Chimpout General - 6th Policeman Dead Edition


Fox stream

>Rage stream

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why is she so flat

>NO LIFE Matters until Black Lives Matter

t. Barack Obama

Just means that it's steal core ammo.
Better penetration but also super cheap at walmart.


I second a thick asuka

Make it so OP

I smell radical islam

Alright I'm out. Gotta get up early and buy as much ammo as I can.

Why not


There's still time before it reaches the smaller suburban towns, right?

where is that quote from

bitch nigga killed himself


Found your shooter

Because she's like 13 and Ano is a pedo shitstain that can't write for his life

source faggot

>tfw stocked up on bullets yesterday
Dodged a bullet (har har)


why does this guy keep calling himself a moth?

I thought black lives matter.

Fox news

still sad as fuck

even my red haired goddess cannot cheer me up.

Fox News confirmed it just a couple minutes ago

Is it really a race war?

There are so many black policemen

Its over, Sheepie.

3 in custody, one dead.

I doubt any racewar would reach most smaller towns unless they're full blackistan already.

Did they get one of the niggers? Hang him from a tree.


what a salty rei fag

In this moment, you are not a roach

I dont get it, why is all of this happening now?

>tfw you live in slav central and won't have to worry about being chimped on by nigs

So is Coulter's law going to take affect here?

6??? Fuck.

No, but tensions are getting worse

Sup Forums will say race war now but if it really ever comes it will take something really bad (white/black supremacy parties commuting executions of whites/blacks) before real race war happens

German women are only good for rape.

When will he tweet?

It's a ploy to divert media attention away from the Hillary email scandal in an attempt to salvage her public image.

because niggers are bad people

Everywhere, user.

niggers gonna nig

do we know the race of the shooter/s yet?


its all ogre for hillary and the neocons, time for plan b

How and why did race relations in the US decline so badly in the past few years, anyway?

1-2 hours probably

in the morning when he's actually awake tbqh familia

MFW i sold muh gun and i'm broke as fuck. can't afford another one

>mfw I bought a mosin nagant today

Better than nothing I suppose.

What do you guys think about the bomb threats? do they have any validity?

you know you can make, right? you can make a shitty pipe pistol a la fallout 4 if absolutely needed, but that should be your last resort

Curious, what part of the UK is slav central?

woah how can americans be poor?


i hate niggers with a passion and will all my life, but saying this now, these negroids that got capped by those cops were killed fairly recently, this shit seems planned out and would need some time to get organized so I have a gut feeling like all of this was planned for a while

we'll have to find out the full details of course, it could be sand niggers from ISIS that did it, but why would they shoot cops and not civilians, ISIS hates americans more than anyone whether it's BLM niggers or law enforcement

and white nationalists love cops, so it couldn't be them unless it was them doing this as a false flag, but we clearly saw a negro in those vids

I'm guessing this is black panthers who planned this shit for a long time

Obama saying shit he shouldn't

Media pushing sensational shit


Just being around and knowing black people I would have never suspected things are as bad in places as they are, but the media does a great job at showing what they want to show

I'm sure you have 200 bucks. For that or a little less you can pick up a Maverick 88 shotgun, perfectly fine for defense.

Dumb fucks itll just make trump stronger the emails wont go away

where is gushpot? i need to know you're safe

Why don't they just send black officers to the BLM protests from now on ?

>smart enough to make a bomb
yeah no

Its been in more wars than any other firearm. Could have done worse.


>Everything ever that happens is the result of the new republican anti-christ Hillary Clinton.
This is just getting out of hand.

Islam has been waging war on the rest of the world for 1400 years.


I think one of the downed cops was black.


Uncle Tom whitey-lovers don't count.

Please be real


People from africa are fighting in syria.

Why shouldnt i make the commute to baltimore? Fuck, i could even come home on weekends or for dinner if shit dies down for long enough

>scrapes brain matter off boots
>hangs rifle on the wall
>"Honey, im home!"

black lives matter toxified and created a fake situation in which blacks were made to feel they were not equal.
basically one organization with alot of celeb and normie support brainwashed an entire nation into beliving lies. Mainly this came from the remains of the LA riots and other big riots.
my grandfather who lived in Detroit during the riots was actually on top of building defending his bosses property from the rioters. Had a M1 garand or something I think.

Difficult to say. There's almost no information on the shooters available to the public.

It wouldn't make much sense to me. Dallas has been actively pushing to drive down police violence and has been employing more traditional policing methods like those used in the UK.

The police who were at the protest were also there protecting and supporting the event. Many were taking photos with protesters before the shooting started.

I may be totally wrong, but to me a revenge attack targeting police in Dallas makes very little sense. Whoever it is certainly seems to have military style I think that kind of rules out ISIL. I don't think they have the kind of resources to successfully pull off something like this in the US. Most of their US attackers tend to be poorly trained self-radicalised idiots.

So who else could it be? Some kind of domestic terrorist group maybe? Sovereign citizens or something? Until we know more it's very difficult to guess.

But I thought Obama's election was supposed to symbolise the end of racism in America?

Cumming over her flat tits :3

He already did one on CBS.

Why mate?

Treating white people like they were all evil and infesting all media with the same anti-white narrative.

Insulting whites for even daring to like their skin color.

Having a President use this narrative in almost every speech and making every issue about race.

Forcing diversity at the same time as doing the above.

Asuka is a shit-tier waifu, fuck you OP

I don't even care about the waifu wars, just want a race war.

What happening? I'm just wake up.

>being capable of this kind of attack

When blacks kill cops in retaliation for social justice/racial justice shit, they do it in broad daylight by sneaking up on cops from behind. Then they brag about it on facebook.

This attack is WAY too sophisticated for blacks to have planned.

(((pure coincidence)))

Jim Morrison?

>Happiness in Slavery
>Head Like a Hole

Pandora is killing it tonight with the appropriate NIN titles.

It was but then he started race baiting

i shave shekels and make good shekels but i have kids and would rather spend muh shekels on them or save them. i didn't think it was gonna habbebin ever! so i said fuck this i don't need it. also i don't want a gun with my kids around

>Sovereign citizens
Sounds about right. I can hear them shouting "who's detained now?"

Fate is love.

Media and BLM.

Fucking media is such fucking cancer, and start alll kinds of this shit because of clicks

(D) didnt get their way with hilldog and bernie, so they are just going to burn this mother to the ground.


yeah i just ordered a lower and will build another one just in case


No, they are saying a full-fledged Presser is coming up soon. I was about to go to bed too, damnit.

>each war's starting to pick up
>tfw Canadian but not legally allowed to own a gun

All I have is a shovel and a Spyderco knife. I'm fucked.

basically this, the media is influencing peoples emotions .

that scandal went nowhere, it didn't need this

I hate to say it but this happening made me really happy. I know it's terrible, but I felt pretty down in the dumps about the ratcheting up anti-white rhetoric and these nogs just ruined all of the gains they made.
