Is he right or wrong?

Is he right or wrong?

A hammer can be used on any number of nails, a nail isn't much good after it's been hammered once or twice.

look at me i'm a reader, i'm so intellectual and better than you

oh, my favourite authors? john green, stephen chbosky, matthew quick, tha list goes on...

Key that opens many locks holds value
Lock opened by many keys has no value

Doesn't matter if he's right or wrong, he's still a cuck

Yeah, he's wrong.

I would rather be the first person to eat my own cheerios, if you know what I'm saying.

>if a dozen men came inside my cereal I would eat it happily and thank the cereal for giving me the opportunity to do so

It's not whether he's right or wrong.

It's whether he's funny or not.

He's not.

Women are not made with the purpose of withholding sex from as many as possible, nor is a woman "defeated" when she chooses to have sex.

Sex is not something a man takes and a woman gives up, it's something shared by two people. Your shitty analogy perpetuates pick-up artist ideology that emasculates every man that chooses not to be a tail-chasing chad or dudebro.

I wouldn't eat a bowl of cereals when 48 dicks dipped into it...

Nice post


Literally who is john green?

people aren't cheerios for one, and the number of men a woman has slept with is often an indicator of their self worth. A woman who withholds sex until they find someone worthy is not only more respectable, but more desirable.

There is also the obvious risk of infection when being with a slut.

You may enjoy the crunch, but do you want to marry a box of cheerios or are you just in it for the fucking fun of eating cheerios?

The purpose of sex is to deepen the bond of two people and procreate, if you don't develop a relationship with the help of sex but just use it for fun, you're doing it wrong.

A pedophile who writes shitty books, has a bad YouTube series, and likes having dicks in his cereal.

what are the odds of you giving aids to cheerios ?

A. Fucking. Men.

eating cereal doesn't have serious consequences

having sex has serious consequences namely,
>creation of another human
>loosening of vagina/anus>>> less pleasure for future partners

no hymen, no diamond

John Green is a hack anyway, writes angst filled generic YA fiction and will say anything he thinks most teen readers will eat up, doesn't surprise me he resorts to justify most whores inner thoughts to sell more of his crap

Sup Forums teach me in my wrongdoings.

>One night stand
Is it that wrong, that I would not care how many she's been with? Somehow it would just mean she has more experience, correct? This can't be an overall bad thing, and if I'm the first guy to fuck her within a week, it's not like there's leftovers from the guy before.

This is where I see the problem with her being with too many beforehand. Not that it's disgusting to fuck, but either she's "settling" and I'm the last choice, or she's still on the cock carrousel and will cheat on me, so here it would be right to not wanna be with her, correct?

Can we stop with these retarded analogies?

The reason you want to marry a virgin boils down to jealousy and insecurity.

wizard status

Cheerios don't give you the clap

Isn't he the guy who chased a woman and she rejected him every time then when his book became a hit and he got $$$ she married him?

Vagina doesn't loosen just because multiple people have been with her, has been proven false many times. It's a muscle that will expand/contract based on the partner, so a smaller dick would eventually fit the vagina, however there's also something called genetics and every vagina will be different just as every dick will have a different length and girth.

You're doing it right, it doesn't matter with one-night stands.

If you slept with a lot of people it probably means you are just a easy male/female whore

He's a kike.

Vagina loosening due to lots of sex is a myth.
Some girls have hymens that regrow, some are virgins that break their hymens playing volleyball or some shit.

>food analogies
Also, the first spoon of a meal you after being hungry as fuck is, of course, going to be more delicious and enjoyable than the last one.

