Yeah I've met a number off you as Uber drivers and you are exceptionally polite and well-spoken for non whites.

Tell me more about sikhs.
If so, why aren't you in northern india where you belong?


Do you want to MAGA or don't you, dirty Neo-Nazi idiots.

I feel so safe having a Sikh defence minister
If the Muslims here start hurking and durking, I know his instincts will kick in and the kirpan will get wet

Based sikh

love you sikhs

Tell me about Sikhs. Why do they wear the turbans?

pretty much the only thing dudeweed has done right

I'm really scared that when the race war kicks off Sikh bros are gonna be collateral damage just because they stay wear turbans. Stay safe out there.

Sikhs, especially the fat ones with beards, are usually fucking bros. Chill as shit, will make you good food, always top tier bros.

Shame so many people mistake them as their dirty muslim neighbors

India refuses to give us our own separate country. Do not worry tho, the Shers of the Khalsa will get what they are rightfully owed

Honorary whites

honorary whites

its a great place to store weapons to assist in the removal of the kebab.

thank you for this. sikhs are lovely people. they always smile at you on the street and the old turban guys are gentlemen. they also give shit tons of free food to the poor as prt of their religion. i am sad every time sikhs are attacked in the usa.

They carry Muslim killing knives as part of their religion.

Do not forget the Sikh in your time of need, Sup Forums

Why doesn't he just wear the hat on top of the turban?

The only Sikh I knew was a bit of a twat, but he still hated Muslims.

>Shame so many people mistake them as their dirty muslim neighbors

fucking this. I hate white niggers who are uneducated as shit

Barely any fucking muslims even wear Turbans


(Wait, can Sikhs drink?)

Is this a shill thread? Does Sup Forums really like Sikhs? I don't particularly mind them, I'm just asking since Sup Forums is usually 100% "No non-whites allowed."


historically this maybe try but in recent years its uncertain if this will hold. muslims may pretend to be sikhs to gain entry in countries and then carry out attacks

Sikhs are pretty cool, from what I've known about them.
I'd say the greatest ally of the white race is Japan, but I'd give a bump to Sikhs, the one vein of towelheads that are worth a damn.

>Sikhs first raised their weapons against the oppressive Mughal Empire under Guru Hargobind. >The tenth and the last Guru, Guru Gobind Singh organized Sikhs into a military sect called Khalsa
tfw literally a military sect under the command of our Guru
Do not forget the Sikhs

How do I show the Sikhs that I am hip.

Should I say they have a sick turban, or a sick beard, or a sick knife for killing muslims.

fuck off, you'll never get that khalistan

Keep leeching you dravidian subhuman hindu scum
Before I die I will make sure the world stops combining Sikhs with shit subhuman Pajeets from India like you

Kys you dravidian subhuman

Kek, i talked to a sihk the other day.Mentioned "You carry a kirpan for a reason, we need people looking out for innocents" followed by a wink.

He knew what i meant.

Sikhs get mistaken because of the turban. I know better. All Indians are good in my book.

Hindu Indian here. A Sikh saved my grandma from Muslim thugs who were going to rape and then dismember her during the post-independence riots. Oh and she was like maybe 10 years old at the time.

Eternally grateful to y'all :)

Sihks are bro-tier. never had a problem and most were very friendly.

Sikhs will always be my friends after the Sikhs at my school threw pork sausages at the only Muslim kid in my class. Was hilarious

How? Indians are easy to tell apart from Arabs, Persians and Turks.





Sikhs were literally a religion designed to kill Mudslimes. They're the Kurds of India. Don't know much about the religion, but from what I know it seems pretty based. Simultaneously mystic without too much hippy-dippy bullshit

I've heard sikh pronounced "sick" and "seek" before, which one is correct?

I like them too

>without too much hippy-dippy bullshit
you ever been to one of their gurdwaras? let me tell you, there's some pretty funny shit going on there. i like them too though

Thanks bros for the Air India bombing, largest single terror attack before 9/11

Also big thanks to your community who kept witnesses so terrified that we had to build a state of the art multi-million dollar bomb-proof courtroom just for your "total bros" to recant and let the killers of 329 people walk free.

Super special bro thanks for the ongoing costs of that shitshow amounting to over $70 million taxpayer dollars.

You're fucking worthless and pandered to like every other minority in this ridiculous country. How does it feel to the pets of white monarchy?

Punjabi English here. India should never have been a meme.

Sikhs are dirty shitskins that used to be muslims and desperately travel to any white country possible.

They are still dirty pieces of shit. There are Sikh rape gangs in the UK, no different than Paki mulsim rape gangs. The largest terrorist attack on Canadian soil was Sikh, not muslim.

Just yesterday a Sikh was arrested for groping a dozen teenage girls at Disney World.

They are disgusting useless pieces of shit that need to be sent back.


As part of the 5 ks, their uncut hair is wrapped up and covered with a turban.

There's always one canuckfag who gets his panties in a bunch in these threads.

The later.

I say "seek", and my professors pronounced it the same way.


Nope, try again.

Nobody cared who they were until the muslims tried to genocide them

Sikhs have a higher understanding of the relationship of divinity to the universe than the Abrahamic religions imo. I wish I knew some Sikhs irl.


I am a sikh and all the Sikhs I know (including my family) pronounce it as sick. I've only seen non sikhs pronounce it as seek.

