*bloquea tu camino*

*bloquea tu camino*
>"Dame tus pringles, puta"
What do Sup Forums?

What does that mean?

I give her the fucking Pringles. I'm not trying to get sliced open over some shit-tier potato crisps.

Give me your dick, I think

>shit tier

dems fighting words

Watch it, pedo

Give her my pringles. and also my heart

Is just me who thinks this girl's face looks exactly like Anton Yelchin?

Just you, boss.


Nah her face is much more lively.

*chirrido autista*


no no no
in Engles por favor

>and also my heart
haha funny pedo-- she's like 12....

Isn't that legal in Mexico?

Does Dafne speak Mexican Spanish in the movie? Or Spanish Spanish?

She's Spanish in real life but Mexican in the movie so you'd think they would have her speaking the Spain variety of spanish.

She's eleven. How many American 11 year olds do you think could speak convincing Bong or Bogan English even with the help of a skilled instructor?

>Mexican in the movie

Isn't she Wolverine's clone? Shouldn't she be leaf?

Did you watch the movie?
She was born in Mexico, via a Mexican girl insiminated with Logan DNA or something like that

ok, thats actually funny.

>Did you watch the movie?

Not yet. I just remember that she was Wolverine's clone in cartoon.

looks more like lukas haas and reviewbrah

Damn she does look like reviewbrah.

She's a clone in the film, just a realistic version of cloning