Yeah, women aren't made to withhold sex but a woman who hops into bed with a large number of men shows she has trouble with loyalty, confuses sex with intimacy, and is likely to have emotional issues and/or STDs. That's why no one wants to shack up with a slut, only fuck them and every man wants to marry a virgin

Not until you realize that niggers ate from your Cheerios as well

It's because I don't want to get an STD or deal with someone who is comfortable with having multiple people inside of them.
Sex isn't "just sex", and if you believe it is then you're not a rational thinking person with logical and appropriate feelings. This applies to many women, none of which I want to ever be involved with.
The fact of the matter is if women have such a problem with men not wanting to fuck them because they're sluts then they're the ones who are insecure.

what does Sup Forums think of this man?

>marry a virgin
It's not about marrying a virgin. It's about not marrying a woman who has spent the last decade being a multi-level dick garage.

he is wrong. the number of people a woman has sex with before you kinda indicates how fast she will leave

if a woman has had 30+ sexual partners you probably should think twice before trying to marry her. also if she has a lot of sexual partners she probably has a few kids

it also increases the likely hood she has a disease. more people have herp than dont globally

I see your point, but aren't males who have a lot of sex - with different partners - bad with loyalty as well?

>it doesn't matter how many sexual partners your significant other has had

kek, enjoy having to deal with a depressed, disease-ridden, cheating whore

He's wrong because men are held to a standard as well, it's just the opposite. No woman wants a man whose a virgin or only had sex once or twice.

Nope, it's just in our genetic programming to want virgins because you can trust a virgin. Women who sleep around are not trustworthy

I genuinely like him. It's not like he removes the medicine from people who really need it, he's actually giving it away for free. Bigger corporations will however have to pay tons
>Bonus for wanting to smash kanye album

greedy little fuckboy, likes rap and acting like an ass

the only reason the pharma industry is throwing him to the wolves is because he exposes to much of their own shitty business practices

Whores love a whore enebler.
Color me suprised.


>sucking cock and being a whore is the equivalent to eating Corn Pops

ty for the kek, OP

>she has trouble with loyalty
Unless she's explicitly cheating on a boyfriend, I don't see that there's any breach of loyalty. What is there to betray?
>confuses sex with intimacy
Or she knows what she wants and she wants to get laid.
No less likely with men who sleep around. Safe sex and STD clinics exist, and intelligent people use them.

I appreciate that you're trying to make a logical argument, but it's tainted with irrational slut-shaming.

>John Greene is having his Cheerios
>appear in his kitchen
>piss into his cheerios
>throw it out
>wash the bowl
>pour new milk and cheerios into the bowl
>offer it to progressive and loving person John Greene
>slaps him for being fucking misogynist

Exactly. Promiscuity is a negative trait in anyone, it shows a lack if respect for your body and your relationships.

There's nothing wrong with casual, no-strings sex, but if you're fucking someone different every month you're not displaying healthy behaviour.

>either she's "settling" and I'm the last choice, or she's still on the cock carrousel

Is it not possible that she has high standards and you are the first to meet them? Have a little more faith in yourself.

But it's fine for a man to sleep around though right?

Do you see why you're retarded way of thinking doesn't work?

How can you expect women to be virtuous if men aren't?

Nobody puts dicks in my Cheerios but me

He is wrong. An average women will still attract alot of stares from male counterparts. An average women will get gazillion chances to have sex. If she accepts gazillion chances to have sex it doesn't mean she is has a golden pussy and smart brains, its just means that she gave in to every guy that drop himself over her.

Again, she doesn't even have to be beautiful, just average. Average female will get more chances for sex then any other guy in the world, and she doesn't have to do SHIT to get it.

Males on other hand are looked differently. A good male, that is relatively good looking funny and smart STILL has to be the one to win girl over. Winning a girl over means male is a good catch, especially if he wins over a fine female.

If he does that, that signals other females that he is a catch and a good male, and they want some of that too. Thats why there will be 2 in 10 males that do all the fucking, and other 8 will stand around and act like spare dicks at the wedding. All 10 girls will get that d...

Thats disproportion of human sexuality and the reason for that are women. Avg women gets tons of chances for sex (ranging from ugly to hot guys), if she takes alot of them she is a whore since all she had to do is spread her legs. Avg guy wont get shit, and good looking and acting guys STILL have to do all the work to get even average girls to get in bed with them.

