Lightsabers are fucking stupid

Lightsabers are fucking stupid.

If in reality you had an extremely light-weight sword that could penetrate any surface with ease, then the most effective swordfighting stance would be a european fencing style, utilizing thrusts and maintaining distance.

Basing the lightsaber fights off of katanas and kendo is retarded because there's no sense in using a technique that utilizes slashing and closing the distance when a weapon like a lightsaber would be best used to keep your distance and thrust

why is george lucas such a retarded weeb?

Space shotguns

>it's an autistic persons take on a movie thread

also they swing them around in the movies like they have weight when in reality you could just throw rapid fire thrusts at extremely high speed because you dont have to worry about actually putting any force behind your blows. This is also why keeping your distance and using a european dualing stance would be best, because a rapier/estoc is all about being light and quick on the thrust

some of the original art from the time had conical lightsabers shaped more like fencing swords.

but they were likely done before the artists even saw the finished movie.

Holy shit you're right. Star Wars is so unrealistic.

You know whats stupid? The fact they can still see with those giant flashlights blasting into their eyes.

>If in reality you had an extremely light-weight sword that could penetrate any surface with ease

I would want a whip or hell, put it on the end of a pole like a spear. It does seem like there's a lack of imagination and willingness to branch out from the original concept. Some kind of polearm or non-sword weapon would be neat but I'm just some guy.

this, in rebels the sabers are thinner

Are we Star Trek now?