>tfw there will never ever be a Bioshock movie
How do you cope?
>tfw there will never ever be a Bioshock movie
How do you cope?
>already dead and forgotten franchise
Nice """"""""""art"""""""""", vidyafags.
Why does it matter? We still have the game. Plus it would be shit just like every other movie based on a video game.
>no Emilyfu as Elizabeth
I don't need to cope.
I am happy that the story was told in the medium the storytellers chose to tell it is.
Why the fuck do supposed fans of a game think it needs to be a movie?
Same with anime fans. Why would you want to see that shit in live action?
If anything I would rather see a side story set in that game or anime universe.
I am sure there are plenty of side stories in Rapture and Columbia that could take up two hours. Never mind the original games take far longer than the length of the movie even considering all the gameplay padding and grinding.
>video game literally thematically grounded on the idea of interactivity and meta-ludology never gets a movie
Duh. Goddamn you guys are fuckign stupid.
Occasionally I'll rewatch the "gameplay" trailer that came out for infinite before bed and dream of what might have been.
I blame Zooeys pregnancy
with crap tumblr fan art