...Maybe I should just ask a Sikh.

My mother's family is Punjabi and every Punjabi, Sikh or not, I've talked to pronounces it as "seek". You live in the U.S. so you may want to take that into account.

Whenever I see something like pic related in video games, usually in something Eldritch related, are they referring to you guys? I always think they're eccentric, bad ass, well educated, and shit.

Because they look like pakis

Don't worry bro, real whites understand your cultural significance in the war against Islam and I can't wait to start removing Kebab with some dude named Singh.

What's the problem Ajinder? Turban wrapped too tight to come up with a proper reply to what I wrote?

Was the Air India bombing bro tier? Are you happy about it?

yup we originate from a band of North Indians who had enough of Islam's constant terror, and made our own religion just to shit on mudslimes.

...Okay, maybe I can't even expect an answer from sikhs on this. You know what, I'll just say "seek" because it doesn't sound as negative in the english language as "sick" and they can correct me if they want.

That'd probably be for the best. But it's a matter of language, so it's going to depend on whom you talk to.

The word "butter" is all across the English language, but will you say "butter" in enunciating the "t" (like they do in the UK) or with an eased, "d" sound like in America. There's no wrong way to pronounce it.

I may not be happy about it, but you may want to take into account the fact that it was thirty fucking years ago.

Kill yourself.

Lads my new roommates surname is Singh

Singh is bro tier right? Not poo in loo hindu or bomb your mom islam?

A man need not concern himself with the opinions of a leaf.

Definitely not Muslim, but could be Hindu. Don't know what you have against Hindus though.

kys you dirty hindu, Sikhs are the true alpha race out of India and you know this to your core.

There are good and bad examples from all ethnic and religious backgrounds.

One thing about Sikhism is that it is one of the most tolerant of religions.

Indian people speak very fast and "sick" is a shortened word that flows in conversation. The proper pronunciation is "seek".

The sad thing about you sikh cunts is that we Muslims and your people eventually got over the rivalry and put our differences aside and just got along with each other, look at how the British were removed from India for an example. Now you want to undo that for absolutely no reason other than to kowtow to people who will never accept you and your shit-coloured skin.

Fuck sikhs lol.. wtf is wrong with you ppl? ( i know its really indians behind canadian flags)

Say it with me, la, "Seekh"

Don't Indians rape women at astounding rates? And shit on literally every street?
>Oy vey, goy! We're your bros :^)

Plebbit really has infiltrated this place, everybody jumped on the niggers dick when he got shot, but jumped ship once the cops got killed.

Yes i agree and so does everyone I know. Dont listen to pol its just a bunch of autisitic LITERAL cuckolds.

Sikhs voted OUT of the EU by a good majority, while a tiny minroity of muslims voted out.

Oh thats so smart ally yourself as a minority with a bunch of racists in the hopes that they will treat you well once you defeat your common enemy.

You are what will become known as a house Sikh

Blue eyed white Aryan here

When I was young my amma and appa were walking down the street in our white neighborhood and we saw some filthy Muslim thugs come in and try to mug as and they try rape on my mother

But out of nowhere these based bro-tier Sikhs came in and beat those Muslims up and saved us

After that auspicious day where my family life was saved, I have always have deep admiriation for Sikhs

I'll always respect Indian hatred for Muslims.

Sikhs are based
I wish you would make a baby with Serbia to create the ultimate kebab remover

You're worst rival has just risen mudslime

Do you guys have Aryan blood?
I know that bloodline extends into northern India


>you are worst rival


but really. you're hardly more than the bacteria on a shit on the bottom of my boot, you don't really intimidate anyone, least of all a major world faith like Islam. Just come to your senses and stop trying hard to fit in with people who will never accept you, and lets try and get along like we used to. We don't really want to genocide you but we will if you don't behave yourselves.

What is the ancient dispute between the Sikhs and the Muslims?

How did it start?

muslims being aggressive fucks

Probably the aggressive invasion of India hundreds of years ago. Enslavement, mass slaughter, and forced conversions abound. Mughals were dicks.

Sikhism. Literally a meme religion. Hur dur, let's throw in some reincarnation and karma into Monotheism (which they took from Islam) and call it a day. Their fucking Guru Nanak went on a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Sikhs got btfo by the Brits in the Anglo Sikh Wars, got btfo by Ahmed and Pajeet in 1947, and got btfo during the 1984. Keep waving that Khalistan Flag LOL. Literally KEKED the race.

>Btw Sikh girls suck paki dick at uni.
Their dad's would probably honor kill them if they found out. Just goes to show that they are yet another run of the mill race of sandnigger.

Why are there so many Sikhs at Niagara Falls?

bro tier/10

I support Skihs.

lol dirty mudslime trying to talk down to the one group that raped them in northern india. why isn't india muslim now then? o yea Sikhs raped you faggot mughals

>he thinks his shitstain ancestors and not the British are the reason the Mughals did not continue to reign India
Okay shitheel. It's nice to see you take credit for others work, but then you are just an Indian with a rag on your head.

>it's another Sikh telling us how great and "bro-tier" Sikhs are
stop forcing this meme

That's fine. I would definitely considered Sikhs friends and allies. That doesn't mean I want you coming into my country and replacing entire towns or cities.

I expect you wouldn't want the same in your homeland.