because she wants to get her boyfriend exonerated. It's for her blog.
Dindus and niggers are fucking awful, but this case seems kind of cut and dry to me. This was not really this dude's fault, especially considering the cop was just sort of babbling and shouting excuses while she was saying "he was just getting his license"
i just dont believe it , and you arent smart enough to convince me. you could link a youtube i guess, that's the epitome of your argument lol. nigger lover.
Fuck off. Her reaction is unnatural as fuck.
this guy knows whats up. that nigger saw her 15 minutes of fame flash before her eyes. have to be stupid to not see this, sorry idiot niggers.
liquids rise in fabric
dip the shirt you're wearing in the sink and see
Starts filming it so the cop doesn't get away with murder. That's a pretty good response to the situation and a good way to take control of an otherwise fucked situation
Not everyone's adrenaline causes them to become erratic or hysterical
i was against you all thread but i agree here, BTFO and WREKT.
what possible evidence? the thing already habbened
I just want to argue that it's not shock, rather it's ignorant culture of mongs who want to film everything
he didnt even get shot
he was just really stoned and spilled some code red on his shirt
he was actually a good boy who probably din't do nuffin.
What more do you expect from nu-Sup Forums, half of these niggers are from Plebbit.
The video started before he got shot and everybody sided with the blacks, but when they realized what that means when the niggers they praised as "based" acted against "innocent until proven guilty" and sided with decided to kill some cops because a verdict would have been rayciss.
When blacks commit crime at astounding rates and a gun is mentioned, you obey what the officer tells you to do. What, most likely, happened was that there was a miscommunication as tensions rose (officer doesn't know if he is really reaching for what he claims, this has been the excuse many times before).
The first nigger was resisting arrest, literally nothing new.
Watch kikes defend this shit.
see this video and tell me
Look at this faggot. Go home, Milo.
it'd be kinda funny if her being a petulant nigress screaming and carrying on escalated this siituation.
> Makes zero effort to actually help/aid the man
All that was going through her mind was how can I benefit from this. The guy shot next to her looks like all he wants is for the cop to put him out of his misery.
>what possible evidence?
To get the man who just murdered her boyfriend (and might potentially still shoot her) convicted. Jesus christ, toothpaste.
This is typical dindu
Blacks don't get emotional about anything. They try to emulate emotions to get what they want sometimes, but it falls flat
Anger is pretty much the only thing they ever feel
lets see you do it you little shit
stick to your waifus, dot.
yea, people just disappearing, sure
>boyfriend is shot
>doesn't attempt first aid
>makes video for instagram instead
jesus christ
Would one try to stop the bleeding with pressure on the wounds?
Take a shirt or something ?
Because obviously he bled out?
Real life is not like a movie.
how are you gonna need a video for that AFTER he committed the act?
it's just her filiming herself and saying some shit
God watching him squirm around was so unsettling you can tell that nigga was heading towards the light while he was sitting there.
The real reason for that is they're desensitized and she knew to expect it from the police. The cop fucked up big time and you can hear it from his tone.
Then again as long as everyone in America is a potential weapon carrier I don't see how this situation could change.
> Lets see you do it you little shit
Ok. I would actually attempt to pressure the wound. Calm my child.
> Blacks dont get emotional
Which is why they're protesting and killing police men, right?
was this an attempt at humor? an honest attempt?
This is a dirty little secret
A lot of times people wonder why when a cop shoots somebody, they don't rush to help them. Many times 5 or 6 cops will just stand around talking into their radios while the suspect they shot bleeds out on the floor.
It's because dead men don't testify. Simple as that I'm afraid.
The same thing goes for home invaders. If you're a homeowner and someone breaks in, kill him. If he lives to testify, you're risking 30 years in prison for violating any one of the innumerable legal technicalities that prevent you from doing what you need to defend yourself.
In this specific circumstance I don't think this is what happened. The "girlfriend" didn't want to move to avoid getting shot herself by the trigger happy cop. And the cop was having some sort of emotional breakdown over having just shot someone.
I hate BLM and almost always side with the police but I think the cop was in the wrong on this one. Im surprised pol isnt hating on the cop on this case