Is anyone hoping this movie actually turns out to be good or at least decent?
Is anyone hoping this movie actually turns out to be good or at least decent?
how can it be in anyway good when the lead character is worse casting than Michael B Jordan as Johnny Storm?
I want it to be good, but I know it'll be shit.
Michael b jordan at least speaks english as a first language
i will never get over that they didnt give her blue eyes, it ruins everything (minus her shit acting etc)
someone post her blue eye shops, looks so much better (despite her shit acting etc)
It's not going to be good because of Gal, that's for sure she's a bad actress and has never been in a good movie
I hope it fails, because capeshit must die.
It's not like I'm hoping for it to be a shitfest. I'm just bracing myself for the extreme likelihood of that being the case.
it's going to save DC cinematic universe i promise
god that makes such a massive difference
i could handle the foreign accent, i could handle her figure as the costume looks decent, as long as she had those eyes. Wonder Woman is supposed to be striking as fuck.
she looks creepy as fick with those eyes
It'll be good.
It will be nominated for Best Picture.
Well the character isn't truly "human" per se so it works and it's better than those ugly dead rat eyes
You want back the old one, in USAUSAUSA!!! themed panties flying in an invisible airplane?
Why do people complain again?
I want this one to bomb, but I look forward to the other DC movies.
I'll never pay to see a movie of this model.
Now shooped all that:
>my knowledge of wonder woman is either Lynda carter or gal gadot
You're the worst kind of shill, acting as if the character has only existed in the TV show and the new movie, you're probably the same faggot that posts those superfriends Aquaman pictures in defense of Momoa.
for some reason she reminds me Edgar
Yep at the Razzies
I am. I never listen to the trolls and just make my own opinion.
It is very unfortunate that one can't have a proper conversation about the DC movies cause i enjoyed them so far. Sure, they have their cons but I like them nevertheless
I do hope that the pacing in WW is good and they don't force too many bad or feminist quips into it. So far, the comedy parts were alright in the previous movies
No, DCucks are only tolerable when they're losing and/or trying to defend their shitty movies. Remember what happened when they won an Oscar (for best makeup lol)? They kept spamming the board (and Sup Forums) with "we won" faggotry even though nothing of general worth happened.
Comics don't matter ya moron, if they did then DC wouldn't be pushing these awful movies so hard. Also, no shit people are going to talk about the actress that played WW when the discussion is about live action WW adaptations.
Like what, are you going to get booty bothered if someone brings up Heith Ledger when talking about how shitty Jared Leto was in Suicide Squad?
Her comics are shitty too, with the character having the most awful portrayals outside her book above any other DC female character.
Fucking Katana is treated with more respect by the publisher than Wonder Woman.
I always hope that literally every movie turns out good, so that there's another good movie out there for me to watch. However, I am completely confident this one will not be.
I'm just hoping for a lesbian romance angle
I just want good movies.
>You want back the old one, in USAUSAUSA!!! themed panties flying in an invisible airplane?
I always root for DC to finally get their shit together. Their movies have way more potential and are infinitely more interesting than Marvel's "playing-it-safe"-style.
But Wonder Woman isn't going to be a success. It'll make money though, but it won't be considered a success.
She looks a lot more human with lighter eyes.
I hate how come book goons have the film versions of super heroes tied to their limited imagination of the character as presented in their nerd fantasies.
I'd honestly rather a movie play it safe than be a steaming pile of shit, if only because the former can still be appealing if you're into those types of movies while the latter will only get shittier and shittier as the executives meddle in the final product, hoping and praying that the next film is a success to make up for the loss they're taking on each successive film.
We won tho
You're boring
You and I clearly have different definitions of winning.
I know what I like and as long as the film delivers on my expectations, I'll watch it and recommend it to others who are also into those types of movies.
It's better to be safe than sorry.
>it's better to be safe than sorry
You're watching comic book movies, not taking a trip to Mount Everest.
>You and I clearly have different definitions of winning.
Suicide won an Oscar, I'd like to see you twist that into a loss.
>actress proclaims herself as a soldier
>never saw combat
>You're watching comic book movies, not taking a trip to Mount Everest.
It doesn't surprise me that you failed to recognize the analogy but I'm always happy to collect (you)'s from retards anyways.
