
alex jones edition

first for me having a Salvadorian gf

Stay on topic please

>being mulatto


>17 posts left, fucknut

assmad crabspammer

suck my dick, gaytheist

the Leaf Janny (formerly known as Dane) isn't going to like this.

Not relevant to international . You've been warned

You literally have autism

Why are there 2 active threads going?

>You've been warned
oh no, please don't give me more empty threat (you)'s, my attention whoring self can't handle it


how do I obtain a grimes gf?

>tfw actually warned here for off topic posting

Reddit-tier response.

says the guy spamming images saved from reddit

Reminder: they do it for free

i miss greek

That was the mexican janny, idk if he's still doing it for free here.


It's an image hosting website. People here often use it. The reddit stigma doesn't work. No one gives a fuck anymore

commie scum

Moving my steam directory to another hard drive


shoo shoo redditpoo

>, idk if he's still doing it for free here.
Oh friend they're always doing it for free

how long have you been back in sinaloa?

>Brother got his Uber account hacked by some Russian

reported from two ips

stole this image from me

was las vegas a flase flag?

Bitch teeth jacked up

I haven't seen him subtly brag about being a janny in a long time though, turnover rate must be pretty high when they do it for free.

No. That's ludicrous

Now 9/11....

Doesn't make her any less cute

Which version of EU4 should I pirate off of piratebay?

Sup Forums says yes

"Let this day be a reminder to all the profligates and dissolutes of the Strip. Caesar's hand will reach you even in the safety of New Vegas."

Hail Caesar


there are always spergs ready to replace them

Here you can have it back

don't try to fight me off back into the void

wake me up

what's the matter old friend?

tfw no Cuban gf

Does jerk come from soda jerk or from jerk off?

i'm falling asleep and i have stuff to do

wake up

That I can agree with

Still reported you though. And myself

just do your stuff man lmao


>announcing reports

>c*ban women

pol is always wrong though

then i guess it wasn't

It's on topic you brainlet

>pol is always wrong though

How else will they know I have reporte dthem

i didn't even say that

"When are you guys going to ban guns? Your country is insane. >be american >get shot."

-European countries that have acid attacks every other day


1935, "tedious and ineffectual person," Amer.Eng. carnival slang, perhaps from jerkwater town (1878), where a steam locomotive crew had to take on boiler water from a trough or a creek because there was no water tank. This led 1890s to an adj. use of jerk as "inferior, insignificant." Probably also infl. by verb jerk off, slang for "perform male masturbation" (first recorded 1916). Jerk off (n.) as an emphatic form of jerk (n.) first attested 1968.

>tfw no CHI gf

Muslims are the guns of the left wing.

>tfw brown gf
racemix today

>give guns to all citizens
>bring back legal dueling
>count all shots fired towards blacks as legal dueling


>guns are as bad as mudslimes

nice argument tard

No. It's not even thinly veiled masturbatory posting.

what kind of brown

Good image

dont be sad friend you can racemix too. we can both have half white children one day

north indian

is the one with the us flag the same girl as this one?

>dub dubs

I like genocide. Like lobster, too

You're right, muzzies are way worse.

Yeah the other girl is in that the full version of that photo too

Fuck you

what do you come to /cum/ for?

oh yeah
isn't that some poster's girlfriend?

if you could kill a a baby you could kill an adult human

notice how all these massacres are by whites? I hope the public doesn't pick up on that.

adults fight back

babies are weaker than adults i think

White people have ruined the world

yeah mine

It's funny cause blacks and arabs actually do more shootings, but the "whites" narrative will probably dominate now.


>tfw phone died and didn't post tits
won't be going back there in a while either :(

Ate a pomegrante, a granola bar, and one of those tiny packages of beef jerky so far today
Doesn't matter when it's wh*Tes killing wh*Tes

*devours feces*


if i shoot somebody they will say im white
if i am shot they will say im chi

To be a dick

mine on left

this is a meme i was working on but never got around to actually finishing

you always say this without any proof