Sup Forums BTFO!
Sup Forums BTFO!
>the monkey drew a stickfigure! Somebody give it a Nobel prize!
Not going to read the article so no clue what they're saying but it's nice to see movies with black people that aren't about slavery. Maybe things are finally changing?
>black filmmaking
this is black filmmaking
Both are great films, but stating that is ignoring lots of great films by black directors/writers.
>it's nice to see movies with black people that aren't about slavery
yes, even tho the whole lowlife struggle is also a cliche in black movies
>black filmmaking
What the hell is "black filmmaking"?
when you steal the camera you are using to shoot the film
Tbh, after years of great cinema, if these are the best films of 'black filmmaking' then that's pretty pathetic. I don't think blacks are into acting, directing, etc. as others
I'd rather watch red tails
Moonlight wasn't really about "lowlife struggles". It was more about gay struggles. Which is cliche in white movies. It's fresh for niggers.
max jej
It was about time they made movies with blacks, so sad it has to be now and that never ever before were great movies directed and starred by blacks
What do you guys think of this blackino?
Why does Sup Forums hate black people so much?
Contrarian bullshit and memeing aside, Get Out is legit good.
It's just okay. No one will remember this movie past a month. It's not some classic you'll show to your kids.
like the revenant?
>the revenant
>Leo "Just Give Me The Fucking Oscar Already" DiCaprio's award whoring
What a shit movie.
That png is fucking perfection. The faces, the Facebook post, all of it. Fucking. Perfection.
This pic is the best representation of modern America I've seen.
You know I wonder if blacks feel insulted since they're being treated as an object. These fucks treat like some sort of endangered species. They're practically being exploited, like seriously those 2 bitches only care about those blacks because of their fucking skin pigmentation. They don't care about them as individuals whatsoever
Please, tell me more of your long eons spent on Sup Forums. I bet you're on of those special ones who was telnetting to Sup Forums right after Al Gore invented the internet.
>breakout black movies
>muh whitey and gay nig in the hood
this is the epitome of white liberals also the message of get out
The message of Get Out is "whites are evil, kill the whitey". Don't fool yourself with self-made interpretations.
Stay triggered Trump voting whiteboi
Have you even seen it?
Holy fuck, what is wrong with that black girl's face?
Have you even understood it?
I saw it. Did you?
Well, she is black... You know...
People who don't understand movies 101
From the director and writer:
>B-But... H-He's talking about white liberals... not me...
>milk is racist
This will forever amuse me.
that's actually the point of Get Out. You might like the movie
Again, that isn't the point of Get Out. Why do you think liberals are loving this movie?
America in one pic.
Nah it wasn't tbqh famalam
>being this triggered by black people
>Again, that isn't the point of Get Out.
Not that user, but that is the point of the film.
>Why do you think liberals are loving this movie?
Because the liberals in question, who are by no means liberal, have pavlovian responses to media. If it looks like something they're supposed to support, they cheer. If it doesn't look like something they're supposed to like, they boo. Liberals approach Get Out like casual movie watchers approach Bay's Transformers: it's all about the form, whether it exists or not the function is transparent to them.
It actually was tba100%hwy fampai.