Does Sup Forums hate Indian people? Why or why not
Does Sup Forums hate Indian people? Why or why not
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only ones from actual india. and it's not hate. we love them, and because of that we remind them to POO IN LOO
it isn't hate or like
it's lack of respect and refusal to recognize street shitting animals as people
I once dated a feminist Indian and tried so hard to put up with her bullshit. Eventually she told me she hated "my people" for ruining her country, because it's the whitey's fault their people can't understand personal hygiene and how not to be hypersexual selfish morons and I dumped her.
op here
took a massive shit (in a toilet) before i made this thread actually
honestly sounds like you made the right decision. the only brown women I can tolerate are the ones who are westernized as fuck.
I even tell Indian/Pakistani people "if India/Pakistan/wherever is so great, why are you here?"
also as a general rule don't date feminists
Don't date feminists or entitled rich kids. Some of the most insufferable people on the planet no matter where you're from.
Indians are basically fine.
They're rude as fuck, drive like shit, but have comical accents.
It rankles some that the entire subcontinent had to be imported to America to do jobs easily done by whites, but fuck it.
at least they're not chinks.
You smell bad and everything about your culture sucks (jewelry, art, music, literally everything), but if you assimilate you're alright.
>refusal to recognize street shitting animals as people
Their poverty is not a joke, and it's nothing to feel superior about. If and when the IMF and international banks want to sink our country into shit, it's gonna happen. It might take two hundred years, but the end goal is for everyone to end up like the dots.
They have (or had) a respectable, ancient, family oriented culture. Don't be disrespectful to them. You don't have the right.
Love Indians
If my wife leaves me, next wife will be Indian
they're ugly as fuck and their food is smelly which makes them smelly
otherwise I really don't give a fuck as long as their little india districts in cities remains small and secluded. seeing ugly Indians enmasse all the time is worse than ugly niggers
actually fuck it, anyone with black skin is ugly as fuck and should stop existing. I don't even care if they race mix all day, as long as their children come out caramel. black is so fucking gross it should be a crime.
Not really, they mostly have jobs and don't commit crime.
everyone know it's a joke, when indian flag show up. and they so much butthurt.
Hi Pajeet.
Only people I hate until proven otherwise is Africans
Indians are fair game to prove themselves worthy of hate or praise
Many do because they're rude, anti-social and travel in packs of 12 other Indians
I do unironically have a respect for Sihk culture though. They can be bro-tier, It's not a meme.
>Hilarious Bollywood movies
>Good food
>Good music
>Occasionally produce some very hot women
>Street feces
>Shitty tech support
Hypersexual Indians? Where? That's not the impression you get from their (non-)dating habits.
Why is the so many of these threads on here?
deep down inside Sup Forums hates all people
If I can see them, yes.
Indians are the true Aryans. Whitey can't accept it.
I suggest everyone to scam indians in Omegle
get manycam, some fake pics and clips of the same girl, and sell them to horny ass indians for paypal monies or steam games.
I made a killing this last summer sale.
Only if they aren't westernized. Our pajeets still stink as shit but are pretty funny guys here and poo in loos
Second largest collection of indian people in the world reside in South Africa. Durban if i remember correctly.
All i know about them is they're considered to be the jews of the black population.
Doing pretty well for themselves, actually admire how they keep the nignog out of they're neighborhoods.
No idea if they evolved past the poo in the loo meme yet
Those are Gypsies, kill them user
Pretty much this.
I live in a town filled with indians and everywhere they go the ruin everything, they smell horrible, they glare at everyone like dressing in colorful robes is normal and everyone else is crazy, and they have no idea how to drive and have almost gotten me into accidents multiple times, fuck indian people
yes you are the dirtiest, smelliest people on Earth
go back to your designated shitting street fucking paki
I used to work with a Sikh man and he had the greatest work ethic, better than anyone I'd seen before. Poor guy was treated badly by management because he knew he was valuable and they didn't like that.
Register as a female on any social network and it's only a matter of time before Indian men attempt to add you in scores looking to see you naked.
>is it gold in here or is it just me.jpg
Come on man put in some effort
Does Sup Forums hate Sri Lankan people? Why or why not
my wife is an indian from india
I try to get her to poo in the loo but she just uses the yard
sometimes I look outside and she's petting the dog in a squat with her ass hanging out pooing
Indians lack of self awareness can be pretty comical
>T. Samaraveera Gananayeke
Indians are rad. Not the peasant kind but the ones that share out hatred for muslims. Good fellas.
do you livein a simulation?
I've never felt physically threatened because of an Indian. They do commit crime, though, but it's usually related to bad hygiene while preparing food.
I don't have anything against them.
I do.
They live in this one part of town, and converted a Christian Church into a dot head church. That stuff I don't mind
>They go into stores and rip packages open
>Try to haggle prices like it's a swap meet
>Trash the place
>Always smell awful.
at worst annoying, smelly and loud, but much of the time they are harmless and most are bro tier
indian curry is nice desu
Rich Indians are some of the snobbiest and rudest people in the world, and Australia get's a lot of them unfortunately.
