Rough NIght

What was this shot meant to convey?

Other urls found in this thread:

that the movie is trash /thread
> Girls can too be degenerates get over it

Do you mean to say you wont be watching this movie with your family in theatres 2 times. Huh you woman hating DYKE CUNT

im not a dyke

Has any A-List actress JUST'D as hard as ScarJo

How do you go from


Sounds like code for taking it in the ass.

Was scarlet JUSTED even before she JUST'D ?

>What was this shot meant to convey?
white power in the butt only

honestly wonder how they'll get out of that situation


>almost every comedy movie trailer has its funniest jokes in the trailer
>none of the jokes in that trailer are funny

don't women know that acting like sluts and degenerates is incredibly unattractive to men?

I hate women.

I kinda hate everything.

This covers the two prong goal of Jews to destroy good breeding and sex relations in the west
:Make women want to appear more masculine in ways that make them appear less appealing and degenerate all in the name of being "liberated"
:Make any man who is interested in more than fathering children without raising them hate and avoid the average women

>Almost all of them are Jewish
So diverse.

She's going to to be a carbon copy of Hillary Clinton in five years


Wow, these Sony shills are strong. Mods, can you just start removing threads about this movie? Only shills post it / want to discuss it. Its total trash propaganda shit. Needs to be destroyed.

ScarJo is a fucking GODDESS. KNEEL THE FUCK DOWN Sup Forums

Fucking horrible trailer. This shit won't even lure normies to buy tickets.

>le raunchy women the movie
Its time to stop sony

since no one has done it yet

And here we go again...

Movie where bunch of guys act like drunken frat idiots - Juvenile junk

Movie where bunch of girls act like drunken frat idiots - Empowerment

That the target audience for this movie is a bunch of drunk Facebook moms and that it will be another forgettable chick flick.
Next question.