>i like your product and you have a go getter attitude
>and that is why im offering you $100,000 for 40% equity of your company and royalties of 60 cents for anything you sell for the rest of your life and the guardianship of your first born son
wtf why is this guys offers always so insane?
I like your product and you have a go getter attitude
He wants to make money. Unlike Lori who will invest in anyone that starts crying.
I'm out.
he's the only investor on the show that is actually good
Cuban and the rest of them earned their money through things outside of investing and are just famous. They're not actually good investors. And Mark Cuban is the most insufferable piece of shit on that entire channel.
>show me the numbers
ironic, considering Lori had some of the best deals, including that fucking sponge business that made $50 million last year
The fubu guyhardly ever invests in anything, also if the guy pitching is black the odds are he has an African or Caribbean background.
American blacks are indolent
Lori looks like she gives enthusiastic handjobs and nothing else
im pretty sure he just wants to uphold a jewish stereotype