I'm 3 episodes in
>"God doesn't exist"
>le epic science
>there's a literal cuck and everyone is ok with that
holy fuck, you guys were right
I'm 3 episodes in
>"God doesn't exist"
>le epic science
>there's a literal cuck and everyone is ok with that
holy fuck, you guys were right
calm down, stupid
contrarianism has come full circle
Reddit and Memey
The cuck thing was played for laughs, and the god comment was funny because of its delivery. It wasn't preaching anything.
The show is good, go back to Baneposting
>being a cuck is bad
Cheese, capsicum and banana with pineapple and boiled potato
it was aimed to the reddit audience since the begining
don't complain
The stupid intro warns you about it
The first season is quite good but le preachy nihilistic hedonism definitely gets old fast.
I also dont understand why someone would preach nihilistic hedonism sincerely. If nothing matters and only your immediate joy is important why spend years working hard on a show and then try to convince others of your moral inclination if you dont have a greater value than LETS PARTYYYYYYYYY WOOOO!!!
Everybody on Sup Forums has a father who was a cuck that's how you ended up here.
To be fair beth never sleeps with anyone else
lol it's just a fucking show you spaz do you get all your life lessons from shit you watch on tv? just enjoy it stop trying to pick it apart it's not that deep
Reddit and Morty isn't THAT bad if you know what's going to be bullshit, but it certainly does not deserve the hype
To be fair, nobody on Sup Forums knows what cuckoldry actually is.
the only part i thought was nihilistic was the speech to summer, but that was only to get her to watch TV
Reddit and morty is actually a quite decent show OP keep watching you might find yourself enjoying just dont take it too seriously like our friends over at reddit
>Family Guy for the Big Bang Theory crowd.
While rick and morty is the show that makes Sup Forums think of reddit, pic related is the show that makes reddit think of Sup Forums.
>thinking the characters of a show you like need to always agree with you
Why are people this fucking stupid? I am sick of people, especially other Christians, expecting characters in fiction to be exactly like them. I watch movies and tv to experience stories about other people, not live in an echo chamber of myself.
Honey Boo Boo's mom is hot as fuck now, haven't you seen the ads?
>I'm not gonna die until I find my wife in bed with another man!
>the cuck episode has a John Oliver cameo
You can't make this shit up
If its just a show then why ram in these messages constantly. At best its distracting and at worst its a total waste of my time as a viewer.
can't get more simple than that
Why are you even here if you don't care.
Fuck muslims and FUCK Muhammad.
I only watched few episodes and a black guy steals Morty's oneitis iirc
I guess that's why reddit loves it
>a former fatty
>ever attractive
Imagine all the loose skin.
Fuck Reddit and memey this show is fucking AIDS, only redditors would actually like this shit
Oh god, he's right.
"millenial" """"""humor"""""
>boohoo how dare you not pander to my delicate religious sensibilities
haha I love Rick and Morty! Time to get schifty!
(Get the reference?)
All the "jokes" and "messages" aside, how can anyone stand that little fags voice for more than an episode? It's worse than Cosmo from fairly odd parents. Will never watch the show again soley for that reason. Annoying as can be dude.
It's literally Redddit the TV show
This. I don't care what the rest of the show is like if the dialogue is that grating
How can people find that animation and artstyle good? To think there are people that found the "sexy scenes" actually sexy
>worse than cosmo
it's pretty good if you're 15 years old
and don't forget that feminist episode
Daily reminder that even Nietzsche was able to accept nihilism and move past it.
my problem with the show isn't that rick is a nihilist atheist guy or whatever my problem is they don't really do enough cool science shit and have enough adventures. the first episode of the show was all about this adventure they had but it slowly got more and more dramatic to the point where every episode ended with rick sadly moping about or something sad and sappy happens (the singularity one, the latest episode, the episode where jerry and beth fight and make up the other episode where jerry and beth fight and make up, the episode where morty and rick kill their alternate self) if they keep playing the sappy you should feel bad card it stops being very much fun, i was really excited for this show cause i would finally get something that is grand and adventurous but not plagued with kid's show dialogue or memes. also jerry and beth are fucking cancer what is the fucking appeal other than it makes things more depressing
come on user he spent his entire life obsessing over the nihilism problem and went crazy from it he tried developing all sorts of secular philosophies to get around it going anywhere from vitalism to that weird eternal reoccurrence shit. the nigga went insane in the city of turin and many people believe he grabbed a horse that was being flogged and collapsed on it
>I'm 3 episodes in
No you're not, you just felt like making the same exact thread again and didn't want to be accused of spamming. Well too bad, faggot.
These threads are fucking terrible. Kill yourselves all of you, including me.
Family Guy is a lot better than this
the Big Bang Theory is a lot better than this
Dude people find Sonic the Hedgehog sexy.
Rick is miserable though, it's a big part of the show.
>mfw season 3 never because women can't write jokes
Okay so you've tried out the show. You didn't like it. Alright cool. You can't like everything. So are you going to turn it off and enjoy other things or are you going to keep making the same thread every day?
He is miserable becuase he doesnt include his family in his indulgence, but hes more than willing to murder for the lulz.
Its very shallow.
yeah at least BBT never pretends there's no god.
It is very shallow, but I don't think the rest of that is right. He just indulges these base impulses but feels nothing from them long term, where 2 ends he seems to acknowledge that the family means more to him than fucking around as a space fugitive
everything this poster said
it works best at doing comedy, the feels shit is just not done well
>If nothing matters and only your immediate joy is important why spend years working hard on a show
I dunno retard, maybe for fucking money?!
This is the real problem with the show, not the fucking reddit meme
It needs to be more of a goofy high-concept sci-fi adventure show and less of a preachy feelsly Community-esque bullshit show like everything Dan Harmon touches.
