DS9 > TNG > VOY > TOS > ENT > dog shit > the new movies

reverse Voyager and TOS position and its a top tier list my friend.

Those power rankings are spot on imo

>Computer, generate a universe where I'm not a 27 year old kissless virgin
>Unable to comply with your request ... virgin

What if the computer already generated that universe a long time ago?


>It's been a long road...
>gettin' from there to here.

>You will never be a small time merchant on DS9, meeting and interacting with countless different species from different planets and different backgrounds, making friends with Garak, having a comfy apartment that's only a short walk away, and doing whatever you want in Quark's holosuite

how am I suppose to cope with this feel

>DS9 > TNG
>VOY > anything
It's time to stop posting, lad.

>ds9 going nowhere is top trekking

imbecile or trollb8er

idiot or samefagging trollb8er

>ds9 guy is not even a captain


>ds9 guy
Really, now?

Anyone else not rank TOS with the other series? In my view it's not really comparable to the other series since it's from a completely different era.

Almost finished TNG. I don't want to watch ds9 so I thought I just watch the movies instead. Where should I stop? After first contact?

There should be a B4 reboot set after nemisis where he rediscovers his humanity and fights a team of other sentient AI led by a clone of Locutus who has seized control of the Borg. Locutus + Moriarty + Augmented Reg vs B4 and a madcap squad of dominion war veterans.

>ds9 guy really now?

I don't get it. What is he trying to say? It's wrong to call him a guy?

Wait, what?

I see the TNG defense force is out today. Trek without Roddenberry was improved immensely, his ideas didn't allow any type of interpersonal conflict or growth because everyone was already perfect.

Or are you guys getting paid in latinum to defend it?

Skip DS9. It's not Star Trek. It's just Desperate Housewives in space basically. And skip Enterprise. It's Grey's Anatomy (i'm referring to the show's relationship drama - Enterprise is all relationship drama and relationship this and relationship that) in a space ship. All the movies are ok except maybe the one with that space-time rift with Picard and Kirk meeting. That was weakly written tv episode tier not movie tier.

DS9 is the best Star Trek. It basically combines the best aspects of TNG and the best aspects of VOY.

What does the "Really, now?" mean. Agreement or disagreement? If disagreement, specifically what are you disagreeing with?

>they do not trek anywhere just drama in a space mall
>they don't even have a captain
>it's another quark-is-being-naughty-and-odo-is-exasperated episode
>it's another oh-imma-guy-in-girl-body-confusion episode

None of it's aspects are good much less best. The only TNG aspect it has is bald head. The only VOY aspect it has is comic-relief-alien.

You don't know Sisko's name, yet you decided to post on a Star Trek thread. It's an expression of disbelief. It's amazing that you need this explained to you.

>he does not use guy's name oh noes that can only mean he does not know guy's name

Assuming Imbecile (You)

>bawwww why won't you say his name bawwww

You have to explain the way you think because no one thinks like a triggered retard like you.

>they do not trek anywhere

They visit AN ENTIRE DIFFERENT QUADRANT multiple times.

>they don't even have a captain

Sisko is a Captain.

>it's another quark-is-being-naughty-and-odo-is-exasperated episode

Quark's character was brilliant and a breathe of fresh air. Honestly, DS9 had the best roster of side-stories and character development: Quark, O'Brien, Dax, Nog, Rom, Worf, Bashir, Odo, Garak, and even fucking Morn had running multiple story lines (and that's just off the top of my head).

>it's another oh-imma-guy-in-girl-body-confusion episode

You are so fucking dumb.

of all the things you can discuss and reply to, it's the lack of name you focus on. really?


DS9 being the best-trek is a meme you'll only ever see here, it's low-tier bait.
Also TOS doesn't deserve to be compared to any of the rest, it's in a league of it's own well above them all.

Calm down, boy, you're getting upset. I'll be on the bridge if you need me.

>Sisko is a Captain.


I agree although I would show relative quality:

TOS >>>>> VOY > TNG >>> ENT > DS9

And there's nothing else to discuss.


DS9 was boring. Better than JJTrek though.

Shit thread.


Double this. DS9 sucks.

In DS9, New Zealand is a penal colony. I wonder where all these anti-DS9 shitposters are from?

A quadrant with common sense.

its like 2 people who keep posting

>those digits.

>/thread/ nothing else to discuss

I will now stop posting itt and allow samefagging OP to continue samefagging itt hoping to b8 someone.


I watched every single episode in chronological order for the first time ever a few months ago.

>Better than anything
>Even on a scale with the rest