Iron Fist is getting dragged by critics everywhere. drumpfkins and white ppl btfo!!!!!!
Iron Fist is getting dragged by critics everywhere. drumpfkins and white ppl btfo!!!!!!
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So it's kind of like how things went down IRL? With rapiers overwhelming katanas and boxing and wrestling overwhelming snake oil "kata" based martial arts?
>implying trump supporters care about Marvel
We are DC all the way buddy. This SJW shit deserves to fail
This show is getting universally slammed for being complete shit from top to bottom but of course capeshitters will only post SJW screencaps to make it sound like the show's only being attack for SJW reasons and not because it's hot garbage.
Us Trump voters hate Marvel
Its the Nu Male cans who like Marvel
I love how the first concern is approriation and diversity. If it it had just had that, it wouldn't matter that it's also shit, amirite?
Keep that in mind, Asians can NEVER teach white people anything invented in the West.
I saw some fucking Chinese American trying to explain geometry to white students, I think one might have even been Greek American.
I fucking lost my shit. That's cultural appropriation, I can't believe in 2017 races are trying to steal culture from other races. And especially in America where that's super relevant.
god why haven't we just killed all white males yet fucking disgusting pigs
>but suffers from its white lead
When did the West officially die?
Cultural appropriation is so fucking retarded. If we use their retarded logic then blacks can't play basketball anymore since a white man created it, no one use the internet anymore, no one learn calculus, no can go on an airplanes anymore, they can't use phones anymore, etc.. I disnt want to sound like those stormfags but If they really want to play the cultural appropriation card then they would lose every time
So, they know that the character is a white guy, right?
They know that the actor is a gay mam and thus diverse, right?
No. We shouldn't treat Marvel how they treated DC last year. I say we should support them instead.
boxing is western kung fu. prove me wrong
>Made up by white men in the 70s
Wut? Iron Fist's martial arts were made in the East by super duper ancient monks, the fuck is this bitch talking about?
>Black girl tells you stop wearing my people's clothes, that's cultural appropiation
>Respond stop wearing clothes, that's cultural appropiation
Not going to lie, I ran like a bitch when she started to chimp out
The Romans appropriated Greek culture the Japanese Chinese culture.
But to say Americans have some right to "culture" because they are the same race of where it was originally from is retarded. My mom was born in Portugal. If some Asian person wants to learn Portuguese or do whatever I could not care less.
And at the same time if a black person in Africa wore a cowboy hat I wouldn't lose my shit.
If a white person studied some martial art it doesn't mean they are at an inherent disadvantage to an Asian person especially if the Asian person is American.
What people also forget is America is and was mostly white. Therefore characters are going to be shockingly mostly white.
I live in Japan now, guess what, most fictional characters on TV are overwhelmingly Japanese.
It could be a show about something unJapanese or take place outside of Japan, but the main character is going to be Japanese.
I don't know why SJW can't understand basic shit like that. But I have a feeling they don't want to understand it, they just want to get angry because then they can get attention and maybe, just maybe, get to be the victim, the one thing they seem to crave more than life itself.
When did you stop voting for Trump?
>i'm going to defend a bad show because i love to watch shit and Sup Forums told me to
enjoy your no medical insurance retards.
>weakest Netflix Marvel show
>when Jessica Jones and Luke Cage exist
I will wait and see, if marvel comes out and issues an apology for their egregious cultural appropriation then I'd have felt stupid for supporting them
Women and Black man, they'll never say those are the weakest
>Western comics
You lost me there
breaking news: marvel netflix show is shit
They apologized wth The One in Dr Strange after a lot of complaints, wait and see, they'll do the same with IF
I imagine Snyder's dream project is a gay porn where Jesus Christ himself gets fucked in the ass by Batman in a locker room after some guy on guy horseplay.
I love it when people like you get all huffy about how "illogical" these people act, taking their absurd justifications at face value. Its simple, they genuinely hate white people, and will take any position and make any argument to the attack them. You will never bother or trip then up because you identified some logical gap in their accusations, its irrelevant. If they can disparage white people and get away with it, even in their meaningless "reviews" for a third-wheel capeshit show, they will.
Why do white guys trigger everyone so much? As a black nigga, I don't give a fuck what color they are as long as they can act.
Why can't we all just get along?
but when its white people doing it is it because they hate themselves or their dad?
I have no ill feelings toward Oscarlets myself, I'm sure they will join us in the Sun someday
A lot of Asian American got trigered, in fact all of this started (or at least went viral) when literally Who (Asian American actress from some show) complained "even when these complains will cost my career"
Don't be fooled, user, there're retards in every size and color
Yeah blacks never get triggered.
>Why can't we all just get along?
The left has glorified the victim, and millennial have been fed a steady diet of that on TV and then go to college to get a liberal arts degree.
Now they are in an arms race to see who can be the biggest victim and who can be more upset over white people since they are the most successful group in white countries.
How long until the left implodes?
Its so sad Asian Americans are now at the forefront of the SJW movement.
>As far as diversity, representation, and appropriation go, the series fails in a number of ways
Nice, I'll give it a watch
>They don't know western martial arts exist
Why are libs such dumb fags?
But I'm white unlike you and the other shitskin capeshit drones on Sup Forums
About 5 to 10 years.
Seriously our generation is like the French Revolution trying to restructure society based on ideal theories of how things should be and not how they are.
Younger people are naturally going to reject that. Especially the more extreme it is.
And society will move more and more right until it hits some extreme.
The craziness of the French and more moderate American revolutions led to the repressed Victorian era, which then led to the roaring 20s, which led to the conservative 1940s and 50s. And so on and so on.
This just in: Every single asian person knows kung fu better than every single white person ever, and there's no way in hell asians could learn from whites on the subject.
Is that a Sandusky reference?
>If we use their retarded logic then blacks can't play basketball anymore
They also can't use things like 'walls' or 'roofs' and they are only allowed to get their water out of rivers and swamps.
now that imdb is closed they going all in
>She didn't take them off and suck your dick
I don't believe this really happened.
Is Iron Fist /OurShow/?
What gets me is that they're complaining about a white guy being the lead when he was originally white in the comics. This isn't some whitewashing incident this is just them bitching for the sake of bitching
under. fucking. rated.
Jews, it's always the jews
No. The sjw rants are retarded but the actor isn't suited for the role and it looks like shit.
I'll have yet to see. I actually liked DD S1&2 and Luke Cage, never watched JJ
I think if the people that got Trump elected hate it then it must be alright.
I already know this is going to be my favorite Netflix show
absolutely it is
trips confirm, iron fist is racism kino
Or maybe they just make shit up to fit their agenda. Pic related is the nigger who blasted the show on The Verge.
I don't need a nigger to tell me that it looks retarded.
And yet Luke Cage, whose entire plot is literally "he's a bulletproof nigger who punches people" got universal praise.
The show has many problems beyond the oens SJWs invent, but I might watch it out of spite
Who's the jew that wrote this nonsense
Susana Polo, used to write for The Mary Sue, now at Polygon, can't find any conclusive evidence she's one of God's Chosen Peopleā¢ though
Everyone bitched about her not being from a specific part of Asia like the character. Lit up my Facebook feed for a good few weeks
I shit a joke? Chinks can't hit worth a shit. They're 5'2" and 110lbs soaking wet.
It's funny because the actual reason she isn't Tibetan is because Marvel knew the PRC wouldn't allow the movie to have a Tibetan character. The chinks like to pretend Tibet doesn't even exist, because thinking otherwise would slow down international ignorance of their cultural genocide going on there. It's also the reason Strange goes to Nepal instead of the north side of the Himalayas in Tibet.