I guess they get tired of literally stepping in human shit everyday.
In fact, Indians in general are typically rude and have a totally undeserved sense of self importance and narcissism.
>Implying they would have ANY toilets if white people didn't go there.
>I guess they get tired of literally stepping in human shit everyday.
Yeah, of course it has everything to do with stepping in shit everyday.
Fucking aussies. Go kill yourself.
I'm half indian, and culturally 100% white. Am I still shit-tier? I'm lighter than a brown paper bag.
Exactly the attitude I'm talking about.
Just look at this smug coward cunt.
>physical apperance
>no concept of respect
The last bit of respect I had for Indian's went down the toilet.. or on the street.
Kill yourself you uncivilized, jealous, prisoner offspring.
Nice proxy, Sanjev
Nice response, kangaroo.
Because they can't poo in loo
Why are Americans always so angry?
I don't hate them...
...but I do feel as though it's my birth right to rule over them.
>Calling me a kangaroo as if they aren't absolutely based
Why are kangaroos always so bitter?
kek small wrist cunt
If they live in my country? Yes, like everyone else who shouldn't be here.
If they live in India, then they really need to get their toilet situation fixed. Seriously, it's disgusting what the once high civilization of India devolved into. Apart from that they're fine, I guess.
>Wow look at that racist guy. I hate Australia now!
>...but I do feel as though it's my birth right to rule over them.
Spoken like a true kike.
pick one
Englishmen are the natural rulers of this planet.
Kikes have usurped us from our positions.
We will rise again.
New Jersey?
>venerating animal abuse
>not killing yourself
Pick one
No, no one care about indian people. They are disgusting, but pointless.
Pretty sure he is Indian.
I just read on Wikipedia yesterday that RAW rigged the election in your current president's favour. How do you feel about this and about your new president? Is he any good?
You should unironically kill yourself for liking this.
You fucking sick bastard
Kill yourself cunt
>Why are Americans always so angry?
We all know why Aussies are angry.
real indian people are fucking ugly and dirty
not enough in fatland to hate, but not attractive enough to tolerate
underrated post
Ashamed of psuedo-patriotic cunts who get triggered by the poo-in-loo meme.
Not really. Some that i know are chill af.
Oh look a road rage! Don't see those in America.
>Man vs Marsupial
Here comes the wheels
Hey Venod, want to come over to Blighty and fan me whilst I sit on silken cushions and drink tea?
You can play cricket in the garden after sunset and eat all the rice you like.
I'd come there but its quite dirty.
But keep it mind it was an aussie that did that to a kangaroo.
Maybe it's you who need to kill themselves.
I actually like indians quite a bit. Many of them can be very autistic but their culture and values are bretti gud.
And the poo in loo memes are exactly that, memes. Honestly I appreciate that the Indians have a society where they will literally let themselves be eaten by tigers instead of butchering them for their penises like the chinese.
Nah, they're alright. I don't like their food, though.
i dont hate them i just dont care about them. i opt to be indifferent towards them.
Just because he's Australian doesn't mean we all support him for it. Stop making your fellow burgers look bad.
Their government and schools should teach them how to be use the internet properly.
Their men are so horny all the time the bad thing they all do it with their real accounts and the women are feminist dykes that won't fucking stop talking bullshit.
>Asian Indian #1
feels good to be racially superior
Brown Pride Worldwide!
I like Indian people who do not live in India, but I dislike India and most of the people in it.
Smart Indians know it's shit and leave at the first chance.
Well, technically the jews are still #1
But among asians Indians have highest median income (in western households). So make sure to tell that to the next chink who calls you a pooinloo subhuman monkey.
the ones that have money, that were born and bred here are cool. i live in a pretty nice area of plano and theres a shit load of indian qts around here. the fresh off the boat dark as fuck no english type can fuck off.
lemme tell you m8 we hate em even more
women are bonkers everywhere
>that feel when you're the genetic outlier
my penis has made me question whether my great grandfather was black
yes I agree, I too hate fresh off the boat fobs. My parents are westernized as fuck and moved her in the 70s.
we outnumber the Juden, in time we will help the West conquer them. We'll try not to be as Jewish as them.
>Some Indian calls me "from Microsoft"
>It's the ctrl r scam
>Didn't have much to do
>Pretend I'm literally retarded - misinterpreting instructions, talking about irrelevant shit like the weather, what I had for lunch and trying to make friends with him
>This infuriates the scammer so he gets his boss to have a go
>Continue with the retard act for twenty minutes
>Indian finally realises I'm lampooning him
>Starts insulting my family
>I laugh at him and designated shitting streets
>Continue to rip him for having a tiny shit stinking dick
>He isn't hanging up - he would rather exchange insults with me than scam someone more vulnerable
>Looks like I'm heading for an infinite loop
>Hang up
That's my only experience with a poo in loo.