What do you think?
Cameron Morris
Jayden Diaz
Julian Wood
Am I supposed to care about Archie? Other than being twinkbait and pretty to look at, his character is just
Anthony Rogers
whos the hot ginger on the right??
Cooper Barnes
Tumblr - the show
Luis Hill
He's the everyman to counter everyone else being zany. Him and Veronica.
Which relegates them to treading water in B-plots while Betty and Jughead are investigating murders and Cheryl is living in a haunted house.
Elijah Lewis
This showw is full of pretty people, unlike Tumblr.
Cameron Adams
Kevin Fisher
where can I watch this show?
Luis Rivera
>Betty and Veronica team up to put the nigger in his place after he got fresh with the white girls
Guessing Sup Forums liked that episode