Thats why man who sleeps with alot of women, and women that sleeps with lots of man will NEVER be the same thing,.


>slut shaming

Sure this is a possibility as well, definitely. But I'm talking about if she's been with a lot of different guys before that, not just 5 guys in 5 years or something like that

nigga no women are trust worthy they're either naive, lying, or they're acting out of sheer opportunism, and have a past so shameful they deserve to rot in a ditch

when will you cucks wake the fuck up

His analogy is wrong. It's more like if you are eating a bowl of Cheerios and you learn that 48 people have cummed in that bowl. Even if you knew it had been washed, would you eat from it?

do you really need this explained to you or are you baiting

Go ahead and try to justify it.

It's just another case of "it's fine when we do it".

>the lives of human beings are equivalent to breakfast choices
If you're a sociopath, then yes, this line of logic is sound.

Would you eat bowl of cheerios that's had 48 dicks in it?

Tbqh famalam, he's right kinda. It can actually be easy for a guy to find someone to sleep with, got friends who are that way. He's also the kind of guy who would never be loyal to a girl, which is why he doesn't want a girlfriend.
You're basically saying "Guys don't get a lot of offers, so they gotta say yes to every single offer they get", which is just as bad of a trait

Men and women aren't equal. Therefore we should not be holding them to the same standard. Understand?

Women will always know the baby is theirs. Men will never have that guarantee, therefore they have to have some sort of assurance (even if its not perfect) that the baby is theirs. The best way to ensure this is to marry a virgin woman.

That's why women are held to higher standard in the sexual realm. It stems from the inherit inequality between men and women.

Men used to literally provide everything women needed to survive

How the fuck did some of them not deserve to fuck some stupid sluts on the side occasionally?

wow hes number 48 to his wife





No its not. Thats literally what women thought off.

If you are a male who had alot of women, you will be even more wanted by softer sex. Don't have to be beautiful, you just have to have sex with alot of them and if others find out about it they will want you because you must have been doing something right to get all that pussy.

To get all the dick in the world all you have to do as a women is spread your legs. No work, no nothing. Just spread them. And thats what makes the difference in this case. One has to work for a pussy, other side just has to give in on opportunity she literally gets 10 times a day from 10 different guys.

Yes, but only after I had boiled it in a pot with filled with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide/bleach THEN ran it through the dish washer.

>mfw thinking about all the utensils and dishes I bought at Goodwill and what could have been done to them before I got them

Because it's not that way anymore. Guys don't provide everything for women most of the time anymore, and if they do, she'll provide a lot of stuff for him.
Don't get me wrong, the man can just go for someone who hasn't been with a lot, if he wants it to be this traditional way

>used to

That's the keyword there. Women earn as much as men nowdays. They don't need providers.

You can fuck sluts on the side but don't cry when women do the same.

In what way are they not equal aside from the obvious phisiological differences?

If you want to marry a virgin then go right ahead. There's no law against it.

Good luck finding one though.

> Perkele, that was good.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex, men are the gatekeepers of commitment. A women who gives her sex cheaply is a whore and a man who commits easily is a chump

is fine because women say so

> mN+nx/iK status: Rekt

This, but don't forget you don't want to be another use-and-throw, you are usually looking for a stable relationship with someone you can trust will always be there when needed, and you for her, as one. Without fearing any betrayal or disloyalty. And if she has done it before she might as well do it again, she is not trustworthy.

TL;DR: You don't want to be another Cheerio.

Well said.

You are predicating your argument on universal morals, which imply equality. Gender equality is a social construct. Men and women are different and have different values. Men desire a beautiful woman while women desire a powerful man. Neither party is wrong to want what they will, but comparing men and women is apples and oranges.

It is fine though.

You can complain about it on a chinese cartoon board as much as you want but the world keeps turning and women continue to have casual sex.

