Name a cooler movie car
Name a cooler movie car
I can't.
The rookie of the year
batous car from the live action pork in the shell flick
Steve McQueen's mustang from Bullit.
Literally every car from the original deathrace 2000
everything about this movie was so gay
step aside nincompoops
Jackie Chans Mitsubishi from Armour of God.
It had another car under the bonnet.
Good choice
gtfo barbie dream car
Came here to poast this
One to defend you the rest try to kill you.
Choose your ride.
what the fuck was their problem?
Bttf called...
No contest.
i pick top mid bamobile
what's the bottom left from?
>if my penis was a car
Obligatory. How do you get the little red light on the front?
Looks like a delorean fucked a 80s lambo and had a kid
Eleanor was better
I have one of those on gta5
W-what movie is this from?
Yeah that one was truck-kino
Christine is the obv answer. Happy Toys as a plan b.
>W-what movie is this from?
So do I.
That movie is so fucking great.
Charlie sheen kino
The Wraith
thx m8s
Marathoning it tonight thanks
Came here to post this
>anything but this
you guys are plebs, love /o/
It also happens to be the correct answer.
Wrong GT-R, friendo.
the only correct answer
Rasta Rocket is here
What the hell is the point of the door opening like that? An airbrake? It takes space horizontally AND vertically.
it's literally one of those shopping carts that look like cars
Not a car but fuck it
Also very unsafe
>butt fuck it
oh yes please
>horizontal tires
saves wear and tear i suppose
I can't because there isn't any.
Really wish Max had somehow gotten the Interceptor back in Fury Road.
Does it get destroyed in the last chase?
Is this the best movie car for the worst movie?
that car looks pissed
Pretty good but not as good as this
I doubt many people outside germany will know this one, but its my all time favorite
It's an evil car
I can't.
You people are total plebs.
Why is this so great
Dodge Charger is too mainstream
Everyone saying Steve McQueens' Mustang are worse though
Thats a Dodge Challenger from Vanishing point m8.
Nice try though.
Bulletfarmer car for best Immortan convoy car
Well that or the Doof Wagon
>The question is not when he's gonna stop, but who is gonna stop him.