Who has the better taste?

Who has the better taste?

Their top 20 favorite movies:
19.Hamlet (1996)
16.Ed Wood
15.Secret of Nimph
13.Spirited Away
12.A Clockwork Orage
11.Fearless (1993)
10.Citizen Kane
9. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
8. The Dark Knight
7. Good Night, and Good luck
6. Lost in Translation
5. Eyes Wide Shut
4. Batman
3. To Kill a Mockingbird
2. Amadeus
1. Brazil

20. Full Metal Jacket
19. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
18. The Sword in the Stone
17. Rear Window
16. First Blood
15. Jaws
14. This is Spinal Tap
13. Ed Wood
12. Gremlins
11. Vertigo
10. American Movie
9. Wizard of Oz
8. Terminator 2
7. Star Wars OT
6. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
5. Rocky
4. Ghostbusters
3. Back to the Future
2. King Kong (1933)
1. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

>15.Secret of Nimph
>10.Citizen Kane

Avgn wins

Fuck why is Doug the movie critic. James has tons more taste.

>Spinal Tap
based James

My boy James, because those are actually his top 20 and he's not trying to show off
and I'm biased because King Kong is my favorite movie

James' list seems more honest.

Def James.
Does he still get hate from refusing to see Answer the Call?

everyone said it was shit and it ~mysteriously~ disappeared from the public eye

>Back to the Future
>First Blood
>Willy Wonka
Based James wins
>Vertigo over Rear Window

James provided a list of movies that let you know who he is as a person. It's personal, intimate, and real. Doug is just trying desperately to gain any cred he can get with anyone at all. It's a messy try-hard load of shit.