10 more years

The average lifespan of an empire is 250 years. The life cycle of an empire is broken down into six ages. They are:

The Age of Pioneers
The Age of Conquest
The Age of Commerce
The Age of Affluence
The Age of Intellectualism
The Age of Decadence

As the US turns 240, now that we are now almost at the end of the Age of Decadence.

We live in interesting times.

Other urls found in this thread:


and we're all going to be dragged along with them

Yeah, when you pull the plug on the drain everything get sucked down.

>le average lifespan meme
>Canadian education

I sincerely hope we can genocide you soon.

>The Age of Intellectualism
Did America just skip that part altogether?

Why do americans always do that.

>Doctor: Sir, I am afraid you have a broken leg, the fracture is open, look.
>Doctor: You can't walk anymore
>Doctor: The infection is spreading.

Britain - 250
Spain - 250
Assyria - 247
Ottoman Empire - 250

Happy 240, America! I'm sure you'll be different

Dunno m8. Did the US have its 'The Age of Intellectualism'?

And to be fair, it wasn't decadence that killed of Britain. It was the US and Germany.

They used to send people on the moon.

The US has been a major player for less than 150 years.

They still have plenty of time up there sleeve

Britain is older than that, and the same twats are still in charge. Our history is full of made-up stories, like the news.

George Washington and King George III were probably the same person.

Rome lasted more than 500 years, so... there's that syrup fag

>Roman Empire - 435

The other half was filled with pit raping monkey and gay pride parade every Easter.

Can't wait to see that in Manhattan.

>Dunno m8. Did the US have its 'The Age of Intellectualism'?

yes, and it's clearly over now

Probably, the technological bounds made 1940-1980s were pretty incredible.

yet every time someone compares the US to the Roman empire they say it isn't?

corruption and greed rules over people, outward looking and spread so thin it's rots from the inside before total collapse

you guys are trolling, right? You know the neither the empire nor the republic lasted more than 250, right?

The best thing that could ever happen to the United States would be to seceede from word affairs and barricade ourselves in the western hemisphere. Annex Mexico and build a wall along it's southern border (It's much smaller.) and literally tell everyone else they're on their own. halt all immigration and tourism etc.

>empires on a different continent are the same as a country with two fucking oceans separating it ffrom anyone who matters.

They add them together because they are tards who can't recognize the difference.

Say if they brought up the Byzantine Empire though, which lasted for a millennia, and they might have a point.

Also the key word is "average"

>heh we're not in The Age of Decadence

cool pic bro, wanna bring your cognitive dissonance to the White House

Byzantine empire - 1000+
The ottomans were around for 700+ retard

>The Roman Empire began when Augustus Caesar became the first emperor of Rome (31 BCE) and ended, in the west, when the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was deposed by the Germanic King Odoacer (476 CE).

Rome was kinda a continuation of the Greek Empire. So i hope America is still in it's Greek period, then we'll go into another 500 years of conquering, slaving, and butt sex

have fun being 'around' for a few hundred more years

>seceede from world affairs
YES user.

I dream of a moon colony specifically for that reason.

True. Though Germans and Jews palyed a large part in it. I mean the UK's 'The Age of Intellectualism' was pretty plain for all to see. Pretty much shaped modern science. The US were more kinda great engineers and project managers. Maybe the timescale is a bit out. I mean the US didn't really become empire til like the early to mid 1800s. Maybe they're just skipping straight from affluence to decadence?

all memes aside, 1950s to 1980s were groundbreaking

you could criticize Glubb but your argument is retarded.

He actually argues that weakening empires produce neighbours who start to rival and eventually consume the original empire - which is a fact.

the time span is arguable.

hehe, i am sure you'll be around for a while

but the world is now looking at china

That sure prevented you from meddling with global politic. Thanks heaven nobody have stealth fighter planes or ballistic missiles or submarine or something that could ever reach your untouchable shore.

>try to help
>get shat on
>he gets in trouble
>force you into helping him

thanks burger-kun.

>Rome was kinda a continuation of the Greek Empire
Of what?



t. Pablo from Mexico

Don't be mistaken, the USA will still be a thing, but everything that made our country great has pretty much vanished in the last 70 years.

We have the best colleges and the best research. The world envy's a degree from the usa. Even from the public universities.

>Burger doesn't know what average means.
Color me surprised.

These aren't some kind of hard laws. The Roman state lasted more than 1000 years, the Mongol Empire not even 100.


sorry, but pc culture and feminism has destroyed murrican universities

No, it happened.

The Internet you're using is one of the results.

>ignoring the obvious present and ongoing collapse of American society in every way to make a pedantic point about the Mongols

>Every Empire lasts almost exactly 250 years, it's a natural law!
>Gets presented with exceptions
>Y-you're being p-pedantic!
Just stop

The Mongols had absolutely nothing keeping them together as a united force after the death of the head leader, same problem with Alexanders Empire which split into multiple successor states which resembled the original peoples he conquered, just with new Dynasties ruling.

What has held the United States and indeed to whole Western World together in the past, has been through slow socially-engineering cut off and weakened. We are an old alliance of dying nations without the moral will to make the hard choices, or deprive ourselves of our bread and circuses enough to save ourselves.


the Constitution will stand.

pretty weird that the US is indeed collapsing at 240

>b-but history is more c-complicated, we'll be okay

i'm okay with this.

except for the first page of amendments yeah that constitution is holding up nicely


How can you call yourself an empire of any real fucking relevance when you're constantly getting cucked 24/7 past the 250 mark?

fucking retards get out ree.

Didn't realise the colour of surprise was brown

The Constitution is unironically taught as outdated in your schools m8.

It needs to be "modernized" or "streamlined" for today's fast-paced world.

Our 'Constitution 2.0tm' will rework the old laws made by stuffy old men for a fresh new reboot, revival sequel! New Amendments to outlaw Hate-Speech and any badmouthing of an oppressed minority by a privileged class, and the right to bear arms needs to be restricted to sensible law-enforcement.
Of course we will also put in a new law to put extra-super-duper stress on the Police to make sure they won't be oppressing anybody no-more. Justice for Tray-Tray!

This sounds as wacky as astrological age cycles.

the constitution is a living document that can be reinterpreted at any time to mean whatever it needs to, it's the foundation of america. just recently, top american scholars found out that the constitution allows menally ill men to marry each other


>250 years
>a fucking leaf

A constitution that means what the mainstream or a majority wants it to mean is worthless faggot

Break the cycle. Ascend to godhood.

>watches the barbarians execute his police officers in 60fps hd
>doesn't know that neither the roman empire nor republic lasted longer than 250

if anything, anything, anything at all were going well in America, you guys might have a point. as it stands, 250 seems like an excellent guess

>neither the roman empire nor republic lasted longer than 250