Can I get a quick rundown on this show?
is it even worth watching?
Can I get a quick rundown on this show?
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Do not watch under any circumstances.
People who still watch it only do because they've come this far. If they could go back in time, they would never start.
The story is drawn out, the arcs are choppy (they routinely have entire episodes dedicated to a single character, completely leaving out the dozens of others), the action is only occasionally interesting and there's only one or two eventful episodes in a season.
Watch s01e01 and s01e02
Then stop
this. fuck i'm late
I watch it on and off but not because I actually enjoy it, the show is mostly bad. But it comes on during the time of year when they're nothing else on during Sunday nights.
What the fuck am I looking at?
An actual scene from the most recent ep.
this. First episode is the best by far and it gets worse and worse every season
it may be the most bland and boring show i've ever seen.
can't understand why it's so popular
a deer. it's what it supposed to be