>652 days until Avatar 2
652 days until Avatar 2
Jim is making a huge mistake with these Avatar sequels imho senpai.
Who's that
Agreed. Could result in a major blemish on his spotless career. Sad to see him do this to himself.
this sounds familiar
That senile fuck Ridley Scott recently stated that he wants to do 6 more Alien movies after Covenant. Oldschool directors were a mistake.
I meant it sounds familiar because this is EXACTLY what people were saying about Titanic and Avatar 1
Jim "Based" Cameron
Context matters and here it's entirely different. Don't simplify things like that now.
What will come out first?
Avatar 2
Next Game of Thrones book
Half Life 3
>"Jim's new movie is going to BOMB"
>That's what you said last time
>"y-yeah but this time it's different"
like a broken record
He's 62, relies more heavily on cgi and insists on a franchise that has lost all its steam. No one is immune to making bad calls, not even Jim.
user I want you to do this every single day like that faggot who counted down every day until Bella's 18th birthday for like 5 years.
>giving a fuck about Avatar
What the fuck?
Shitty overhyped movie with dated as duck CGI.
And they're opening a stupid Avatar Land at Disney World in May?
Who gives a fuck.
This series is gonna bomb harder than Ghostbusters.
>Bombing ever
Oh, you poor retard
What a waste that was given how she turned out
t. someone who saw everyone of those posts
Who cares how much money it makes? That's never been an indicator of quality
The movie is going to be fucking awful and you're all normie trash for encouraging it.
He basically already has. I see that stupid blue frog every day.
h-he'll be back again right guys?
don't worry. Jim will never abandon us.
>dated cgi
I'll have you know i watched through avatar just to see what you people were shitposting about and you're wrong
Great, more blue space monkeys bitching about their fucking tree
Nah, you're wrong.
It's shit.
Wear glasses.
>5 more Avatard movies before he gets to Battle Angel
life is suffering.
will abatap return?
Based Jim can't be stopped and you know it