Reddit and memey.
*BUURRRRP* "God's not real Morty"
>the redditor begins to chuckle
"L-life is pointless Morty, your *URP* parents are fucking idiots"
>the redditor laughs out loud, spewing Cheetoh crumbs all over his desk
"W-wake up fucking sheeple, everybody is an idiot but me"
>the redditor can hardly contain his full bellied laughter as chortles begin to fill the room
>The redditor starts convulsing on the floor, gasping for air between spasms of laughter
"mmmm get schwifty"
>the redditor's heart explodes and he dies
The best part about this is the influx of triggered redditors trying to deny this, even though it's true and they know it.
Is it because Reddit likes it?
I hope you're not too triggered by my making clear that I'm not in obstinate denial of there being a majority overlap insofar as at least lurking (and dare I say even be "part of the problem") but an earlier post of this pasta was screengrabbed and made it to the front page
Gonna have to reach a little farther to hit any butthurt
Because it's the theme of the show. Do you think the writers of breaking bad go home and make meth because they wrote a show about it?
How are you so dense? Maybe the show is truly above you.
>Can't stop talking about Reddit
The obsession this board has is telling
Cosmo is annoying. Morty is more annoying. Also unfunny as opposed to Cosmo's occasional joke.
this is comedy gold given the voice actor they chose
it is like you people only live through your impotent rage at things
self-importance is cool when it drives you to appreciate obscure art, not when it makes you a meme-tier critic
>Inb4 something something reddit
the show is by and far a dark comedy
the fact that we don't even see it as such is because of how fucked up normative culture is w:re violence, nihilism, sexual predation, culling
J&B are cancer and that's pretty much how the show's creators clearly view monogamy
they are buttmad nerds who just recently tasted success for the first time (harmon didn't really make any money before this show and roiland did sarah silverman and probably wanted to KHS)
rick mopes occasionally but like everything he does it doesn't last, and no one really gives a fuck
What exactly are the messages? Develop relationships instead of shutting people out? Work on hard relationships with your family?
Those are the only take aways besides "abuse every possible advantage to come out ahead" that i've seen repeated.
Hating atheists and being a contrarian should make you implode, no?
i don't go to reddit, TV is shit that much of a shithole that any one of any opinion will hate 90% of other posters
i liked Sup Forums before pol had its shitspill
seriously what do when you aren't screaming cuck, sjw, pronouns and "womyn"?
Why would we lie to you?
cosmo's jokes were really daft straight man jokes, he was genuinely the three year old asking why to make wonda mad, which was worth - fairly odd parents was great before new season
dude family guy can't string together 5 minutes of coherent content together and has been creatively bankrupt since season 4. if you had said south park there could have at least been a discussion
how the fuck does someone feel the need to model/base their life's philosophy on one TV show's character
like how the fuck do you live having to change your moral skews e'er day?
do you realise a show is made for purely hedonic purposes? read a fucking book plebsauce
yeah right clearly you haven't read any fucking nietzsche
the dude couldn't make a single point without redressing the person who would make it, making the contrarian statement, and then maligning that with his own intent
basically he just obscured any of his own ideas as soon as he had put them to paper because he thought they sounded like shit
his letters are the best example of this
his massive addiction to opium as a sleep aid instead of taking control of his life with exercise just goes to show you how much he lamented his 'wasted' existence. judging yourself that hard means you didn't get past existentialism at all
reddi t
lol, redit
memy lol
lol redit
>there's a literal cuck and everyone is ok with that
The episode specifically makes fun of that. It's probably the only show to do make fun of cucks. How fucking idiot can you be to not see that? This show is truly above some people.
what did he mean by this
Sup Forums dislikes a show
>cannot fucking shut up about it and need to make threads 24/7 to discuss how shit is and how memey/reddit it is
you guys need o chill and watch other stuff.
Although i'm pretty sure the show's creator browses Sup Forums and Sup Forums and shitposts himself a good % of the threads.
we all know angry nerds will never get along that's why Sup Forums is all shitposting all the time
thats why we're still here
>i-it's totally ironic! heh
---> Sup Forums
my rage is dwindling. i can't keep up with you frothing young autists anymore. carry on for me.
You don't understand nihilism.
When the Formula gives you a negative inside the square root, you can now simplify that zero by using complex numbers. The answer you come up with is a valid "zero" or "root" or "solution" for "ax2 + bx + c = 0", because, if you plug it back into the quadratic, you'll get zero after you simplify. But you cannot graph a complex number on the x,y-plane. So this "solution to the equation" is not an x-intercept.
Most hit or miss cartoon probably ever made. One episode can be hilarious, the next unwatchable dogshit
its bizarre
Family Guy is far from perfect but it's also far better than this board gives it credit far. While I agree it isn't always the most coherent, it's miles funnier than Rick & Morty
That's bullshit unless you genuinely find nonstop celebrity references comedy gold
That's bullshit and you know it. Other than celeb based episodes like the Tom Cruise one, which was way better than anything R & M has done.
You're just plain wrong
>God doesnt exist
But he does. Rick and Summer literally met the devil, he ran a cursed antique store. So if Lucifer exist, Andy must as well.
>If nothing matters and only your immediate joy is important why spend years working hard on a show
>It's an "user can't differentiate the views of fictional characters and the views of the author who wrote them" episode
Rick being nihilistic (he isn't really) doesn't mean the authors are.
No it isn't. Family Guy doesn't even try anymore. They don't even try to write jokes. They just say and do edgy and controversial things for sake of being edgy and controversial.
At the very least Rick and Morty tries. You might not like it but at least it tries to do something.
Doesnt matter hoq much you cry tv reddit and memey its still a pretty solid show and you will all be watching s3 like sheeples
maybe you should stop thinking so much senpai and just enjoy the show