Inevitable race war

>be me
>be brown
>be Muslim

I'm pretty Centre-Right ya fucks. I'm also pro-Brexit, and dislike illegal immigration and refugees that aren't vetted.

How do I join the race war with Sup Forums?

(I'm also a trained PC with London Metro)

Kill yourself. One less Muslim is the best gift you can give

rare breed

no habennin

This, but make like your brethren and kill your fellow Muslims before you do.

We thank you.

There won't be any race war.


Assuming you're not trolling, I wish to ask you where you stand with Islam, and why you stand there.


to the gas chamber Achmed


kill yourself

Convert, or at least hide your faith.

Why not just convert?

Gonna have to agree here, but if you REALLY want to help, take out the most extreme muslims you know.

Become a known speaker/youtuber on these issues. It will be in your benefit and largely beneficial to "the cause".

he is brown, he can die.

By going back to the Middle East.

>Be muslim

Kill yourself.

Infiltrate and an hero with as many other browns that you can

step 1. leave your totalitarian cult fool

1 P O S T B Y O P
Abandon thread

any race war will be just idiots trying to kill each other, so forget about your ideals, you're with the browns.

You don't because you're a muslim.


You're either moderate or you die.

You're the only logical one here. Thank you, I heed your advice.

Eid Mubarak OP!

Don't worry. It's just stupid yanks who are facing a civil war. We Brits are way better integrated.

British blacks are mostly good people. I like blacks in London more than I like most of the whites. Well, except Somalians, they're just scum.

We Brits are going to sit down together and enjoy watching the yanks murder each other.


How is going back to your homelands not logical? You don't belong here in North America.

Some north Nigerian tussled one of my mates when he was on-duty. Can't say it for all.

Eid Mubarak to you too, bruv.

West itself already had expanded into every part of the world by its mass-culture. We have nearly western cultural totaliarims.

My homeland is Britain. I'm half Anglo fucking wank. Also, I'm visiting Canada for the senpai.

>Well, except Somalians, they're just scum.
As a nation we can all agree on this, only group I genuinely have a dislike of

Sorry, only bro tier Sikhs are allowed to survive the race war.

Unlike faggot OP, I'm brown but I don't worship a pedophile. How do I get in on the right side of the race war? Half white if it helps any.



Typical anglo""""canadian""""

Provide Aryans a means to exist indefinitely
Stay away.

I'm a brit. Can't you read?

Step 1; Leave your shitty religion. Cannot co-exist peacefully with non-Muslim society. Become an atheist or a sikh or a christfag or some shit.

Step 2: Wear a MAGA cap so we can identify you

Its a meme

Germans are wild half slavs from north

Taqueria makes it impossible for muslims to convert.

get converting the other 1.6 billion and we will talk

>One muslim has five children who each have five children who in turn each have five children

Yeah, no thanks

But I wanna cleanse libshits from the earth

Also, shitskin societies fucking suck for good reasons, I dont want to be with those savages, especially since I was only raised by my white mother because sterotypes.


Even if your half British, you're still tainted. It'd be better off for everyone if you just went back to the Middle East.
Hundreds of years ago when they were building Britain from the ground up and producing feats of engineering and music(still being produced by white brits today) your people weren't there. You're apart of a globalist agenda to extinguish the unique flame of Whites.

True. OP has limited options.

Oh shi, anglo"""""""""canadians""""""""" even not canadians actually

That's too fucking bad. Blame your whore mother and don't put the burden on us. You don't see me trying to get back into Europe or go to Asia or anything. My ancestors built this country and it's nonwhites and Jews that are making it fall apart. Just look around. Whites are a minority, you are not. Go somewhere else.

Renounce and speak out against islam. Embrace the culture and lifestyle of the nation you currently live in. Respect it's history and it's occupants. Seek to join said society and do away with parallel societies that spring up on already existing nation.

just step into my oven

>wild german barbarians

I'm far right, but I hate racism.

I'd rather ready to live with christian afrikans than white radical muslims.

There's a name for such behavior. It's called a Cuck.
You must be one.

Also your '"" aryan ideals""" are fucking non beatiful. I would prefer to live with h a lf african Rashida Jones than with 80% of """'aryan"""" girls.

Also the best women are polish and russian

ehhhhh. So this just happened.

dont forget to wear your brown star and you should be ok

Do what you think is right and follow your heart. Spread (good, truthful) propaganda like the rest of us. Most wouldn't thank you for what you do on either side. Some will at best just view you as an enemy of the enemy. But there will be some who will think of you as a last samurai. I know if I still lived in Japan, and what is happening in the West were happening in Japan, I would be a last samurai, even though most of the people would be racist against me.

but Sup Forums, i dont want to die. so if i cant fight against your enemies i guess joining the rest of the world in genociding the whites is the only way?

meh, i just want to participate in the violence anyway. who gives a fuck about the future, its not like im going to old enough to see it happen amirite?

fuck white pride

Alright. Continue being a gay cuck. See if I care

I hate Hitler. This faggot supported muslims and killed polish people.

