Do Koreans hate Japanese or Chinese more?

Do Koreans hate Japanese or Chinese more?

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Of course,Japan
It's ironic they always attack our racism while they are racist as fuck

Of course Chink Ching subhuman
Anti-Japan is a minority

No I hate North Korea the most

I don't wanna take part in that conflict, but I don't think that's what one should teach small children

But they are the same race as you

I hate disgusting faggots, trannies and their sympathizers far more than Japs, Koreans or any other nationalities. My hatred toward ((them)) is transcendence, no borders can limit it. But then again I'm not Korean.

So what?

No you are lying you want to see this

For example, when the Second Korean War broke, can you kill North Korean people?
In my case, I can't kill the same race

I hate Chinese (except Taiwan, Hong Ching Kong, Singapore)
And I like other East Asian

Some nationalistic teacher taught them well. Or they're just there to crack wise.

>I can't kill the same race
It really makes me think....

So am I

But they're commies?

This is hilarious. Where's it from?

No, i only want to see friendship amongst nation
I hope this thread will help Japanese and Koreans understand each others position

>I can't kill the same race

always kill a traitor before and enemy

i like korea now.

Korean politician.
I dont say about public, but at least politicians show respect for us.

Lol do they really do that? Thats very childish and disrespectful. Are they local politicians?

sadly yes.
And they are Diet members.

Japan = Germany
China = Russia
Koreans = Poland but 100 times worse

Just kill them

You mean they are members of Korean parliament?


lol these are 100% not drawn by children and by jap adults to make people think teachers are teaching kids to hate japan

japs need to have their own fucking internet and keep the fuck away from us

Korea is more comparable to German than Japan.
Japan might have been Allies with Germany in WW2, but in reality it's European equivalent is Britain, whereas Korea is more like Germany, also because both countries where divided with one being communist and the other one capitalist.

Shameful display. I would be really embarassed if my representatives would do such childish things

He is lying. Do not listen to him

Excuse my poor English.

I went to Korea twice in the past, but I felt Japan and Korea are very similar.

The advantage is a kind and polite place.
The disadvantages are places where the thought is intense and easily instigated.

I believe that Confucianism is at the root of the ethics of Japan and Korea.

The cause of bad relationship is probably because they are too similar.
It is like a brother fight.

i never lie.
Then Whats that photo?

Japanese are always friendly and polite regardless of where you're from. Chinese and Koreans always mistake my gf for their own and then zip up and leave the moment they realise she's not.

t. Zainichi Korean

You are 100% Jap I promise

Just show us the source then

I am not a slant of any kind. I loved Korea and Koreans but that's because I'm white

I have never had a bad feeling while traveling in Korea.
When I asked for the way, I took him to the place I wanted to go.
A passer - by woman interpreted me if I could not understand the language.
A taxi driver took me to the shop that I recommended.

It makes me very kind, making me a bit embarrassed when I speak.
I felt like I was watching the Japanese from the standpoint of a foreigner.

thats what diet means you dumb cunt

How can they hate Chinese more by whom they had been dominated for several "thousands" years when despite the fact that they had been dominated for only several decades by Japanese, They hate Japanese.

wow, that was rude and unnecessary

its not fake.
This photo was from a few korean media, but now original source was deleted.
OK, i will try find, then repost with source.

pretty fair comparison

I was really surprised, when I read about the history of Korea and I found so many similarities to our history. We should be brother nations.

T. Zainichi

Japanese netouyos are always spreading a bunch of lies that undermine korea. I'm so sorry, korean people

? im not netouyo. And this shit image has nothing to do with those photos.
And they step on even US flag. By korean journalist.

You see everyone as netouyo.
Go see a doctor

Hey he is my zainichi brother.
Don't bully him.

How can you blame them for it?

Shut up you are a fucking netouyos

who is whiter, Koreans or Japanese?


Are we really doing this again?

Stupid jap and gooks

They are Japanese? Lol

I am so sorry korean people. We japanese are really disgusting race.


are they really Japanese?? Kek.

Be sorry to us forever


How did him find they are Japs.

Korean journalists are not representatives of Korea.

shit posting war again.
But i have indescribable feeling from this image.
Wish friendship with korea someday.

my feeling

why do you think they are japs?
You should watch (original source of Yours)
There is no hint of them being japs.

Wait, I'm asking because I actually don't know too much about the Zainichi, but they were Koreans that went Japan before WW2 and Koreans that ran away from Korea during the Communist purges under our dictatorships, right?

I don't understand why they hate Japan then, if anything shouldn't they hate Korea?

Both you mister Asian slaves could serve yukkuries so easily, je?
You sub-yukkuri humans dget gratified when it comes to make us yukkuries easy, je?



maybe after WW2.
There are so many type of zainichi.
They are Pro-N.korea or pro-S.korea, and like(or love) or dont like (even hate) japan.
We like zainichi who like(or love) japan, but some of them show nationalism of their home cont. Those We dont like are them.
They are doing shitposting in 2ch like Sup Forums.

We also dont know why they hate japanmso much.
But one of them are that they are asking for the right to vote, and we refuge.
They claim this is discrimination, even racism.
We are tired.

>I can't kill same race
You are a disgrace for daimyos who were assraping eachother since old days.

>can't handle the bantz


>maybe after WW2.

>We like zainichi who like(or love) japan

おまえなあWeってなんだよ、主語は Iであってお前の主観だろうが糞が。

また在日朝鮮人と韓国人がSup Forumsで暴れてるのか
24時間、Sup Forumsを監視してる


European Union = China
Germany = Japan
Poland = South Korea
Russia = North Korea


gooks have strong inferior comlex to Japan
gooks have strong fear to China
it comes from history

We japanese have strong inferior complex to korea.

I’m Korean, I hate China more.
But I don’t hate Japan.
I love manga, anime, AV, cute Japanese girls. :)

The virgin assassination vs the Chad SAMURAI

>Hong Kong's name
>They don't even phonetically spell it


what does this flag say?
and where is this?


looks like a station.

We are asian poles so we hate both.

North koreans are asian belarussians.

since when does korea have neko girls?

koreans are lame