ITT: Awful gay characters.
ITT: Awful gay characters
all of them
I actually like Aaron. He's not annoying to me
fuck off trying to shame my husbando, user.
agreed, the guy seems pretty rad for a gay dude
I like his music.
He's a non-character, like everyone else on the show besides Rick and Negan
Literally who!?
How is he awful? He doesn't even do anything.
>ywn stomp a mudhole in this assbandit with your cohort davie and black savior 2
All of them.
Being gay is wrong and abnormal.
Rawls is a great character you fucking dipstick
Gay is wrong faggot.
Yes, they need to be executed, except for qt traps ofc.
Why did you make this thread again?
Fuck off hillshill
I'd have sex with him, his boyfriend should be killed off soon, leaving him all to me.
*blocks your path*
All of them you dumb faggot.
Homosexuality is a biological dead end.
What does gay sex feel like?
I hear it's kind of like pooping. Anal orgasms supposedly feel amazing. If you take too big of a cock it can make you shart for the rest of your life
Now posting the best and cutest: