>learn to read circular ink blot ""language""
>become a higher dimensional being
pure kino
>learn to read circular ink blot ""language""
>become a higher dimensional being
pure kino
It's based on the belief that learning a new language rewires your brain, which is mentioned in the movie.
It's on the same stupid tier as Lucy suggesting we only use 10% of our brains.
If I told you I knew you were gonna say that would you believe me, user?
>the 10% myth
I don't know why, but this rustles the shit outta me every time I hear someone say it.
Its right up there with
>Turning your lights off and on uses more electricity than keeping them on all the time
>alien tells her if she has a kid with dude it'll get cancer and die
>she tricks dude into having cancer kid
>waits til kid's 5, then tells him, leading to his breakdown
What a bitch tho. Ruined the whole movie
you realise you get mad because you are unintelligent right?
they see the future, you cant do anything against it
it's an enjoyable film, it's just that plot device which I can't get over
and this bit's from the short story anyway, can't even blame the film
An energy saving lightbulb uses lots of energy for the first few minutes, more than a normal bulb does. Only after it's warmed up does the "energy saving" kick in.
Switching it off and on repeatedly would use more than just leaving a normal bulb on.
She coulda fucked the black dude and had his kid. Or just not fucked anyone.
yeah nice bro science
>Heisserer said that in earlier versions of the script, the film had a different ending. Originally the gift the heptapods leave us are "blueprints to an interstellar ship, like an ark of sorts" that would enable us to help them in 3000 years. But after the release of Christopher Nolan's film Interstellar in 2014, Heisserer and Villeneuve agreed that that would not work. It was decided that the heptapod's gift would be what was "there in front of us, ... the power of their language."[13][14]
But she already decided having the kid was worth it for her.
>But after the release of Christopher Nolan's film Interstellar in 2014, Heisserer and Villeneuve agreed that that would not work
Why not?
cause its the same ending?
don't bother arguing the implications of psychic time travel in the film
the filmmakers didn't so there's no point
How come Hawkeye didn't also know he would have a sick kid with Amy Adams? He was having weird dreams in the movie. Meaning he was also learning the language. He just quit learning it after they left?
>mfw the entire second hour
Awful movie.
Holy fuck this movie was bad. It was like a standard Nolan flick except he tends to pace his otherwise terrible scripts well enough, but this crap imploded as soon as Amy "I'm Acting" Adams went into the pod.
>mfw this hack might be directing Dune
No, it's a "whatever happened, happened" situation
>Nolan flicks have good pacing
>evil white uneducated rednecks blow up all progress that liberal educated enlightened diverse university people trying to take society forward established
>pure kino