I may be polish too and seriously hate nazi faggots, jebanie psy

Also picreleated polish actress is nicer than """"""aryan""""''" girls

what a degenerate
im sure he's diaper futa faggot

Half my ancestors worked on Canada for whatever that's worth. I understand the racial purity aspect and respect it as well. But I have nothing in common and nothing but contempt for the desert lands where my lesser half hails. Half of my blood lives there and I'd turn the region into glass without a second thought. I was raised on white society and the standards it brings with it. I'm not saying I'm entitled to live in a 100% white society, thats nigger tier gibs right there,I just want to be a productive member of a society that isn't ass backwards.

>not a brainwashed faggot
>a gay in opinion of the one

Go to chuj, Hans, you are 60% of murricans and still cucked by brits

It's not about white pride. It's about self-defence. Survival and reproduction. Not being genocided by jews. White pride is just liberation from jewish imposed white guilt.

What about Pakistanis?

They're utter shit tier with the Somalis, arguably worse.

>wild half-slavs from north with wierd languages and giant ego

When this meme die?

t. Ahmed.

OP here. I don't like kikes either.

I'm a doctor, I was born in a hospital.

Hitler was right.
German engineering is the world's best. Aryan is the combination of Nordic and Anglo, the World's best. We are merely trying to defend our existence and pushy non-whites seek to reap the benefits of our ancestors and prevent future creation.
They are evil.
They must perish.

You leave my mayor alone.

An african with native French is whiter than average american

You stand on our side and eat a bacon and egg burger with us

If you want to help the white cause, indiscriminately kill as many white liberals as possible.

How will OP ever recover?
(I hope he won't)

ill make sure all canadians die in the race war, in fact i might disregard the race war completely and just go kill a bunch of canadians

I don't find nordic people beatiful.

2 Eritreans
3 Pakis
4 Romanians


As long as you are segregated I see no issue, it may be where America is ended up anyhow.
However, you see the issue here? Your people can't build a functioning civilization, hence YOU cannot be apart of a functioning civilization, get the drift?
And don't go "Oh but my mother's side..."
Your mother's worthless.
IQ, Creativity, Strength, all of that comes from the father, which your mother couldn't even say she loves.
She abandoned her race for lust.
She is wicked in the eyes of God.

Idiot, romanians are whiter than ""white"" brits.

you white pieces of shits just told me off, told me to die yet i present my empathy to you pale fucks to help you all fight the "jews".

seems like in the end it aint about no fuckin jews. you pale mayonaise shits just want the non whites to be gone.

how about you pale noisy annoying fucks be gone instead.

God Damn he's THAT pissed we didn't like his comic?

Just because you're born in England, doesn't make you a Brit. You're a filthy invader, and will be hung on the day of the rope you fucking savage.

>you pale mayonaise shits just want the non whites to be gone.

Just imagine what a beautiful world it would be.

> I'm also pro-Brexit
You fell for the meme, dumb fuck.

Finally people are saying what needs to be said.

good one

I'm far right, pro-european, and anti-wahhabit, but you are right, white pride is a shit.

They are rather would attack Poland again, the most nationalist and strong EU country than do real job to protect our culture. Just because they have illness fantasies about meme country """Prussia""" and polonophobic retarded shit.

Fuck this hitlerist scum.

Niech żyje Polska.

>20 million muslims /15% of Russian population

stop being muslim
or don't tell people you are muslim
american christians say they are american unless someone ask about their religion
be like them

Me? My folks have been here since they walked over the ice cap.

And I welcome immigrants, provided they're willing to obey our laws. It's fearful people like you who hold the country back, not them.

First of all: lel re 'whiteness'

Second of all, he's rating people by how shit tier they are.

That doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with race, just lots of different things that come together to make X, Y or Z a shit tier group of immigrants.

Mainly culture, religion, attitude to work, integration and Britain etc.

I'm probably not russian by blood and I hate this politics too, Moscow is an asian city yet, muslims are everywhere ans our fucking clowns are talking about ""russian world"" in Donbass.
Yes, ukrainian nazis are bioscum, but clowns are idiots too.

Double agent. Video a radical imam that Trudope has embraced, then release the footage.

How can you be part of a religion whose book (The Koran) preaches no love whatsoever. It's not a religion that advocates love and caring, just violence and death. You have to be fucking stupid as shit to think being a Muslim is a good thing or even something that should be tolerated.

>trained PC with London Metro

you are violating the rules here and the law

don't think you'll be safe on the day of rope either

You're wrong.
We have no issue with people like you. Just invader scum, just like how you have a Jewish problem
We actually have both

Nazis are faggots, because they started to talk about whiteness but too pussy to realize that they are not 100% white too, because ancestors of wild barbarians.

And this faggots tried to destroy Poland and germanize polish people

I fucking hate this scum.

You know what? Closer to slav danish people like Emmelie de Forest should speak Polish.

How you'll take this idea, nazi bioscum?