This is the best film I have ever seen. It's quite simply flawless.
Peak realist art.
This is the best film I have ever seen. It's quite simply flawless.
Peak realist art.
Other urls found in this thread:
"based on a work of fiction"
i bought this film last year, but i havent seen it yet
the problem is that nobody is ever in the mood to watch a holocaust film, so i just never watch it
The direction of the movie is really good; lots of great visual communication, but there is absolutely no nuance applied to the Nazi soldiers. They're all portrayed as cackling monsters.
And before anyone points to Schindler, he was an opportunist, not a real Nazi.
There are lots of depictions of outright sadism from the Nazi soldiers, other than Goeth, who's depiction was correct, throughout the movie. They are like laughing hyenas from start to finish. They laugh as they burn the massive pile of bodies, as they raid the ghetto, as they clear out the ghetto that night, as the Poles moan in the trains, as they hunt the kids, as they make the prisoners do circuits.
It's tiresome. It'd be a far more interesting to show men that didn't derive such pleasure from these actions but did them anyway.
Why do you need to be in the mood?
Watch it tonight. It's peak Spielberg. It's as good as a film can get.
Das Boot is pretty good.
probably the best fantasy film ever made
i think early on in the war, a lot of the nazis in charge of the extermination of the jews were picked because of their enthusiasm for the task. there were plenty of other tasks for less willing nazi soldiers to do instead.
so maybe it makes sense.
They picked the worst of the worst to work in the ghettos. The soldiers you quite literally are scum.
They can't because moviegoers need to believe that the characters personally get off on such actions rather than the possibility that they themselves are victims trapped within a hierarchy.
Not even in Spielberg's top 5.
>by Steven Spielberg
Do memes just write themselves?
This is on the special features dvd.
You know why they were portraid like that? Cause in occupied Poland they were exactly like this. Read some books.
good historical fantasy
nice Sup Forumsb8, OP
But it literally is. For some reason, never watched the film, but I have read the book it's based on. The author wrote a story based on a story told by a jew who liked Schindler. Of course it's fiction, reality is not cool enough.
Almost cried at end, when everyone hated Schindler because his was a nazi and he died depressed and alone
I wonder who is behind these 2 posts
The people involved in these units were monsters irl. Look up dirlewanger. Guy was a major officer and had sex with corpses
What did the Holocaust mean by this?
Fucking this, I can never get myself in the mood for Jewish kvetching about the Holocaust, it's just so boring, and I've seen it all before.