>Suicide won an Oscar
...for best makeup. It doesn't really make the movie itself good, it just means that it had good makeup. In truth, I think that Star Trek deserved it more, but only because they had to create makeup for several different characters that were of several different alien races while Killer Croc is barely even an entity throughout the movie.
I mean, kudos for winning something but it'd be more impressive if it was for something that was actually worthwhile, like "best director" or "best leading role" or just something like that.
Uh, how many oscars does Marvel have? I'll wait.
No, i don't this ugly k*ike to be the new face of Wonder Woman in the minds of children.
im more excited for Aquaman. We need a good movie about the oceans
Is that really the best you can do? Bring up a participation trophy while throwing shade at a company that's not even involved in this conversation?
Wew lad, keep going on about your oscar (for best makeup lol) but at the end of the day, an oscar isn't going to salvage your cinematic universe.
You'd need talent for that.
>participation trophy
Don't be a bitter fanboy user you're an adult.
>"Oh no, he called a spade a spade :'("
>"I'm such an adult"
Wew lad, I wish it was always this easy to collect (you)s.
Did you miss the director saying Gal Gadot was perfect because as a Israeli she grew up surrounded by conflict but never lost hope?
>thinks this little of Oscar win
The bitterness is really shining today user
>He doesn't care about my important award (for best makeup lol)
Keep the "you're just bitter" meme coming lad, I can always go for some extra (you)s.
>being this bitter over a capeshit Oscar
I expect it to be better than suicide squad at least.
Keep em coming famalam. Your trophy can't save your cinematic universe but your butthurt can still give me (you)'s.
>Your trophy can't save your cinematic universe
What's the DC movie to Oscar ratio again?
And the Marval movie to Oscar ratio again?
That's right.
Suck it.
Keep. Em. Coming!
>actual Marval wins: 0
1:3 = 0,33333
Really nigger?
I bet you think Crash is a good movie because it won an oscar.
>best makeup
Here's another participation for you familia, I hope you like it.
>make up
>mravl cucks faces when getting destroyed ITT
>DCucks so delusional, they believe anyone ITT is taking them seriously.
Seriously man, one guy outright said he was fishing for (you)'s and they just. keep. feeding them.
Can't you take your company wars bullshit somewhere else?
>DC Oscars: 1
>Mrval Oscars: 0
Case closed kid
no oscar hehe
The funny thing is I'm a DC fan and even I'm trolling you guys.
I want it to be shitty so they can laugh about it on Half in the Bag
>lying in hopes of ending the argument
too cute user
So basically.
Marvel has a successful franchise while DC has one Oscar. Is that about right?
How can someone be a fan of a comic book company? I don't understand
>Marvel has a successful franchise
>DC has plethora of franchises, ranging from above average to blockbusters
Wonder Woman's first language isn't English though you retard, it is perfectly appropriate for her to have an accent
That being said, a superhero movie is only as good as it's villain since the hero by definition is a mary sue and uninteresting (unless it is an antihero like batman), in that regard yes, the movie most probably will suck... i mean ww1 soldiers n gimmicks, dammit
What argument?
>DC has plethora of franchises, ranging from above average to blockbusters
Such as?
is that a goddamn cameltoe?
Justice League
etc etc etc
Suddenly she doesn't look like a rat anymore
I don't know. I just read comics. I don't know why anyone should give a shit about who publishes them.
I do. She is probably the hottest woman to have ever existed.
This looks terrible, your run off the mill european bimbo
100% with you, user.
Although SS was not on par with the others
>Knows his cinematic universe is garbage
>Brings up shitty CW TV show and a dead cartoon series
You have painfully low standards. I'm almost surprised you haven't listed "pulse" as optional yet.
>DC universe is garbage
>mvral fancuck
>Before the oscars
>Suicide Squad sucks, it's the weakest in the DCEU
>After the oscars
What's even more pathetic is how you're celebrating this "victory" even though it means that WB will feel justified in meddling in more DC films since the one with the most meddling received an award.
>thinks SS was suddenly great because of an Oscar win
It has its flaws user but it's still a good movie.
>more DC films are bad
Marvelcuck please
DC's worst is better than Marvel's best.