
Going to ironically kill myself myself edition

Other urls found in this thread:


how do we destroy race.

first for I love latinas

thread theme

I can't stop focusing on my own breathing it's driving me mad famalam

Send american mail bride plox (white or asian only)

I hate how gun supporters feel the need to go all out and legalize as much unnecessary shit as they can, and anti gun people feel the need to take away as much shit as they can
these people have no conception of the word compromise

>drumpflets want to deport THIS



Is ariana even latina?

Am I really all the things that are inside of me?

filtered the corked wine through coffee filters lads

its fucking rancid but im a borderline alcoholic so i'll end up drinking it anyway

wow it's like you're meditating
next you have to find a word to use in your mind and repeat the sequence over and over
some people use bible verses
some count down from 5 to 1 and then back from 1 to 5
some say some indian guru shit
or just concentrate your best and repeat "pepeeeeee, pepeeeeeee, pepeeeeeee"

real thread theme


>music with "OST" in its name
teenager tier

Anxiety and depression are ruining my life but I still don't want to end it, a life of NEETbux and Sup Forums is better than no life at all


for me? it's bannerlord

shes some type of Mediterranean I think.

whats the difference?

I have a date this weekend


um you don't compromise with your enemies sweaty you kill them

>white flight
>white people using their democratic right of freedom to move is RACIST
>they had no reason to move!

50 years later...

>Oh h-heh, it looks like every place where they left is now a crime infested shithole with murder rates rivaling the third world


one mixed with ancient asians
the other came from ancient babylonians or some shit

there were black people in canada back then?

fuck niggers

Making that Pepe is one of my proudest moments

You are nothing more than your consciousness I say


it's at times I don't want to be meditating lad. I've been unable to push it to my subconscious for some 48 hours

what does /cum/ drive?

maybe if you meditate you'll undo it~

give leftists an inch and they'll take a mile

no compromise

republicans have given a lot of inches

I've taken a lot of inches ;)

I've give your mom a lot of inches

Her up the wall

idk but i really like the look of the new beetles now that we're done with the 2000's hippy/mom phase

Another anti-leftist post

what GPU does /cum/ use?

>has never paid attention to what Congress has done over the past 20 years of his life and thinks he can comment on what any party has done
retarded fuck

GTX 1080


nice, i had a zotac one for a while

dummy head


should I have a shot of scotch

why would you upgrade from a GTX 1080
what a colossal waste of money

i want the best and newest shit

my i7 4790k probably shits on whatever garbage you run now

i had that cpu too, i have a 7700K now

I am a chicano

how do you feel about your future?

>buying a CPU that's only 14% faster

ill sell it and buy the newest thing when it comes out

I'm in that picture but I ain't gonna tell who I am

god i wanna rub ur face into smashed potatoes

My dad is in that picture

will give it a shot thanks pal

Why hello son



just realized I don't dislike the taste of bud light anymore
I guess I'm just getting older, used to not be able to drink bud light at all without some kind of chaser, now I got no problem chugging it down


i have horrible body odor

what's the point though
weight gain?
pee more?
just stick to hard liquor + coke

try using soap, dumbass
if it's a genetic thing, i'm sorry

its me
how u

i use body wash and deodorant but i still smell like shit

how do we destroy gender

that's just a meme perpetuated by people who don't shower
it's like fat people saying they're big boned or have a slow metabolism

You can't destroy biology

most retarded thing i've read this week

how do we educate people about sexual spectrums

why do trumpfags talk about trannies so much

obsessed about the jesus and the bible idk

Because they are mentally ill

shower before u sweat
body odor is caused by bacteria on the body eating sweat and breaking it down into acids, these acids are what smell. if you have less bacteria on your body you'll smell less. use deodorant sprays as well

Why did setsuko have to get sick. Been a while since i actually felt like crying at a movie

>black hair and brown eyes
>body odor
>small dick
should i kill myself?

Why is eugenics considered evil?

hey right wing americans
do blue lives matter if they're coming to confiscate your guns?

Don't think they would follow that order

and yes they would

Doubt they would

its literally their job. why wouldn't they?

It's sometimes nessceary to not follow orders

evens jerk off today
odds jerk off tomorrow
dubs why not both

so you're just wagering that every cop is going to share your political view, and the depth of your conviction and risk their job over it

not everyone one of them, but i think at least half will

>i think
no reason to think that tho 2bh. majority of cops have historically generally enforced the law in America. Even during times of retarded laws like prohibition

not really, there were speak easies and led to massive organized crime. Only FBI really enforced it and had a very hard time doing it

Do you have anyone who would miss you? Killing yourself for such reasons would be petty

Just my parents

I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really miss smoking weed

It's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bad for you though

found a futur darwin award recipient

There you go, don't kill yourself
Just your lungs

can a shrink get me a prescription for testosterone supplements? I think I'm unironically low test