Is the evil dead remake any good?
Is the evil dead remake any good?
The effects are nice. The characters are mostly dumb.
I haven't seen it but no.
Pretty good actually.
I'd go as far as to say it's the only good horror remake out there.
I liked it
This is the only post worth reading in this thread
It's nowhere near as good as the first 2, which are masterpieces, but I remember really enjoying it when I saw it with my old man
It has that tentacle rape scene so it's not totally shit.
That's why the two of us are the only onces with dubs.
It's definitely worth watching. Wait for the post-credits scene too.
You have a very short memory.
Almost. Could have been more gonzo without having to lose any seriousness they were trying.
it has some genuine creepy moments I love, but yeah, don't see for the characters or anything.
I expected to hate it but didnt. Its pretty alright.
I disliked the original. Would I like this?
Crowbar/nailgun scene is brutal and the arm scene is hilariously good.
Fair enough. What are some good horror remakes?
The Fly, The Thing, Cape Fear, Nosferatu the Vampyre, Maniac, The Blob, Invasion of the Body Snatchers... that's probably everything actually.
Depends on why you disliked the original.
It's more akin to a New French Extremity film than 70's horror.
I had an absolute blast seeing it in the cinema, totally exceeded my expectations. Not so much impact on rewatching it but still bretty gud and better than 99% of modern horror movies.
>that fucking money shot at the end
The glasgow smile scene was unnerving too.
Dawn of the Dead
You liked Maniac with Elijah Woods?
Good list otherwise, but that seemed like an experiment turned into a film, but it fell flat to me.
The Ring.
Never seen the first one, only 2 and I thought it was shit.
Heard the first Grudge movie was
Good too, but haven't seen it in years to say for sure.
I loved it, and I love the originals too. Did not expect Jane Levy to be that awesome.
I also liked the glasses guy that reads the book (great job) and almost immediately is like "No, fuck you, shut up and listen she's not having a psychotic break" when things go tits up.
The Ring 2 is one of the worst anythings ever made. The original Ring with Naomi Watts is even better than the japanese one.
The Grudge is...meh. The japanese original is far better.
I cannot comprehend why people like the remake so much. It was terribly dull and a bore. I thought Elijah's acting -- if you could call it that -- was poor.
I get the feeling people only like it for the aesthetics because it is not a good movie, otherwise.
Yes its great.
>I get the feeling people only like it for the aesthetics because it is not a good movie, otherwise.
Like Suspiria and 100 other beloved horror movies?