If this doesn't make you think, nothing will

If this doesn't make you think, nothing will.

You Americans really need to learn how strikes work.

what a loss

Oh no, how will I get through the day without some entitled overpaid cunt playing pretend on my picturebox.

What did she mean by this?

Emma Watson is a brit

It's an Amecian based strike though.

Oh no.

Memes aside

What did she actually mean by this

She has an inflated sense of self worth so she thinks her existence has deep significance to we proles.

Didn't this happen already?

Relax guys she just means her mom wouldn't have given birth to her.

i don't know what this is referencing, what did i miss?

women without jobs went on strike

Time for fishin'.

like stay at home moms?

Im puzzled

Why would anyone use this sentence? Is it supposed to be profound? Is it all about the ego? Is there some sort of double entendre? what the fuck is going on

was this some George Soros funded shit

Are you trying to understand women? Then stop. Women understand women and they hate each other.

She should pay the women who need the job to stay home.

This dumb shit is conjured up by pampered women who know nothing of real work.

she is probably trying to say that a woman gave birth to you............?

hey, burgers, little help. this is where i clap right?

As if it's so hard to spread your legs.