Why Dallas?

This reaks of conspiracy.

But why Dallas? Why not start the fire elsewhere?

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most guns.

the fox live stream was trying to pull the "guns are bad m'kay" before the 2nd body was cold.

Its the city of snipers.

Dallas backwards = sallad

Maybe to associate these events with that of an assassinated president to furthrr increase public opinion for their agenda.

This I s another 9/11 situation sadly, the sniperfags had to have training and good training sniping takes a lot of skill especially if your 30 to 40 story's high so yea no regular protestor is gunna do that, and the foot work of the guy that chopped down the cop was way to good no fucking way some street thug is gunna have those diversion and flanking skills. This was all just a setup to push for stricter gun laws and its gunna get to a point where there's gunna be a prohibition on guns being sold legally in the U.S. and after that marshal law and after that complete and utter slavery either run while you can or die defending something your fore fathers died for.

I wish we could find new land and make our own country to escape this tyrannical government. Ugh mfw it will never be 1776 again.

This pretty much nails it. This is only the beginning folks.


yea there wont be anything private once the world goes into disarray and warfare just keep a gun under your pillow and by your night stand

I think it more about discrediting black lives matter protests. Shooter will be black, I'm 100% sure about it.

This. But there is no place to run or hide. Theyve seen to that. There will be no white stronghold nation. There will not be any alliances, coalitions, or factions. We've all been immigrant bombed from africans and arabs the past ten years to bring us to this.

Theyve made us grovel at their feet and kiss them but they are going to put the boot down and hard.

>buy island
>create white utopia
>jews buy niggers and arabs and fleet of migrant ships.

They do a good enough job by themselves.

........ What do you think that all this killing bullshit is going to do for politicians fighting to limit the sale of firearms in the U.S. I don't give a rats ass about some chimps getting mad over cops killing them I care about a tyrannical government enslaving the barley free people of America

Lee Harvey Oswald

look at a 25 year game. not a 25 week game.

>Why not start the fire elsewhere ?

I am pretty sure it was started elsewhere. If this can be tied into the neocon agenda then it probably started during the first Bush Era or the tail end of the Reagan years.

The goal in a red flag op would almost always be to achieve maximum impact with minimal effort (as effort equates to expenditure and the ability to be traced).

If anybody does the numbers and examines demographics- then texas would probably successfully succeed from the union before any severe gun legislation ever passes on the state or federal level. thus; it becomes necessary to erode the bipartisan support of firearms in that state.

but,more importantly. It creates blinders to enter the election months with. The big goal here is to keep the TPP safe, keep the banks safe and to best adjust the American population to a drastic shift in their quality of life when globalism enters it's full stride.

>Why Dallas?

Why NOT Dallas? Does literally every single detail need to be a meticulously-chosen thread that gains manifest importance when you view the entire crooked tapestry from above?

Dallas is warm and they have guns, that's plenty.

Jade Helm

There are places to run the U.S. isn't going to try to take over the world that wouldn't work out to well for the Country it'll succumb to a coalition of nations and you can bet Russia and China will be the first ones there unless they decide to have a conventional war and nuke the planet then that's another story.

Take the heat off Hillary

Because Texas.
Make Texas bad, the union crumbles.
This will make Texas follow federal regulation on guns and policing and whatnot.

Texas needs to be castrated because they are the most likely to fight back

This, is so fucking accurate

training to invade mexico or to defend form invasion? or both?

will this be the start of a SHATTERED UNION?


It might actually be because of Texas calling for the state convention to reign in Washington...

>This reaks of conspiracy.

Tell me why they didn't have faux Trump supporters do it