Butthurt woman detected.
Men have to gain permission to get laid whilst women give it.
A man who has slept with several girls is sucessful while a women doing the same is most likely negligent.
Now you can accept reality or whine about it.

>That's the keyword there. Women earn as much as men nowdays. They don't need providers.
>You can fuck sluts on the side but don't cry when women do the same.

Except its not that women are doing that much better, men are also doing considerably worse since the west has sold off their manufacturing industry to asia. And women are still doing a bit worse than men. Only young women are out earning young men, and thats because people hire them literally just because they're young women, because they attract customers for our worthless service industry economy.

So the base of our economy, which men are most qualified for, is gone. But yeah no you almost have gender equality as a result, so its all good, isnt it, or maybe we need to take it even farther?

>In what way are they not equal aside from the obvious phisiological differences

Wow, you are fucking dense. Re-read the second paragraph of my post again, you fucking retard. I explain the difference. The inequality is that the woman is the child bearer and the man is not.

>let me tell you what men and women want

Thank you for your input Mr expert on female psychology

Humans want sex. They have sex.

Keep crying about it.

You're digresing.

>hmmm maybe I shouldn't fuck this hot guy because it might harm the economy

Fucking lol

That's why contraception and abortions exist.

>i'm important enough to dictate how other people feel about actions of other people

What is he suggesting? That there's some institution that regulates how people view each other? Is he mentally retarded or something?

Here I'll post this again so you don't have an excuse for not reading it:

>Women will always know the baby is theirs. Men will never have that guarantee, therefore they have to have some sort of assurance (even if its not perfect) that the baby is theirs. The best way to ensure this is to marry a virgin woman.

This has nothing to do with contraception, you dumb bitch.

it can fuck up your brain chemistry so you're unable to emotionally connect with the person you supposedly love

False equivalence fallacy.

For fuck sake you retards, how do you not understand and freely grasp that YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM IF YOU ARE SLEEPING AROUND TOO.

You want women to be virtuous but you want to be free to fuck around and have one night stands with stupid fucking high school level rhetoric involving keys and lock analogies. You want a woman to have few partners but you want to encourage men to have many, this is cognitive dissonance at it's finest.

It's fucking like saying you want fewer fires but you want the right to throw fuel into them without burning more forest, holy fucking shit this board has turned into /r9k/ light with this dumb fuck alpha/beta meme mentality. You are either virtuous yourself and will find a virtuous partner or you're a complete fucking stooge for actually perpetuating the issue of social decay, the destruction of the family unit and hedonism.

You are an oxygen thief. Don't pay your tv license.

I think my favorite joke from him is some thing like "President for Life FDR... what is this communist doing on the dime?"

Why are you getting upset?

If you suspect that your wife is cheating on you just get a paternity test.

You can't control who people have sex with.

And you're a bitter viring who's angry that other people are having sex.

as far as the analogy goes, he's an incubus?

>Is he right or wrong?
About what? He's obviously a faggot for caring so much about what other people like, and completely retarded in saying people shouldn't be allowed to set their own standards, but he's not actually making any claim here, so it's hard for him to be wrong.



Lets be honest, yes you would

Can we ban John Green threads like we did ponies? I saved pic related months ago and have posted it in about a dozen John Green threads.

Fuck every one of these threads is just a slide. We just witnessed an ambush on police in an American city, with footage, and we're debating how many dicks can be in a bowl cheerios before you won't eat it. We all know it's a stupid analogy and I would wager that everyone in this thread has posted in a John Green thread before.

It's John Green. Almost everything he ever says is wrong. He starts from a position founded by feelings and then looks for evidence to back it up, twisting if necessary or, in this case, creating a shitty analogy.

This metaphor assumes men and woman are the same. If they aren't, suddenly it all changes

these guys are fucking retards
how can you expect to settle with a pure woman if youre promiscuous yourself
and yet you complain about whores looking for stable betaboys later in life