Redpill me on the situation in America right now

Redpill me on the situation in America right now

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It's a goddamn clusterfuck.

Niggers keep nigging.

That's all you need to know.

Black people are committing crimes. It's white peoples fault somehow.

This essentially.
Niggers ruin everything.

da joos

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

Blacks watch 33% more television than any other racial group, so the news outlets cater to their apecentric worldview, which is actually more racist and stupid than white supremacy. Basically their theme right now is a black person can commit any crime they want and resists arrest, fight the cops, try to shoot the cops, and the fact that the cops were even trying to arrest a black person in the first place is racist, they demand white people resign from office any time anything bad happens at all, and idiot white enablers at coddled campuses join in the circlejerk of a victimhood narrative and help convince black people that they are the victims of endless oppression and they have no responsibility to improve themselves because it's all structural racism and cops keeping them down.

That is, a few days ago when a gang member on parole threatened a homeless man with a gun then resisted arrest, kept fighting after being tasered, and then tried to fight off two cops trying to get him to the ground to take his gun away and ended up shooting him, all the news outlets fed the chimp rage by calling it 'the cold-blooded execution of an innocent black man for selling CDs'

Black people just want to act out and be angry. That's why you see protests in Philly, over a thousand miles from Louisiana. They have nothing better to do and want to blame whitey for their failed ghetto culture and criminality.


Niggers gonna nig.
Niggers promptly get shot for their niggery.
Niggers chimpout because whitey is shooting niggers.

>cops shoot unarmed blacks guy....again
>blacks have protest
>someone starts shooting cops at protest

Also the race of the shooters are unknown.

Basically, the blacks have stopped indiscriminately killing each other, and are now indiscriminately killing everyone else as well. We will all be dead by the end of the week. It was nice knowing you, Ireland.

CNN, BBC, and especially Goldie Taylor and the Huffington Post are responsible for the 5 dead cops in Dallas.

They will twist any story just to feed black rage and white liberal guilt because it gains more viewers so the advertisers can sell more Jordans and KFC.

As of now, it's really not that bad. Will blow over in a few days unless there are more attacks/controversial police shootings.

Got ya senpai, little quick research right here.

There will be copycats now. That's how it is with mass shooters, as we know from experience in this country. Things will spiral out of control.

am i the only one who starts seeing a swastika after staring at this for a while?

No. It was a black person, who wanted to kill white people, he said that. This is certain by now. Uncertain, at least to my knowledge is, if he went to BLM and indeed did it as a revenge act for the "innocent" blacks who got shot by police officers. According to RT, sump black supremacist group claimed responsibility

>Also the race of the shooters are unknown.

woah be careful with that thing man

Normal blacks and whites were brainwashed by racist niggers.
Some normal blacks become niggers, some niggers became Double Niggers. These double niggers not only hate the cops, but actually have the balls to kill cops.

Brainwashed whites support the niggers, not knowing it was they who wanted the cops dead.