>Former adult film star Christy Mack (real name Christine Mackinday) will take the stand again to continue her testimony when the trial of mixed martial arts fighter War Machine continues on Thursday. War Machine, who legally changed his name from Jonathan Koppenhaver, is charged with attempted murder and sexual assault for allegedly attacking Mack and another man, Corey Thomas, in Mack’s Las Vegas home.
>Mack first took the stand on Wednesday, tearfully recalling details of her past relationship with War Machine, including previous instances of abuse as well as what happened the night he allegedly assaulted her and Thomas. She described the highs and lows of their relationship, and went into their sexual history as well, including consensual rough sex and choking, which was different from instances of non-consensual violence that she also described. Defense attorneys have hinted that they will try to portray any violence that War Machine committed against Mack as a consensual part of their relationship.
>She testified that War Machine was physically abusive on a number of occasions, and that she feared telling anyone because War Machine threatened to send friends from the NAVY SEALs or from the Hell’s Angels to harm her if she reported the abuse to friends, family, or to the authorities.
>She was able to discuss how she called 911 while War Machine was allegedly beating Thomas, and that she thought she was “going to die” when he turned his attention to her. She said she remembered him using a knife to cut her hair, having a tooth falling out of her mouth, and War Machine telling her “that nobody could help me, that they were just broken ribs and nobody can heal that, anyway.”
MODS: We had a ton of War Machine threads when his chase was going on, he is a tv celebrity, so i'm assuming this is still Sup Forums related. If not, pls just delete instead of banning.