>Americans on Sup Forums claim to support the second amendment so they can defend themselves against an oppressive government
>cries when Black people use that right
Hypocrisy much?
Americans on Sup Forums claim to support the second amendment so they can defend themselves against an oppressive...
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The second amendment was installed when blacks were not even considered full citizens you twat.
If the founding fathers could see in the future they would've explicitly said in the document that the amendment only applies for European citizens.
You don't give guns to former slaves.
Americans on Sup Forums don't think black people are people
>Hypocrisy much
This isn't even proper syntax. Why don't you try speaking English properly, you mutt.
That's like saying only muskets count as arms.
Except the cops weren't oppressing the niggers. They were just doing their job and the nigs nigged
Police shooting of unarmed black suspects (which doesn't even mean they're not dangerous!) accounts for 0.6% of back killings.
They aren't fighting against an oppressive government—they're shooting innocent cops in the back who were trying to protect a rally.
Also, at the rally, blacks were jeering at cops. Spitting at cops. It was not even peaceful, yet the cops stood there and took it.
Their reward was to never see their families again.
Around blacks, never relax.
>Around blacks, never relax.
I don't see many blacks around where I live because I don't live in a third world shithole but I have to agree with you. They seem like terrible """people""".
No, because guns actually develop and blacks don't
Blacks aren't looking to separate though, they're looking to take over and kill whites.
shooting unaware police officers doing their job is not part of your second amendment rights or defending yourself against an oppressive government.
>shooting cops from a distance with a rifle
>defending themselves
fuck off shitposter
/k/ fags have gone overboard. Blacks shouldn't be allowed to own guns
I'm not crying I'm celebrating
>Oppressive government
Kill the tyrant, not the slave.
Are you Libyan?
You're right OP.
But Blacks don't want to live in a country with white people. That kind of violence is secessionist. Essentially they want a civil war and a new country for black people.
Even though this is blatant bait there are leftists who will legitimately be saying this shit in the morning and it still infuriates me.
Not hypocrisy. Mass murder of innocents isn't defending yourself you fucking spastic. They were on the offensive. Using guns defensively would be against those you claim to be using them defensively who clearly were on the offensive you fucking sped. Now gtfo out of australia you fucking cunt rag.
You disgrace us all. Someone find out where OP lives so I can go on the defensive against him and his family.
Well they can fuck off then...
laws and rights only apply to humans
go back to tumblr faggot
damn netherlands, you're alright my man
is this you irl op? disgusting
It's their land. They were probably there before the ancestors of most white Americans.
It will end up like the Troubles. Violence, segregation, then a black national state.
The police doesn't count as an "oppressive government".
White people don't count as an "oppressive government".
ye-yeah.. just bait..
Nobody's crying here. All I see is cheering it on.
Gun control is and has always been a response to armed niggers. Even Governor Reagan fucked gun owners because niggers were haunting government buildings with rifles.
>killing random people is what the 2nd amendment is for
The government isn't impressive, theyMre enforcing clearly established rules.
If you break the law and then freak out and call it oppression when the govenrment enforces that law, then you are a threat to society
are you swedish?
Sup Forums used to be just Ron Paul shit posting and jet fuel can't melt steel beams. Did stormfront get shut down and everyone came here?
You only take up arms after the law fails.
If the law and your peers say the law didn't after it goes through the processes, then no, you're in the wrong.
We are National Socialists.
We dont even know if the shooters were black idiots
>Shooting schools, theaters, malls is 2nd amendment
there is no such thing as cops being oppressive in america. if you resist arrest after being told repetedly to put your hands behind your back and you attempt to reach for a gun you will be shot.
That's a shame. As the white birthrate goes down globally it will be much harder to hold that position.
Serious question, why don't we invest heavily in inner city infrastructure with a new deal-esque federal jobs creation program to get uneducated and unemployed blacks out of gangs and into community helping activities. It will take a longer time for this to work but it's a win-win for America. Tbh, at the very least the shooting Minnesota was murderous, jury is out on Baton Rouge.
Blacks feel helpless and angry, misplaced or not, start shooting cops then cops feel scared, on edge and now have an even more hair trigger and it just keeps spiraling down. As fun as shut posting on Sup Forums is, what are the real grown up solutions to this problem were having.
Based toothpaste with dubs of wisdom.
It's called secession. They don't want to live under the government.
Everyone has that right. Blacks want their own country and they should get one.
There are no solutions. This is a dead end. The system will keep on going until it hits a wall.
you're using the wrong finger you retard
What's the BLM endgame? What's their goal? Their resolution?
Take over and rule a quasi-maraxist state with a black power state promoted and enforced ideology.
Kill all white who oppose them, have all whites who support them work for them.
oh shit, top post.
White chimp shoots innocents: Sup Forums cheers them on
Black do it: subhuman niggers race war nowww!!!
Blatant hypocrisy
Top tier post
Yeah, it's called Haiti / Jamaica
Please leave immediately
Blacks have as much right to American clay as anyone else.
So they should get Mississippi. Call it Free Black State or something.
Defend themselves from fucking robbers or becoming a militia to take down the corrupt government.
Not resist arrest. Resisting arrest and trying to kill a cop should get you over killed no matter who you are.
>gathering all the blacks up and shipping them to "their own country"
>watching it implode
>wait for them to attack
>bomb the shit out of them
>roast brats over the embers
Actually, I'm starting to like your idea desu
No one actually thinks Dylan Roof did anything good. He went into a church like a pussy and killed people who probably believed in something righteous and good.
Stupid prick could've been a cop and could've killed actual dindu nig nogs.
A fucking abo
This guy is right. FUCK OFF BOOTLICKERS!
Throwing mo money fo dem programs is a waste of cash because the majority of niggers can't be helped or don't want to be helped (helped in the sense of improved education and more employment opportunities, not gibs me dats). Anything done to improve their inner city ghettos will either be destroyed by them or they will bitch and whine about muh gentrification.
You can't win with niggers and the white libfags who enable them.
The first gun laws were passed to keep guns away from black people.
Your problem is a typical leftist problem: you think restricting guns leads to less violence, even though the facts never agree with you.
>this is lolbertardianism's logical conclusion
whew, really makes you want to keep paying taxes