Will GoT ever top this?
Will GoT ever top this?
she looks like that retarded kid in the show, the one who cant walk
Has a woman ever had her clit cut off in this piece of shit? It blows my mind these WHORES can complain about bullshit like this after what Reek or whatever the fuck his name is was put through. This shit really hurt my respect for women. Totally unsympathetic cunts, terrible fucking creatures. The only good one is my mom.
I'd rape her if you catch my drift
I know why I have a panic attack the first thing I do is take selfies.
i don't even like my mom all that much to be completely honest, she did a bad job raising me
Is that missalice? Post a webm of her asshole.
Sucks 2 B U. My mommy is a saint.
to be fair, the rape scene was pretty bad and out of place. it seemed like they really held back and it really did not capture the brutality that ramsay was supposed to posses. it was so obvious that sansa had a non-nudity clause and it was weird seeing a guy like ramsay essentially just pork a fully clothed girl forcefully from behind. they should have wither went balls out or just not done it at all and left what happened to the viewers/imply it. GoT season 1 is kino, everything after that is shit-tier.
a samantha saint type of saint