When will cops learn not to mess with blacks? This happened 2 years ago in detroit after a unarmed black was killed by police.

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>When will cops learn not to mess with blacks?
when they stop breaking the law

hopefully this will become a trend from now on

Cops need to treat blacks with respect. They wus kangs after all.


Kek that's another cop you dunce, I think he's using salt or something as a training exercise

That nigger played too much max payne as a kid.

Thank God the white man created Guns!

The yellow man created guns.




>hfw no Bullet-Time left

gun powder was first used by the chinese before europeans used it.

>I put his Cloak over him and left him as well as I could and were they my own brothers I could not have been more sorry for them this cannot be called wilful murder for I was compelled to shoot them or lie down and let them shoot me it would not be wilful murder if they packed our remains in shattered into a mass of animated gore to Mansfield they would have got great praise and credit as well as promotion but I am recorded a horrid brute because I had not been cowardly enough to lie down for them under such trying circumstances and insults to my people certainly their wives and chil- dren are to be pitied but they must remember those men came into the bush with the intention of scattering pieces of me and my brother all over the bush and yet they know and acknowledge I have been wronged and my mother and four or five men lagged innocent and is my brothers and sisters and my mother not to be pitied also who was has no alternative nly to put up with the brutal and cowardly conduct of a parcel of big ugly fat nacked wombat headed big bellied magpie legged narrow hipped splawfooted sons of Irish bailiffs or English landlords which is better known as Officers of Justice or Victorian Police who some calls honest gentlemen but I would like to know what business an honest man would have in the Police as it is an old saying It takes a rogue to catch a rogue and a man that knows nothing about roguery would never enter the force and take an oath to arrest brother sister father or mother if required and to have a case and conviction

>if possible any man knows it is possible to swear a lie and if a policeman looses a con= viction for the sake of swearing a lie he has broke his oath therefore he is a perjurer either ways a Policeman is a disgrace to his country and ancestors and religion as they were all catholics before the Saxons and Cranmore yoke held sway since then they were persecuted massacreed thrown into martyrdom and tortured beyond the ideas of the present genera tion what would people say if they saw a strapping big lump of an Irishman sheparding sheep for fifteen bob a week or tailing turkeys in Tallarook ranges for a smile from Julia or even begging his tucker they would say he ought to be ashamed of himself and tar and feather him, But he would be a king to a Policeman who for a lazy loafing cowardly billet left the ash corner deserted the Shamrock, the emblem of true wit and beauty to serve under a flag and nation that has destroyed massacreed and murdered their forefathers by the greatest of torture as rolling them down hill in spiked Barrels pulling their toes and finger nails and on the wheel and every torture imaginable more was trans ported to Van Diemans Land to pine their young lives away in starvation and misery among tyrants worse than the promised hell itself all of true blood bone and beauty that was not murdered on their own soil or had fled to America or other countries to bloom again another day were doomed to Port McQuarie Toweringabbie and Norfolk Island and Emu Plain and in those places of Tyranny and condemnation many a blooming Irishman rather than subdue to the Saxon yoke were flogged to death and bravely died in servile chains but true to the Shamrock and a credit to Paddys land What would people say if I became a Policeman and took an oath to arrest my brothers sisters & relations and convict them by fair or foul means after the con viction of my Mother and the persecutions and insults offered to myself

>and people would they say I was a decent gentleman and yet a policeman is still in worse and guilty of meaner actions than that the Queen must surely be proud of such heroic men as the Police and Irish soldiers as it takes eight or eleven of the biggest mud crushers in Melbourne to take one poor little half starvedLarrikin to a watchhouse I have seen as many as eleven big & ugly enough to lift Mount Macedon out of a crab hole move like the species of a baboon or Guerilla than a man actually come into a court house and swear they could not arrest one eight stone larrikin and them armed with battensand neddies without some civilians assist ance and some of them going to the hospital from the effects of hits from the fists of the larrikin and the Magistrate could send the poor little larrikin into a dungeon for being a better man than such a parcel of armed curs, What would England do if America declared war and hoisted a green flag as it is all Irishmen that has got commandarmy fortsof^her batterys even her very life guards and beeftasters are Irish would they not slew round and fight her with their own arms for the sake of the color they dare not wear for years and to reinstate it and rise old Erins isle once more from the pressure and tyrannism of the English yoke and which has kept in poverty and starvation and caused them to wear the enemys coat What else can England expect is there not big fat necked unicorns enough paid to torment and drive me to do things which I don't wish to do without the public assisting them

Sauce: nma.gov.au/collections/collection_interactives/jerilderie_letter


That dive over the counter was fucking badass

why are blacks so much cooler than crackers?

yellow man created gunpowder

but whites made guns

Appropiation is problematic.

That nigger got reked

Nigger logic
>get mad
>shoot a bunch of people who had nothing to do with the thing your are mad about
>"that will show um! We wuz kangs"

Nah, they didn't even create black powder, let alone guns. That's a WE WUZ KANGS tier myth.


>All citations you read on the internet or in print, have the following peculiarities in common:

>- The references are always cited by Europeans, never by Chinese. At best, the author claims that the text was "translated by a Chinese".

>- As a rule, the references cites "an old Chinese book". You never learn the title of the book nor the library in which you'd find it.

>- I have never seen a copy of an original text as a proof that the Chinese invented black powder first. Without such proof, it is impossible to examine the claims.

>- Only Romoki 7) printed a reference in Chinese characters, allegedly from 1232. Obviously it’s a modern print and the text is too fragmented to proof its truth. The story in this text deals with a fire pot.

An Englishman named Bacon wrote down the first recorded recipe for black powder. Even if the Chinese had black powder, which is doubtful, they certainly didn't have guns.

the yellow man created black powder for their fireworks, not the cartridge or gun itself.

There really is no question that the Chinese invented gunpowder.

>But his suggestion that the exploding bomb is an anachronism has now been demolished by solid archaeological evidence. Moreover, when the Japanese x-rayed two intact bombs, they found that one was filled just with gunpowder while the other was packed with gunpowder and more than a dozen square pieces of iron shrapnel intended to cut down the enemy.

>Ceramic bombs found on the 1281 shipwreck, left, prove the existence of these early explosive shells. Some historians had speculated that their depiction on scrolls recording the invasions was a later addition.


If by fireworks you mean explosives then yes you are mostly right. Although they also had the fire lance. Obviously Europeans exploited gunpowder to its greatest potential but there's no harm in giving credit where it's due.

But they never wrote down the recipe? Why not? One would think they would mention black powder constantly after it become well known, like European texts did.

Maybe it was a closely guarded secret. We can only speculate but the fact remains that there is solid evidence that they did in fact use gunpowder before Europeans.


>14th century
>land and sea mines

I fucking hate when people cant even be bothered to look up the fucking wikipedia. Its fucking 2016 and it takes 20 seconds even in a third world country.

They made guns. We perfected them.

>14th century
Nigger did you even read what I linked? I was contesting the claim that the Chinese had gunpowder as far back as 900 AD, as many claim. The Europeans had already written down the recipe by the 13th century.


>written from around 1040 to 1044
>already COMPILING gunpowder formulas
>smoke bombs
>greek fire flamethrower

fuck, meant this


Yellow man rail road builder

Why didn't the Chinese write down the recipe though? They had advanced language and alphabet at the time, surely they would record the knowledge of something so game changing?

i need you to revise this sentence

>When will cops learn not to mess with ANYONE

because any race could walk in there and start shooting.